
Mine is:

Athlon 2100XP
128MB Ram
Radeon 7500 LE <------ soon to be GF4 Ti4600
Creative Labs 5.1 Sound Card
Creative Labs 5.1 Speakers and subwoofer
At the moment I'm posting on an Compaq Armada 1592DMT. I'm looking at a IBM PC330 75mhz, and under the desk is a IBM PC 350 200mhz. In the living room, I've a IBM Netfinity 266mhz, and down stairs is a Intel PPro 180@266. Out in the car is a IBM PC350 266mhz.

And I'm not even at home.
Win98Se/Linux-Mandrake8.2/WinXP Pro
1.2ghz266DDR T-Bird @ 1.4ghz
VolcanoII /RadioShack Paste
384 MB PC133
Matrox G450 32MB AGP
Haupauge WinTV-FM PCI-Tuner
Maxtor 60GB ATA100 7200RPM
16x DVD
6424 CDRW
Logitech Cordless Freedom Optical mouse/keyboard
Viewsonic G90f 19"
Altec Lansing ACS54 Speakers
duron 600 (fic az-11 mobo) Time for an upgrade I know!
256mb pc133
Asus geforce4 440mx ddr
20gb western digital 5400
80gb western digital 7200
52x24x52 lite on cdrw
nec zip drive
haupauge tv tuner card
running winXP
Main rig:

ASUS P4T533 - 32bit - w/cmi AC'97 sound
Pentium4 2.53 @ 2.53GHz
CodeGen 6055L-C10 Mid Tower w/400W
512MB PC1066 Samsung 32bit-RIMM
ATi Radeon9000 (only 64mb though)
2 - Maxtor 20gigs 7200rpm ATA133 on RAID
40x12x40 Opti CD-RW
Lite-on DVD
Samtron 78DF 17" monitor
Altec Lansing 5.1 speakers
Windows 2000 sp3
Microsoft Blue optical cordless mouse
GE cordless keyboard

Secondary rig: routing computer (cause I don't like routers)

ASUS P4T533-c - 16bit - w/realtek AC'97 sound
Pentium4 2.4 @ 2.4GHz
Enlight (I think, not sure what model, it just looked cool) Mid Tower w/350W
256MB PC1066 Kinsington 16bit-RIMM
ATi Radeon9000 (only 64mb though)
Samsung 80gig 7200rpm ATA100
MSI 52x CD
NEC 15" monitor
real cheap speakers
Windows 2000 sp3
Microsoft optical mouse
Black acer keyboard

Aopen AV77 ? something
AMD xp 2000+ @ 1.667
Can't remember what the case is.. w/300 ps front usb
256MB PC3200 samsung
GeForce mxII (I think)
Maxtor 40gig 7200 ata133
cheap kb, mouse, spkrs, and monitor

Celeron 2.0 gig
celeron 1.7 gig
tbird 1.4 gig
tbird 1.2 gig
celeron tual 1.0 gig
PIII 667 gig
amd slotA 700
K6-2 533
PII 450
PII 450
PII 400
PII 350
PII 266
celeron 400
celeron 333
celeron 266

Room full of
Pentiums 133 - 166mmx
and don't even know why I keep the rest of this crap.
I like posting the computers I've aquired in the last 2 years.:D

I used to go to different forums (about 2years ago) and people
were posting thier 1.2 tbirds and 1gig celerons, and all
I had was a PII300. So I set out to build a collection.
Buying, selling, and trading like crazy.

I can crunch the hell out of some genome now, but I don't
use most of those computer much if any at all.
I do still use my PII300 now @450:D , and it's still a damn good

I still mess with the old reg pentiums like a 133-166 just to
stay sharp on the newer ones IRQs and stuff, and for
overclocking fun,;)

People out there that are still running a pentium 133,
POST it and be prowd of it. A lot of people don't even have that.

BTW all my systems, except for the first 2 are for sale, but most
people that come here can probably find a better deal.
I make my money on them from people that never had
a computer, or don't know much about where to look for
the best prices. (I CAN beat dell, HP, or gateway though):D
Pentium 133
Cyrix PR333 :D
K6-2 450
Pentium II 450
Pentium III 650
Pentium III 1000
Duron 1.3
Athlon t Bird 1000
Athlon T Bird 1.4Ghz

Currently in use
XP 1700+ 1.53Ghz
XP 2100+ @ 2.2Ghz
XP 2800+ @ 2.34Ghz
Dual XP1900+ 1.6Ghz
Pentium 4 2.8@3.12Ghz
System #1 (mine) Windows XP PRO

Athlon XP1800+@ 2300+
Abit KX7-333
512mb Mushkin PC3000
Thermalright AX-7 w\Delta 80mm fan
Antec Full Tower Case W\300 and 250w PSU's
Chaintech GT21 Geforce4 Ti4200 @ 315\575
Maxter 60g HD (7200rpm)
Maxter 40g HD (7200rpm)
Hercules GameSurround (muse xl)
Samsung SyncMaster 900SL 19" Monitor
Lite-on 52-24-52 CD-RW
Lite-on 16x DVD
Zip 100 Drive
Altec Lansing (80watt) speakers
Digatal Doc 5
Mitsumi Floppy Drive
3 com NIC
Linksys NIC
3Com Cable Modem
Linksys 4 Port Router
3 80mm case fans
1 120mm case fan
HP Scanner
Canon Digital Camera

System #2 (sons) Windows XP PRO

T-Bird 1.4@1.6
Maxter 60gig (7200 rpm)
256mb (pc 2100)
Alpha PEP66
Hydraulic Mid- Tower Case
Geforce3 ti500 (64mb)
SoundBlaster 128
lite-on 32-12-40 CD-RW
Linksys NIC

System #3 (wifes) Win XPpro

1.3 Duron
Geforce2 MX
256mb (pc133)
50x cd-rom
Enlight Desktop case
HP printer
Canon Scanner7y
old boxes can still kick some ass depending of the application. my gateway is an old ghetto-rigged p-200. it runs wvdial, distributed.net, and vnc, and does it all wonderfully. granted it's only routing dialup so the 15ms or so response time from it is acceptable. yadda yadda, it's got 96M ram, a 1G hdd, another 1.2G drive with bad sectors that fills a drive bay, and a scsi cdrom that isn't plugged in either.
My desktop is a XP1600, 256M, 40G, Radeon 8500, all the other goodies.
My laptop is a P3-800, 192M, 20G...
Did I mention none of them are running winblows?:headbang: :headbang:
eek... i dunno what mine's got... the laptop, celeron 400 or so... i know the battery lasts four hours on a good day... the desktop... err... some sort of athlon...
numba one
Windoze 2000 Pro sp3
XP2100+ @1737 wohoo
Epox 8K5A2+
generic case with 4 fan holes cut and waiting
350w enermax whisper
512mb Samsung pc2700
Coolermaster HCC-002, loudest cooler available :headbang:
gulimont geforce2 mx 32mb
Plextor 8/4/32 burner
Samsung 16x DVD
Maxtor 120gb ATA133 7200
Maxtor 30gb ATA100 7200
17" Mag Innovision Pure Flat
80s clunky IBM keyboard
3btn Logitech
10mbps T3

numba 2
Windoze 2000 pro sp3, Linux-Red Hat 8.0
Celeron 300a @ 450
Abit BX6
dual 3dfxcool cooler
320mb Corsair pc133
'6x' generic CD
Diamond Sealth 64 2mb
3gb WD ATA66 5400
30gb Maxtor ATA100 7200
14" IBM monitor, no where close to flat
cordless logitech KB and 4 btn mouse
10mbps T3
nambit said:
eek... i dunno what mine's got...

something like this...

Athlon 1.2
768MB PC133
60Gb hard disk space
Matrox G400
Pioneer Slot-loading DVD drive
HP burner
ISA soundcard of some sort

at the moment, i'm having to make do with a K6-2 500, 128MB of PC133 SDRAM, a Voodoo 3 3500 16MB, 20Gb HDD, 16x DVD, SB Live! 1024, and quite possibly Hansol's worst excuse for a 14" monitor ever.

Will be getting a new rig soon. Watch this space :)