Sorry folks, but you're wrong...

Free money...pile on :rolleyes:

for nearly 50 years
Seems to be missing a zero or three.

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (search) (RICO)
Look, it's the big mean brother of the Patriot Act.

I'll just smile & await the others reaction to the rest :lol:
eh, I've said all along, that the tobacco industry just pissed off several
people, or just quit lining their pockets, in the senate, and house, so this
war on tobacco started.
IMO alcohol is way more damaging, but you don't see any legislation for
probation again. ('cause there are too many in the house, and senate that drink) I guess,
and also the alcohol industry is probably making sure that they keep the "lawmakers"
pockets full of cash.

Then too there's probably the non-smokers in the gov. that got offended
somewhere along the way by secondhand smoke, so they are looking for
anything to use to ban it.

I just don't understand how some states can be looking at approving pot,
but then the gov. in general want to ban reg. cigarettes. It seems kinda
fishy to me.

If these liberties keep disappearing, we might as well go all the way, and
just communize America. :confused:
Seems like a way to popularise the current GVT by "showing everyone that they care for the health of it's people".
catocom said:
I just don't understand how some states can be looking at approving pot,
but then the gov. in general want to ban reg. cigarettes. It seems kinda
fishy to me.

Not just the government...the most outspoken anti-tobacco (smoking) activists, including on this board, seem only too happy to want to legalize currently illegal drugs in general, and marajuana in particular, which is why I'm so sure that banning smoking (a legal activity) in any private area is a wrong idea. If people don't like smoke, then have them get together and open a non-smoking club/bar/restaurant, and STFU, but it's always easier to turn something as innocuous as smoking into a pariah. :shrug:

I remember one time mentioning that air pollution, in general, causes more problems than smoking, and getting satirized for it...perhaps because everybody drives, but not everybody smokes.
Lets see...what was the first thing banned in NYC? Then the second? The Third?

If you notice, every time something gets banned, it becomes easier to ban the next one. All three bans have one thing in common, though. ;)

Funny article. Note the date, and read the following quote...

“At some point these busybodies have to stop,” Mr. Nolan said. “If we can give our rights up to personal property, the nose of the camel is in the tent and there’s no telling how far we can go. I’m telling you the high-fat craze is next.”
let the facts and risks be known.

i want to know where my local eatery is using (added) trans fats. because i'll order something else. it's a health risk that i'm not taking where i can avoid it.

but ban nothing.
and yeah i'm IN FAVOR of smoking in bars. i think it adds to the ambiance, and i miss it when it's not there.
I think smoking in theaters should be brought back. It'll never be half as annoying as the loud mouthed motherfuckers that go to the movies these days.
and yeah i'm IN FAVOR of smoking in bars. i think it adds to the ambiance, and i miss it when it's not there.

I smoke. I also drink. I tend to do both at the same time. So do most of the people I hang out with. If someone doesn't like smoke, why don't they either go someplace else, or open a place thats non-smoking. That would solve the problem, and nobody would be 'put out'.
I am highly skeptical of that one. It is just what the pharmaceutical companies want you to hear.

The pharmaceutical companies make vitamins as well. Check the label. ;) I posted that as an extreme example, anyway.