so who's doing what ...

I definately should come and visit you some day....I slept and worked...your weekend sounded much more fun :D
insert penis here said:
Weekend over. Got wankered and stoned in Southampton.

All good... :headbang:

:hairbang: :trippin: :hairbang:

I'm assuming wankered isn't something you do to yourself, right, cause if it is, I take all that back.
No, of course not, Shadow. We'd much rather you do things alone, especially since the goat thing.
one of the good things about living in Hilo .. even when it's pouring rain, if the surf is up, you surf ...

this is ku'u's hunny and my son surfing out by my mom's house :)


surfing.jpg, 222.63kb

and this is the other thing we did this weekend ... like mother, like daughter

(ok, relax .. she didn't drink any .. the baby, I mean .. ku'u did ... so did I ... but just a little ... not enough to be a bad aunty and bad mommy ... I promise :))


miewithbeer.jpg, 289.76kb

HAHA. Very cute! (both of you) :D

Getting "wankered" here = getting very pissed. Nothing more, lol. :headbang:
uh-oh ... talk about a blackmail shot. Don't let my mum see that!

psst ... can't you crop me out or something[/siz]
nope .. can't crop you out, I'm sorry .. can't do it *shaking my head*

think I wanna lose my blackmail abilities?[/siz]
dunno ku'u, if you wear the right disguise no-one will ever know... ;)

and always wrap that bottle in brown paper :D

please don't hurt me, please, i'm trying to be nice i promise and help you, no offence intended *ducks imminent bitchslapping*[/siz]


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That's a good one ris!


See Ku'u, no one will ever know.

BTW Na, *noticing the backwall to be your mommy's home* would that "bottle of milk" *wink, wink* be from that delivery truck that went to her hale a couple of weeks ago? ;)