Step one...frock 'em


molṑn labé
Staff member
Step two....
PUGHTOWN, Pa. (AP) - A jury made up of United Methodist Church clergy convicted a lesbian minister Thursday of violating church law by openly living with her partner in a committed relationship.

The Rev. Irene Elizabeth Stroud could be defrocked as a result of the ruling, which came on the second day of her church trial. The same 13-member jury was set to meet Thursday afternoon to decide her penalty.

Methodist law bars "self-avowed, practicing homosexuals" from ministry. Nine votes were necessary for a conviction and the jury voted 12-1 to find Stroud guilty.
Ya know, the Bible is pretty "to the point" on this matter. Homosexuality is not something God takes lightly. Considering that fact that she taught this very book makes it all the more relevant. Of course having a woman homosexual preacher is a whole new can of worms.

Bear in mind I have nothing against a church that has woman preachers, but, the bible does tell us that woman will not teach men. These are God’s orders. Not man made ones.
PostCode said:
Ya know, the Bible is pretty "to the point" on this matter. Homosexuality is not something God takes lightly. Considering that fact that she taught this very book makes it all the more relevant. Of course having a woman homosexual preacher is a whole new can of worms.

Bear in mind I have nothing against a church that has woman preachers, but, the bible does tell us that woman will not teach men. These are God’s orders. Not man made ones.

The bible was rewritten in the fourth century by Constantine (a pagan, BTW) and his cronies ans an effort to keep subject peoples in line. :shrug: As it's worked out, a wildly successful stratagem.
PostCode said:
These are God’s orders. Not man made ones.

So god has a Biro to write these things down... and a hand to hold it... and an arm.. and a body? :confused:

Or even thoughts? :confused:

chcr said:
The bible was rewritten in the fourth century by Constantine (a pagan, BTW) and his cronies ans an effort to keep subject peoples in line. :shrug: As it's worked out, a wildly successful stratagem.

Ditto as to belief but I really personally can't be that specific...

But I believe the Bible was written in the Dark Ages as a means of control... following suit of other "religions" like buddhism... its a little weird that they all "copied" the commandments... its like its just plain commom sense really written down to stop the uneducated uprising and running amock.
It seems a little funny to me how the various denominations are so very quick to pitch a homosexual from the pulpit and yet protect child molestors.
unclehobart said:
It seems a little funny to me how the various denominations are so very quick to pitch a homosexual from the pulpit and yet protect child molestors.

I thought that was just the Catholic church...:confused:
unclehobart said:
It seems a little funny to me how the various denominations are so very quick to pitch a homosexual from the pulpit and yet protect child molestors.

Child molestation is so much more a "Priest Friendly" past time!!!!!!!! :D

Thats gone on for years... I'm actually unsure if there's even a passage that states

"Thou shalt not use your power as a holy pillar of the community, channel to the pope and unto God as a means to pork your congregation's children"

Just running down three pages of Google I saw Episcopalian and Baptist as well as Catholic. I think the Catholic one gets 90% of the attention... but is surely not 90% of the problem. Its just the media darling of the hour, so speak. Probably because of the high profile nature of the Roman Catholics in general.
PostCode said:
Ya know, the Bible is pretty "to the point" on this matter. Homosexuality is not something God takes lightly. Considering that fact that she taught this very book makes it all the more relevant. Of course having a woman homosexual preacher is a whole new can of worms.

Bear in mind I have nothing against a church that has woman preachers, but, the bible does tell us that woman will not teach men. These are God’s orders. Not man made ones.

Actually...they only mention male homosexuality in the Bible...not lesbianism. Female homosexuality is just peechy-keen.

As for women preaching/teaching. There are more female teachers than male teachers... females teach males all the time. Re: Preaching..I'll have to talk to my female priest to see what she has to say about that one.
Gonz said:
Step two....


they have their own mores and values. I dont know much about the Bible but I think it does have something about a man lay with a man or woman with woman as being sin.

Chic: I thought all the canonised stories and such happened in the Middle Ages not during Roman Empire?
almost forgot... the Bible takes things like 'working on the sabbath' or 'wearing a cloth made from many fibres' even more harshly than it does homosexuality.

Male homosexuality is called 'an abomination' - no specifics on how to deal with it.
People who work on the Sabbath are to be stoned to death
People who wear polyester/cotton blend tshirts are to be pulled into the streets and then stoned to death.

[best carney voice] pick a verse, any verse...but pick only one! [/best carney voice]
unclehobart said:

Just running down three pages of Google I saw Episcopalian and Baptist as well as Catholic. I think the Catholic one gets 90% of the attention... but is surely not 90% of the problem. Its just the media darling of the hour, so speak. Probably because of the high profile nature of the Roman Catholics in general.

Not being anything other than a Humanist... tell me...

Which religions stops the preachers from get down and dirty?

Do Baptist and Episcopalian?
For reasons of my own, I'm out of this thread. If/when anyone is ready to seriously discuss matters of Biblical authorship, PM me. No hard feelings toward anyone....I respect everyone's right to their beliefs as much as I relish my own...I just choose not to continue my end of this discussion. Offer stands, as my workload allows me to participate. Carry on.
freako104 said:
they have their own mores and values. I dont know much about the Bible but I think it does have something about a man lay with a man or woman with woman as being sin.

Chic: I thought all the canonised stories and such happened in the Middle Ages not during Roman Empire?

It's "no man shall lay with another man as he would a woman"

This one's nice too
Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, 10thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.

12 ‘All things are lawful for me,’ but not all things are beneficial. ‘All things are lawful for me,’ but I will not be dominated by anything. 13‘Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food,’ and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is meant not for fornication but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14And God raised the Lord and will also raise us by his power. 15Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Should I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! 16Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, ‘The two shall be one flesh.’ 17But anyone united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. 18Shun fornication! Every sin that a person commits is outside the body; but the fornicator sins against the body itself.

Damn...can't even be greedy, can't fornicate, so much for Canadian Idol... oh, and can't have sex with anyone who has sinned either...because then you become sinnfull too.
ClaireBear said:
Not being anything other than a Humanist... tell me...

Which religions stops the preachers from get down and dirty?

Do Baptist and Episcopalian?

Episcopal/Anglican allow priests to marry and have sex.
ClaireBear said:
Not being anything other than a Humanist... tell me...

Which religions stops the preachers from get down and dirty?

Do Baptist and Episcopalian?
Hard to say. Without it becoming the media darling of the week with all of the investigative dirt mining ... theres no telling who does what, where, when, why. Religions are quite a secretive bunch. I think its more of a matter of having a religion that has limited contact with the kids. Witches and crystal worshipping yoga types probably have almost no case of child molestation because they don't have summer camps, orphanages, daycare, preschool...bla bla. If its all out in the open then theres ill opportunity to commit such crime.
What defeats me is why? Why is a woman a member of a church that she knows doesn't accept gays? And how could she possibly claim to preach their gospel when she knows she doesn't believe it herself?
Does not a private organization have the right to proscribe deviant behaviors for its members?
D’oh I guess not, bring on the homosexual scout leaders!
Professur said:
What defeats me is why? Why is a woman a member of a church that she knows doesn't accept gays? And how could she possibly claim to preach their gospel when she knows she doesn't believe it herself?
Being a member of a church where you don't follow ALL the tenets of the religon is one thing. I would venture to say that is the case with the majority of the churchgoers out there. I doubt all Catholics abstain until marrriage or all Baptists never touch a bottle. You can still be a member of a church without believing all that it is that they teach. However, to be a preacher in the same church is odd. About as odd as the Baptist minister that does his preaching at the local bar every Friday and Saturday night, or the Catholic Preist thats screwing his alter boys.