Some rumors concerning U.S. troops in Germany

You and I both know approximately how long you can keep a deployment on the ready before it either goes, or destroys itself...
That said "People" ....but thats another thread....and its already been done.....far too many times.....:D
Germany isn't declaring us their enemy.

They just did. In a story in the Washington Times, the ship we stopped on it's way to Yemen a couple of months ago, for carrying arms, was tracked taking several tons of sodium cyanide to North Korea. To appease the arguments, it can be used in many things but it's also a prime ingredient for many, many gases.

flavio said:
without any regard for diplomacy.

Back to the original question. What has the last 12 years been? A losing proposition.

Squiggy said:
If we find something, its a different scenerio.

Imagine, you're in a group of about 120 people, driving all over California looking for 20 or 30 trucks. Those 25 trucks have spotters, helicopters, eavesdropping equipment & many many officials, "who are helping you find them". I'll bet you I could keep you from finding them with a cell phone, a pager & a pair of binoculars. It's not the inspectors job to play hide & seek. It's Iraqs burden to show proof of destruction or deconstruction of weapons they ALREADY admitted to having.
Damn, Gonz...You keep showing me stuff written to make "them" look so evil, when in fact WE do the exact same things. Without going back to quote that arcticle word for word..."N Korea is suspected of supplying chemical and other weapons...blah, blah..." Where the hell do you think Israel got their weapons early on? And isn't it general knowledge that we armed bin laden when he was keeping the bad Russians away from that oil pipeline for us? When are you finally going to admit that we are just the biggest hypocrit in all this. Just about any accusation I've seen made of these "evil doers", can also be made of us. I don't care if America just wants to take over the world. BUT SAY THAT THAT IS WHAT WE"RE DOING. Don't drag me into this hypocricy of "we're the good guys".
Israel is sanctioned & made by the UN. In the aftermath of WWII, somebody had to protect the Evil (can't think of the word so I'll just use) Jewish Bankers & Media backers.

Could it be we armed bin Laden to fight the Russians just to see what they would/could do?

Squiggy said:
Don't drag me into this hypocricy of "we're the good guys".

Hey now, that hurts. I like my little naivete. We ARE the good guys. As mentioned before, they're not beating down the doors to get into Macedonia. That, and I'm finally supporting a war in which we're involved.
Gonz said:
Could it be we armed bin Laden to fight the Russians just to see what they would/could do?

Yeah...Thats it...We had them kill people just to see what Russia would say...How noble of us...:eek6:
No, after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan we needed to help & bin Laden was crazy enough to play. Had we stayed out of it, the war would have lasted 30 days.
Hmmmm...The Soviets 'invade' but when we do it its 'ridding the world of evil doers' strange...:retard:
flavio said:
Now we want to hurt countries that simply disagree with us. That's BS>
this seems to sum it up pretty well for me. i'm wondering whether we ever left playground and went to jr. high
Squiggy said:
Gonz said:
Could it be we armed bin Laden to fight the Russians just to see what they would/could do?

Yeah...Thats it...We had them kill people just to see what Russia would say...How noble of us...:eek6:

Exactly the same thing the Soviets did in Vietnam. ;) We both played that game, so there is no point in arguing.

One more thing...

When our last president authorized the interventions in Yugoslavia, nobody protested. The only difference between this military action and Yugoslavia is terrain and the number of troops. I submit this to all of you...if the word draft hadn't been bandied about, how many folks would be protesting?
Noone complained about our intervention in Yugoslavia because we had nothing to gain in that fight. The world clamors and moans that we are too slow at chasing hot spots like Somalia and Rwanda ...and then starts pointing fingers when we act in situations where there is a plausible gain to be had. I never understood how people can bitch about us being too slow to act and too eager to act all in the same breath in what is just not our !@#$% problem. I'm so very tired of being the only world cop for an ungrateful mob. If we get involved, people condemn us for the deaths of 10s of thousands and imperialistic actions. If we don't act, people condemn us for letting 100s of tousands die of starvation, ethnic cleansing, and opposition execution.
Squiggy said:
Hmmmm...The Soviets 'invade' but when we do it its 'ridding the world of evil doers' strange...

We aren't planning on expanding our empire, so there is a difference.:finger:
I think the whole concept of invade/regime bends upon the baseline of wether the government is a semi democracy or not. We are a semi democracy (aka Republic) and seek to perpetuate our own. A publicly elected government and a free press are at least a buffer against massive repressions and executions of a governing body. Any government based upon any form of unilateral control will use every Machiavellian trick in the book to stay on top of the hill. Its just a shame that we end up placing equally nasty and corrupt killing regimes in place that will brook no opposition... just so long as it isnt communist. *sigh*We keep backing the wrong horse it seems.
Gonz said:
Squiggy said:
Hmmmm...The Soviets 'invade' but when we do it its 'ridding the world of evil doers' strange...

We aren't planning on expanding our empire, so there is a difference.:finger:

Did it cross your mind that we were both attacking the very same people? (taliban and bin laden) :finger: It was fine when we thought osama was protecting that pipeline for us.
I think we were supporting the more secular group in those days that we are attempting to reinstall this day. The taliban uber religious types that siezed Afghanistan only did so after a few years of international looking the other way. The muhajadeen were a rather collective lump off all manner of hill tribesmen.