Ye know not of which ye speak. Ted Nugent is one of the most anti-drug human beings alive. I met the man in 1986 before a show in Knoxville TN. I witnessed first hand the way he handles the guys in his band. Trust me, they were not allowed so much as a beer before they walked on stage with him. He regularly donates money to anti-drug causes, does PSAs galore, and is outspoken (as only Ted can BE outspoken) about drugs.
Now, just in case I misinterpreted your post, and you meant that all the others are drug oriented musicians, I submit Gene Simmons. The man has been quoted as saying the only time he was ever high in his life was in a dentist's chair. Both he and Paul Stanley are avid anti-drug supporters. (Ask All Ears or do
NOT want to get into a KISS trivia discussion with WILL lose...) Gene and Paul are also both vocal about staying away from alcohol, though Paul did tip a few brews in his youth. Ace and, they are different stories. One should note, however, that both Ace and Peter were dismissed from KISS on more than one occasion for their substance abuse.
Care to tangle?

My resume will speak for itself...I
AM the metal god!