Stem Cell Research - A moral question

I just want an extension. At least that's what my wife told me to ask for. What is that, anyway?
Yeah, and she's taking to calling me "Mon" I thought it was just all the funny cigarettes she's been smoking. Taken to rolling them herself lately. :shrug:
regular exercise is the key there, Squiggy...and you wanna stay hydrated, so drink plenty of water...

you know, I'm here to help... :D
Squiggy said: these two have been through a lot lately and I figured they were due...

Well, if you Genetically Modify them to be a bit longer, you could type with them too! :lol2:
GMO - Genetically Modified Organ-ism

Let me modify an item that I mentioned earlier...the timeline for the use of aborted fetuses is 3-8 weeks...did some additional reading. :)
I was going to post a reply to the title of the thread...... but after about the 10th reply I couldn't remember what it was :confuse3:
Kruz said:
I was going to post a reply to the title of the thread...... but after about the 10th reply I couldn't remember what it was :confuse3:

Do you have moral, ethical or religious issues with stem-cell research, it's possible uses, or the sources for stem-cells? If so...what are they and why?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I have nothing against religion, per se. Some of my closest friends believe in God. However, I have yet to meet a pro-lifer that was an atheist. It is all too easy to follow the path prescribed for you by someone else and not to question the wisdom or logic therein. The protests against stem cell research appear to me to be driven by unquestioning blind faith. :shrug:

ive met a few. but they were very few in numbers. i dont trust religion much. blind faith in a deity you dont know. whats the reason for it. and i agree it is by blind faith.
OK...I know that this place is called Off Topic central...but can we, for once, stick to a topic.

I personally feel that religious groups and the moral minority are going to fuck up our future health by forcing the GVT to stop stem cell research. We're talking about the cure for Altzheimers disease, Lupus, nerve damage, and AIDS f'r crissakes!

Wake up people! Fuck this 'is there a God?' path that this thread is heading towards.

To paraphrase Neitche "The God thread is dead"
It was once discussed on these boards that religion was the strongest motivation driving our advancements in technology, humanitarianism, and sociology..And I don't disagree with that premise. It seems, however, that we've reached a point at which we, as a whole, could surpass the inspirations that religion provided. Religion now seems determined not to let that happen. I think it fears obsolescence. The messages of religion, once so cut and dry, have been convoluted en mass to try to slow down the momentum that they once inspired. It is in our best interest, as a race, to recognize the obsolescence and allow ourselves to continue to reach forward and upward. Stem cell research holds perhaps the greatest single promise to mankind and its still in its infancy. The power of this, combined with DNA technologies, could possibly be the end all/tell all of what its all about.... I think we should support the research in every way we can....After all, survival of the species IS the most primal of instincts.

We have accepted and defend the idea of killing other species to "thin the herd", "strengthen the species", "assure their propagation" etc, etc....Yet we turn a blind eye at the idea that those same rules of nature apply to us...Its time to awaken. A fetus is not a person until it reaches viability. This research could, in fact, lower the gestation time required to reach that viability. Just as we consider it honorable to fill out a donor card....It is honorable and neccessary to allow this research.
I think if there is ANY WAY to cure some of these HORRIBLE diseases that ppl have -than it is a an idea to ponder upon-just as in when you die, and donate your body to science-its a way for ppl to learn more of what a disease has done to their body and etc....
Just as when my husband lost his foot to synovial sarcoma( a rare cancer that usually doeasnt occur in a foot) Don't you think they took it for study and picked it apart to learn fron it? I Do....As for many other diseases, such as parkinson's and huntington's, etc.... if there is ANY WAY to try to stop this from moving from generation to generation-HELL donate your body to science-think of our children and their children...
Mare said:
....As for many other diseases, such as parkinson's and huntington's, etc.... if there is ANY WAY to try to stop this from moving from generation to generation-HELL donate your body to science-think of our children and their children...

One of the disease's that stem cell research could possibly cure runs in my family, I watched my father slowly die from it, as well as most of his siblings.. I have a 50/50 chance of having it to. whatever research that can help cure these dibilatating diseases must be done ! it's not fair that politics and religen stand in the way of relieving so much suffering for so many...