Spin the bottle/Dare Game/Sexting

and I suppose it's a twist of fate that we have risen to the top under those principals?

yeah only now as a nation of drooling, piggish spendthrifts we're spending half our time sucking off our chinese and saudi masters.
No my young Padawan you've got the roles reversed.
The Chinese are at the beck and call of Wal-mart
and the Federal Reserve and the Saudis are firmly under
the thumb of Big Oil, just the way we like it.
If the enviro-whackos didn't challenge EVERYTHING in court, we could return to our capitalistic roots. Once again, a liberal mindset has ruined the whole show.
yeah it's that simple. jesus fucking christ.

hey, come back! you left your salt lick next to the trough of macaroni and cheese.
It is that simple. When the start up costs double, or triple, it becomes a losing proposition to attempt to build. So, it's simpler to go overseas, where regulation & the green, are kept under contol.
It is that simple. When the start up costs double, or triple, it becomes a losing proposition to attempt to build. So, it's simpler to go overseas, where regulation & the green, are kept under contol.
and I suppose that the lack of child labour laws and working for .12c/hour has nothing to do with it....not to mention unions.
A brilliant book, Jim, but not one you'll find in many public (read Gov't supported) libraries anymore.
That is completely untrue. You can find Ayn Rand books (both famous books: Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead) in any public library.
There has to be a set-point, somewhere. By your argument, at what age may a minor enter into a contract? After all, it's only a cell phone. The linei n the sand may be somewhat arbitrary - some 18 year olds are competent...some 24 year olds aren't - but there has to be a legal age of consent in order to give weight to the law.

Do 14 year olds deserve the death penatly?
Although I support the death penalty, not as a deterrent, but as a way to cull the waste from our society... I do not believe a 14 year old should be put on death row. If the 14 year old did something so heinous that he/she should be put on death row then they should be put in an asylum for the criminally insane.