Some rumors concerning U.S. troops in Germany

Squiggy said:
Germany isn't declaring us their enemy. They just don't agree with our position on Iraq. And who are we kidding? All those years of what you are calling charity was actually us buying the right to put our military there FOR OUR PURPOSES.

Of course, you realize both Germany and France have been buying their oil at cut-rate prices from Iraq since the sanctions began, thereby undermining the whole idea of sanctions at the same time. You also realize that, if Saddam Hussein is 'removed' from power, that France and Germany will be without a cheap oil supply for at least 5 years while they have to renegotiate with a hostile new Iraqi government. I'm pretty sure that you also know that the the oil deals made by France and German companies are the only true reason that France and Germany do not want the US from getting involved with Iraq. Call it what you will, but if France and Germany would have backed the sanctions like they should have, Saddam would be in a much worse situation than he is now, because he wouldn't have had the cash to keep investing in his WMD's.

On the subject of WMD's...Russia has more NBC weaponry than we do, Squigg. Always had more, but they are getting rid of theirs faster than we are because of their economic troubles. We should be on par in about 6 years or so... ;)
Gato_Solo said:
On the subject of WMD's...Russia has more NBC weaponry than we do, Squigg. Always had more, but they are getting rid of theirs faster than we are because of their economic troubles. We should be on par in about 6 years or so...

The worrying thing is who the fuck they're getting rid of them to! :(
Gato_Solo said:
the oil deals made by France and German companies are the only true reason that France and Germany do not want the US from getting involved with Iraq.

This is pure conjecture.
You check 'em. There's no proof that oil is the only reason France and Germany don't support war because of oil anymore than there is that the US wants war because of oil.

It's probably a factor in everyone's thoughts though.
Trouble is...France and Germany get most, if not all, of their oil from Iraq. If a war breaks out, and it probably will, what happens to their economies? You want to talk about a depression? If that's not a prime reason to avoid a war, then I don't know what is.
Conjecture plays both ways. Saying that France and Germany are doing what they are doing for purely economic self protection is along the same lines of the 'america the bully' and 'no blood for oil'. Its all conjecture. None of us have the smoking gun. Noone here can definitively prove one way or another without a doubt that X is the given reason for anything. The true motives for anything on the global scale for a given country is held so close to ones chest that even senior ministers are in the dark half the time.
That's pretty much what I was saying. People like to simplify things and say the US is in it for the oil. Now people on the other side want to simplify and say France and Germany are in it for the oil.

It all seems like BS that people tell themselves to make them feel secure in their stance while neither represents anything near the whole truth.
My take is that the US is trying to ram this war down everyone's throats without any regard for diplomacy. Maybe Dubya thinks if he doesn't hurry it won't be finished by the end of his term?

Whatever the reason it just seems like our administration is a big hurry to get everyone on board and it's blowing up in their face. We know that Dubya is a poor public speaker, I think he's now made it obvious that he's a horrible diplomat as well.

If we could let the inspections proceed for a few more months and quit acting like bullies maybe we could either have some peaceful resolution to all this or at least not have half the world against us.

I think our repeated mishandling of the diplomacy part of this is one of the biggest factors in the whole situation.
flavio said:
My take is that the US is trying to ram this war down everyone's throats without any regard for diplomacy. Maybe Dubya thinks if he doesn't hurry it won't be finished by the end of his term?

His objective, as I see it, is to maintain a perpetual state of war throughout his term...

Whatever the reason it just seems like our administration is a big hurry to get everyone on board and it's blowing up in their face. We know that Dubya is a poor public speaker, I think he's now made it obvious that he's a horrible diplomat as well.

I've said from the beginning, He is nothing but a cheerleader and war is his game....

If we could let the inspections proceed for a few more months and quit acting like bullies maybe we could either have some peaceful resolution to all this or at least not have half the world against us.

Without the emotion of war, he would look awfully silly as a cheerleader....

I think our repeated mishandling of the diplomacy part of this is one of the biggest factors in the whole situation.

What do you expect from a cheerleader?
So, let's say that we let the inspections continue...and we find something. What then?
:confuse3: If we find something, its a different scenerio. The problem is, we haven't. But we're acting like we have.
Iraq is a large country...and the stuff we did find is called circumstantial evidence. I admit that there's no such thing as foolproof evidence, but where is the line drawn?
Gato_Solo said:
Iraq is a large country...and the stuff we did find is called circumstantial evidence. I admit that there's no such thing as foolproof evidence, but where is the line drawn?

You are wearing a uniform. I think you could better judge the point that you are willing to risk dieing over the gravity of 'evidence found'. Those of us who have served will always have your destiny shaping our thoughts. Those who won't serve will never have your destiny shaping their thoughts. Somewhere in the middle a decision will be made...
At the rate they're burning us out, I'd rather just get it over with. Harsh, but better than the alternative of maintaining what we're doing now...