

Well-Known Member
While everyone's looking the other way
the US economy is freakin' Booming!!!

Grab with both hands boys and gurls
fill up those mattresses cuz
this partys' the last one they'll be a throwin'
for a long long long time!
That message was brought to you by folks with the opposing viewpoint of the ones who were screaming something to the effect of THE SKY IS FALLING & IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT!!! KILL HIM. GET OUT. WE'RE SCUM and then forgot to post a retraction when it was shown to be complete :bs:
Why, when Carter was in office, all the economic problems, the recession and the inflation were all directly his fault and had nothing to do with the problems created by Nixon and Ford. But yet when Ronald Reagan and GB were pres their problems were inherited from Carter so they are blameless. Yet when Clinton is pres the economic prosperity is due to Reagan and Bush, but then when Bush is pres the economic problems are all Clintons fault but yet GWB is able to work a miracle and turn it around in less than 4 years and make a recovery when no credit is given to dem presidents for what happend while they are in office. You guys can't have it both ways! If your theory about Clintons prospericty was true, and it isn't, but if it was then Bush's recovery is Clintons work.

I am not even going to pretend I understand all the workings of the economy, but I do know Republicans paint the picture to suit their needs regardless of facts.

Talk about not taking personal responsibility.
Please specify what "problems" were created by Nixon & Ford. Economically speaking, of course.
No because it was before my time. You please specify why Clintons two terms were not his doing (the economic prosperity) but how does Bush work a miracle and make it all better in one term?
Some of the things I know Nixon did that shook up the economy was to pull us out of Vietnam (not that that was a bad thing) but transition from wartime economy is always rough, and him getting run out of Washington had to have some economic uncertainty surrounding it. But as I have said those guys are essentially before my time.
markjs said:
No because it was before my time. You please specify why Clintons two terms were not his doing (the economic prosperity) but how does Bush work a miracle and make it all better in one term?

In 1994, he lost more same party members in the Congres than any previous sitting President & the Contract with America was written & followed through on by a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS.

Albeit Mr Clinton eventually conceded (due to polling) that he should signs those bills.
Marky Mark old Buddy
The economy is indeed a real humdinger of a complex sucka. But us black and white guys know two things.
First anything that you understand will seem simple.
How a car works or how the internal architecture of your CPU works is simple to me because I understand what makes them tick.
Secondly, anytime someone attempts to make you believe that they need to handle something for you because it is too complex for you to ever understand, get ready for a reaming! lol

Now the whole issue of the economy is really simple.
First off you alluded to a basic fact. The Government and by extension the President can not make the economy good. They can only fuck it up! And by this logic the most powerful means they have to fuck it up is through taxation,
regulation being the second. (purdy picture at the end of this rant to illustrate).

My reason for posting this is to speak to my having seen this all before. I'm serious. Anyone who wants can get Rich in the next 5-7 years. How can I make such a seemingly nutty statement? Again my response is twofold (God I love this A B stuff). First If you are currently a slug poor as hell then tripling or quadrupling your net worth will seem like you are Rich. Secondly, once the baby boomers all begin to retire we will be faced with a long term economic downturn similar to the Stagflation of the 70's or worse the depression of the 1920's. By correctly positioning yourself during the boom you can actually increase your net worth much faster during the downturn!
Purdy Picture

Now do you see a correlation between the good times and letting people Rich and Poor keep more of what they earn?

I was around for the decade of greed and the Internet bubble and I'm tellin' ya this coming BOOM is going to be the last one for some time to come. Grab your wheelbarrow back up your truck and start hauling them greenbacks away!
markjs said:
The presidents make the budget subject to congessional approval.

This is so disheartening, that ouor own people know so little of their own open government & it's workings.

The Constitution is not a suggestion. It is the be all & end all of power in the government. If it says "X" then "X" is done. If it does not say "X" then "X" is not permitted. It spells out exactly who, what, when, why & where.

Article 1 said:
Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;...

That does not say The President does it?
WASHINGTON — The economic expansion has not been equal. Minorities lag behind whites in employment and earnings more than two years after the 2001 recession officially ended.

African-Americans in particular have taken a big hit: suffering higher and longer unemployment than whites and dropping out of the labor force more rapidly. Black teen unemployment rose to 32.5% in May. Even in such areas as Washington, D.C., where unemployment is low and construction is surging, willing workers far exceed steady jobs.

"There are too many people coming out here who are capable of working," says Miguel Jordan, 54, a painter waiting with other unemployed workers at CASA of Maryland, a social service organization in the Washington suburbs.

Employers come to CASA beginning about 6 a.m. to hire day laborers. The center is serving a growing number of African immigrants.

The unemployment rate for African-Americans was 9.9%, in May, seasonally adjusted, according to the Labor Department. While that's an improvement from the 11.6% of mid-2003, it's up from April, nearly double the 5% rate of whites and above the 7.6% low of four years ago.

The Hispanic unemployment rate was 7% in May, compared with 5.7% in 2000. Demand for Latinos, especially in the booming construction industry, is helping drive recent job gains, with immigrants accounting for nearly 29% of job growth from March 2003 to March 2004, according to a Pew Hispanic Center study released Wednesday.

But the median wage for Hispanics has declined in all but one of the past eight quarters, according to the study. And while recent immigrants have been finding work, other Hispanics have seen net job loss, the study said.


Not everyone's feeling it.

Indicators of Growth
Real GDP - up 3.9% in Q1 2004, up 4.1% in Q4 2003 - not bad
Disposable income - up .4% in Q3 2003, stable in Q1 2004 - slight downturn probably related to Inflation rates
Industrial GDP - seems on an upswing...although 2-3% rises per year isn't anything to write home about. Weak indicator for your Boom.
Deficit - up 17.9B from this time last year - also not so good
G&S (Goods and services deficit) of $48B - not producing enough.

I don't see your boom, Winky. Sorry. :sadhug:
