Some cool new guy joined


New Member
Hey guys I don't know who this guy is, but someone by the name Morphix joined this fourm...seems like a alright guy. Actually hes pretty sweet. He says Hi by the way :D
Odd, I joined about a month back and my handle is staffrodore, not Morphix. Many thanks though for your delayed wellwishes, condolances etc.
Hi Morphix! Welcome again.

Really, it's okay if your Canadian. Really. Some of my best friends...

Bienvenue à OTC
Welcome to OTC

Sorry...I'm Canadian, but my official welcome has to be in both official languages and the french has to be at least twice the size of the english one. Sucks :)

Seriously...welcome on board!!!

ps. How'd ya manage to get an avatar before your 50th post? :confused:
hi bud! welcome to otc....even if you are'm starting to feel like a minority...kinda makes me feel...special.
Ooooo. Canadian. Kewl! :canada:

And so our evil plot to take over the world via internet message boards has begun in earnest :D


MrBishop said:
ps. How'd ya manage to get an avatar before your 50th post? :confused:

I was going to ask the same thing. But then I got to thinking that maybe that limit went away after the upgrade and has yet to be reinstated. :shrug:
Personally, I love Canadians. Aside from beer, they make those of us in the US feel superior, right Leslie? :devious: