Sports Injury


Well-Known Member
I have gotten an injury playing a sport...
I was bowling, slipped and fell, and I can barely walk now...
lol a bowling injury, how lame is that?
OK, here's an embarrassing story...

I'm left handed (one of the other things wrong with me :D ) and have no clue how to bowl b/c nobody can teach me. I was with some friends at a local lane and decided I'd try my luck at just watching and trying to "mirror" the process.

When it was my turn I got up, threw back, brought the ball forward and managed to catch myself behind the knee, knocking myself to the floor.

I never bowled again.

That's sad... :(


I didn't know that Bryant. One day we'll have to go to Capitol Lanes and let you learn how to bowl. (Can I assume you were intoxicated that one time you tried it?)

My worst sports injury... was probably getting hit in the nuts by a female soccer player. The ball was bouncing towards her, and I tried to intercept it. I jumped up with my knee up so I could catch it on the inside of my leg. She decided she was going to use her hip to clear the ball back out. (!!! -- is this a legal maneuver? :confuse3: ) I got the ball, but when I came down I landed straddle of her hip. I immediately bounced back and hit the ground, where I proceeded to roll around in agony for several minutes while she stood over me apologizing and trying not to laugh. :grumpy:
Wussies...Compound fracture of the tib/fib on my left leg and dislocation of almost everybone in my foot.....collision with a second baseman.
I've never had a real serious injury, cut off the tip of my right index finger when i was about 12, had about 100 stitches elsewhere on my body, including 10 on my left nut, but never a broken bone.
10 stiches on your left nut.... that must have hurt... :(
I've broken my left arm once, my right arm twice (but luckily not at the same time)
Nah, the tearing it open hurt, they used anestesia on me before they stitched it back up.:tardbang: