Some rumors concerning U.S. troops in Germany



America is to punish Germany for leading international opposition to a war against Iraq. The US will withdraw all its troops and bases from there and end military and industrial co-operation between the two countries - moves that could cost the Germans billions of euros.
The plan - discussed by Pentagon officials and military chiefs last week on the orders of Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - is designed 'to harm' the German economy to make an example of the country for what US hawks see as Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's 'treachery'.

The hawks believe that making an example of Germany will force other countries heavily dependent on US trade to think twice about standing up to America in future.

This follows weeks of increasingly angry exchanges between Rumsfeld and Germany, in which at one point he taunted Germany and France for being an irrelevant part of 'old Europe'.

Now Rumsfeld has decided to go further by unilaterally imposing the Pentagon's sanctions on a country already in the throes of economic problems.

'We are doing this for one reason only: to harm the German economy,' one source told The Observer last week.

'Our troops contribute many millions of dollars. Why should we continue to support a country which has treated Nato and the protection we provided for decades with such incredible contempt?'

Another Pentagon source said: 'The aim is to hit German trade and commerce. It is not just about taking out the troops and equipment; it is also about cancelling commercial contracts and defence-related arrangements.'

The Pentagon plan - and the language expressed by officials close to Rumsfeld - has horrified State Department officials, who believe that bullying other countries to follow the US line will further exacerbate anti-Americanism and alienate those European countries that might support a United Nations resolution authorising a war.

German industry earns billions of euros every year from supporting the US Army Europe which, although reduced from its Cold War heights, still totals 42,000 troops and 785 tanks - almost three times as many as the British Army owns. Many of these soldiers and their fighting equipment, including Apache helicopters, have already been sent to the Gulf.

German industry is heavily involved in supporting the US presence. Among the defence companies which stand to lose out are missile-maker Diehl, aerospace and defence giant EADS Deutschland, armaments maker Rheinmetall and vehicle maker Krauss-Maffei Wegmann.

There is also a US Air Force contingent of about 15,000 service people with bases at Bitburg, Frankfurt-am-Main and neighbouring Ramstein, where the commander doubles as part of the Nato command. This force includes nearly 60 F-16 fighter-bombers and a squadron of A-10 tank-buster aircraft.

Rumsfeld and his staff have made no attempt to hide their fury at Schröder's 'treachery and ineptitude' over Iraq. Last week Schröder leaked to reporters a Franco-German plan for avoiding war by increasing the number of UN weapons inspectors before informing his American counterparts.

'After this, Germany is finished as a serious power,' one of the sources added. 'This is simply not the way to conduct diplomacy at a moment of international crisis.' One diplomatic source said Rumsfeld was 'furious at Germany. He is a bruiser and it looks as though he means to do it'.

Under these plans, the US would move its troops in Europe eastwards to countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic and the Baltic states, all of which have strongly supported America's line against Saddam Hussein. It is likely that the overall size of the deployment would be reduced, as the US military changes its priorities for a long-term and disparate engagement with international terrorism.

Although Rumsfeld had already been considering a redeployment of US troops around the world after a war in Iraq to save money and respond to new threats, the plans now under consideration go far beyond what had been discussed.

It is likely that future years will see a sharp increase in the proportion of special forces troops able to deploy rapidly across the globe.

Germany would suffer considerable financial loss if US forces were withdrawn from the country. The bases provide jobs for local people as everything from administrators to cleaners, and are huge customers for dairy products and bread.
Weird. But I would think such a move is good. The eastern European countries could use the help and opportunities provided with such a move, and it would stimulate their economies a lot.
Anyone in the service industry could tell you that 'the customer is always right'. And the US is customer to nearly the entire planet. Anyone forgetting that does so at their peril, and their economy. Even sitting on bottom as it is now, the US economy is the driving force for the entire planet.
We're really coming off like a bunch of childish bullies. It's a shameful time to have the leadership we do.
Squiggy said:
Its still "Think like me or I'll turn you into a third world country".

Yeah, it is, but...

If they aren't going to be our ally here, why should we continue to support them?
We should support them because of what they are - a democratic nation with concern for human rights. Not because its a way to control their thoughts....If thats our attitude as a nation, we suck.
Squiggy, but Eastern Europe needs our help and support more than Germany at the moment. I'd rather support and live with friends than live with people who pretend to be your friends. Don't you think?
I won't deny that as a nation in general, we do suck. but I guess what pisses me off is what kind of shape would our economy, and even more so, our federal deficit be if we weren't in every fricking country in the world. Even the countries we don't like we send money to.
Germany isn't declaring us their enemy. They just don't agree with our position on Iraq. And who are we kidding? All those years of what you are calling charity was actually us buying the right to put our military there FOR OUR PURPOSES.
PuterTutor said:
I won't deny that as a nation in general, we do suck.
No, take this from an immigrant who has had no country to call home for years.... The United States does not suck. Plenty of bad and good, but in general, it is one of the better place in this world. :)
Don't get me wrong, I still love this country, and would be willing to die to protect it, but...

If you want to look at human rights violations, Weapons of Mass Destruction that far outnumber need, and lately, civil rights violations, you don't have to look too far. We are a bunch of self-serving bastards, that fact can't be denied.
There is nothing wrong with looking after yourself, your family, and your people. I'm much more inclined to look after my neighbor than someone 10,000 miles away that I don't know. Those who don't look after themselves need others to look after them.
Not hurt them. Just not encourage them. Trade doesn't stop. But sending US paychecks to inflate their economy does.

Many towns in the US and Canada have suffered similarly from base closures. And if Germany and France decide that US policies are too extreme for them to live up to their agreement of mutual defence, well those bases can, and perhaps should be relocated to somewhere with less objections. Somewhere like .... Turkey?
Prof....Your key words were 'mutual defense'. If Iraq attacked us, I have no doubt that Germany would stand by our side. We are attacking them.