Spin the bottle/Dare Game/Sexting


Well-Known Member
I'm guilty of playing the first two when I was younger. A nice game of spin the bottle was a fun way of getting in some tonsil hockey in my tweens. Truth/Dare/Double-dare was interesting in my late-teens, especially in conjunction with alcohol...but you can put all those aside, baby! Welcome to the world of modern technology...a cell-camera in every pocket and the internet/email in every home.

Now, you can take a picture or video of yourself doing naughty things or showing off your naughty bits and send them to your bf/gf/bff and not only do you get the thrill of having them oggle you at a distance, but they can also share them with their friends, neighbours, parents, and the general internet population...with a bonus feature. You can get them arrested for possessing child pornography while you're at it.
GREENSBURG, Pa. -- Three teenage girls who allegedly sent nude or semi-nude cell phone pictures of themselves, and three male classmates in a Greensburg Salem High School who received them, are charged with child pornography.Police said the girls are 14 or 15, and the boys charged with receiving the photos are 16 or 17. None are being identified because most criminal cases in Pennsylvania juvenile courts are not public.

"It was a self portrait taken of a juvenile female taking pictures of her body, nude," said Capt. George Seranko of the Greensburg Police
Department.Police said school officials learned of the photos in October. That's when a student was seen using a cell phone during school hours, which violates school rules. The phone was seized, and the photos were found on it, police said. When police investigated, other phones with more pictures were seized.

Hmm...a sex-offenders listing, the gift that keeps on giving.

Now, I knew that teenagers were stupid, but seriously?
Last year, in Goshen, Ohio a 19-year-old cheerleading coach was convicted of indecency charges after taking a topless photo of herself and a 15-year-old girl.
While in Texas, a 13-year-old boy was arrested on child pornography charges in October, after receiving a nude photo of a fellow student on his mobile phone.
So if you get convicted of kiddie porn when you're 13, do you still have to register after you turn 18?
Nothing new here. Web cam kiddies are all the rage in the CHAN circles. The same guys who used to try and coerce kidlets to meet them in parks now get them to do stuff in the safety of their own rooms. A 12 year old girl gets to watch a grown man wack off for the price of dancing about her room nude, which she probably likes to do anyhow.
...and buddy would get arrested for doing so...but what's the 12yr old girl's 13yr old BF gonna do with a sex offender's record?
This is an example where the laws will always be taken to their farthest extremes by the authorities. They regularly now arrest kids for taking pictures of themselves nude even though the images belong to them by copyright law. Any dissemination of same is their right to do. The authorities simply see this as one more vehicle to get as many people into the system as they can. That is, after all, their job -- to bring people into the system.

"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."

- Atlas Shrugged -- Ayn Rand
A brilliant book, Jim, but not one you'll find in many public (read Gov't supported) libraries anymore.
at 900 pages, you won't find a lot of people willing to read through it...not enough patience. :p
Which is why I maintain that elections by the Sheeple are pointless. Far better to have an educated upper class to lead and manage the country to everyone's mutual benefit than to hold a popularity contest voted upon by millions without a whit of wit. Hence returning to situations where landowners, and not farmhands, decide what crops will best serve the land and let it last generations as opposed to those whos past decisions have led them and their family nowhere.
This is an example where the laws will always be taken to their farthest extremes by the authorities. They regularly now arrest kids for taking pictures of themselves nude even though the images belong to them by copyright law. Any dissemination of same is their right to do. The authorities simply see this as one more vehicle to get as many people into the system as they can. That is, after all, their job -- to bring people into the system.

what legal system recognizes the right of a 12 year old to make adult decisions? if they were to do that, statutory rape, child pornography, cild molesting, and who knows what else would soon be legal.

some laws exist to protect those not wise enough to make serious decisions. shall we repeal child abuse because maybe the child wanted to be slapped around?

i also question a teens right to send out nude photographs of themselves, usually taken with a camera on a cell phone. certainly that is a violation of the agreement with the cell provider. so by doing this they have broken a civil contract at the least. read the fine print in your cell contract and you might be surprised what rights you forfeit for the privledge of using that little phone. the kid may own the image but he she does not own the distribution media used to send it

plus theres the nagging little detail about it being just plain wrong to anyone with a lick of damn sense
what legal system recognizes the right of a 12 year old to make adult decisions? if they were to do that, statutory rape, child pornography, cild molesting, and who knows what else would soon be legal.

some laws exist to protect those not wise enough to make serious decisions. shall we repeal child abuse because maybe the child wanted to be slapped around?

i also question a teens right to send out nude photographs of themselves, usually taken with a camera on a cell phone. certainly that is a violation of the agreement with the cell provider. so by doing this they have broken a civil contract at the least. read the fine print in your cell contract and you might be surprised what rights you forfeit for the privledge of using that little phone. the kid may own the image but he she does not own the distribution media used to send it

plus theres the nagging little detail about it being just plain wrong to anyone with a lick of damn sense

I will concede to the righteousness of the law if you can show me the victim and the damage to society of a person under a certain age taking a nude picture of themselves. There is no "victim" and society is not harmed. If it were true that society is damaged then there would be no age beyond such activities are legal. The activity would be illegal across the board regardless of age.

Tell me the difference between a girl taking a nude picture of herself one day before her eighteenth birthday and that same woman taking a nude picture of herself the day after her eighteenth birthday.

Does two days make a difference in a person's ability to make the decision to take a nude picture of themselves? Does two days make a "victim"? Does two days damage society? Does the nude image change significantly with the passing of two day's growth?

The laws are being abused.
Does two days make a difference in a person's ability to make the decision to take a nude picture of themselves?

There has to be a set-point, somewhere. By your argument, at what age may a minor enter into a contract? After all, it's only a cell phone. The linei n the sand may be somewhat arbitrary - some 18 year olds are competent...some 24 year olds aren't - but there has to be a legal age of consent in order to give weight to the law.

Do 14 year olds deserve the death penatly?
seems like some people here have a thing for girls under 18. always the same people defending underage sex/nudity/whatever. curious.
Same can be said for those defending queers. But it would be homophobic to say it out loud, wouldn't it?
I don't think you'll find many for it. Indeed, the only argument is who gave anyone the right to impose limits. 150 years ago, boinking a 12 year old was perfectly legal, but rump riding was criminal. Today, it's 180 degrees. Who's making these rules and why?
hmmm yeah i don't know but i'd rather let roger and bill, as consenting adults, choose to plook one another than have chester and 12 year old sally playing doctor.

but, then, i value choice.

12 year old sally never had no choice in any era.