Study Finds Racial Imbalance on Death Row

You are of course entitled to your opinion.

Mine were formed based on two events.

1. Living years in Nashville. Hardly backwoods.

2. Working the last seven years as a probation/parole officer.

I wager I see more dope dealers than you do.

I would not insinuate that whites do not join gangs or commit crimes. Far from it. I know much better. But look around yourself for a minute. Turn on your television news. Look at what pop culture is feeding us and our kids. Watch a couple hours of MTV, as I do with the kid. See who is promoting what lifestyle.

I, unlike you, will opt to close my reply without a snide jab in your direction. I truly didn't appreciate that, and it cost you quite a lot of respect in my eyes. Good day sir,
And you know, come to think and re-read my post in question, not one place in it did I refer to anyone by race or any other qualifying characteristic outside their behavior. You, my friend, made the leap on your own. You automatically jerked your knee and assumed I meant black, Hispanic, or whatever. All on your own.

But I'm a racist.

Sleep well.
Yeah, you sleep well too convincing yourself you are not. But it's quite obvious what you inferred by your comments.

What percentage of the blacks/Hispanics/Asians killed are involved in drug deals or other crimes at the time they are "murdered"?
The life of my wife, my parents, my coworkers, my friends, my pastor, the guy who delivers the mail to my house, the chick that sacked up the cheeseburger I had for lunch 26 days ago, the IRS agent who processed my 1992 tax return...any of these is more valuable than a dope dealing, unemployed by choice, criminal pimping no account good for nothing gangster wanna be thug. Period dot semicolon. With feeeeling.
Yep, you just keep on telling yourself that, ok?
PT said:
That's interesting, but I'm not really surprised at all. I think there must be something to SnP's explanation that the black people were killed while dealing drugs or being in gang related activities. Obviously, there aren't any whites in gangs or dealing drugs, are there? I mean, surely the pure white bread people of California don't deal drugs or belong to gangs, do they?

SnP, I have thought it before, but now it's locked up. You need to get out of your backwoods county and see real life for awhile. Black does not equal drug dealer. Mexican does not equal Gang member. The entire premise you are suggesting is not only racist, it's small minded.

I'm not defending S&P, in any way, PT, but I think you're overlooking one small factor in what he said. He's not exactly talking about the average black, mexican, or chinese. He's talking about murdered ones. More particularly, he's addressing why they were murdered.
Forget it. I'm tried, convicted, and punished already. Nothing new really. What's one more self righteous misinformed judgmental person?

Gonna take me a hiatus and do some evaluation on how I spend my free time. I can get insulted anywhere, after all. See y'all in a few.
PT said:
That's interesting, but I'm not really surprised at all. I think there must be something to SnP's explanation that the black people were killed while dealing drugs or being in gang related activities. Obviously, there aren't any whites in gangs or dealing drugs, are there? I mean, surely the pure white bread people of California don't deal drugs or belong to gangs, do they?

SnP, I have thought it before, but now it's locked up. You need to get out of your backwoods county and see real life for awhile. Black does not equal drug dealer. Mexican does not equal Gang member. The entire premise you are suggesting is not only racist, it's small minded.

While I applaud your effort to be politically correct (you met the criteria quite well) I must ask you to take off the color blind glasses & look at reality.

On a per capita basis, those of the higher melatonin content do participate in illegal activities more often. That in no way lessens the severity of criminal activities nor allow for a superior attitude (since there are still more caucasian criminals in real numbers) of those who share my hue nor does it suggest that those whose more immediate ancestors came from a warmer climate are all, or even mostly, guilty of something.

Until we're able to discuss these matters with honesty, openness & frankness, nothing will get fixed & racism will flourish.
You think that's being politically correct to bash racism when I see it? Ok, whatever.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand, as I lay in bed last night pondering this and other questions, it occured to me that they did not include one vital statistic. The number or percentage of arrests made for each group. If there were only 100 arrests made for the 44 people sentenced to die for killing blacks, but there were 500 arrests made for the 142 people that killed whites, then that would tend to show a severe bias in the other direction. I doubt however that this is the case, but it would be interesting to see the numbers. I predict we would see a high number of people arrested for killing whites, simply because of the work the police put into investigating those crimes.

So, the question to me becomes this.

Are the numbers the way they are because juries will sentence a person to die for killing a white more than for killing a black?


Do the police put more time and resources into investigating a murder of a white so they have the case to present to the jury to prove that the suspect deserves to die for the crime?
PT said:
You think that's being politically correct to bash racism when I see it? Ok, whatever.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand, as I lay in bed last night pondering this and other questions, it occured to me that they did not include one vital statistic. The number or percentage of arrests made for each group. If there were only 100 arrests made for the 44 people sentenced to die for killing blacks, but there were 500 arrests made for the 142 people that killed whites, then that would tend to show a severe bias in the other direction. I doubt however that this is the case, but it would be interesting to see the numbers. I predict we would see a high number of people arrested for killing whites, simply because of the work the police put into investigating those crimes.

So, the question to me becomes this.

Are the numbers the way they are because juries will sentence a person to die for killing a white more than for killing a black?


Do the police put more time and resources into investigating a murder of a white so they have the case to present to the jury to prove that the suspect deserves to die for the crime?

Odd that the numbers don't answer those very questions themselves.
PT said:
You think that's being politically correct to bash racism when I see it? Ok, whatever.

I think it's PC to bash perceived racism. When we're allowed to use race or any other identifiable mark as a tool (instead of being afraid), we'll be on the right road.
Pretty good little example of these types of discussions anywhere these days. Someone suggests the possibility that the cultures which tend to predominate for people with certain skin pigments might play a factor, he immediately gets called a racist, and the discussion ends.

What a sorry-assed state of affairs that noone can even have an honest discussion without being accused.
Gonz said:
I think it's PC to bash perceived racism. When we're allowed to use race or any other identifiable mark as a tool (instead of being afraid), we'll be on the right road.
Until proven otherwise, percieved racism IS racism. Racists hardly go around saying "I'm a racist". How do you uncover racism? Words and deeds. I don't see any other way to do it...and I don't see ignoring percieved racism until you can get more solid proof thereof as a solution.

You point out the perception and wait for rebuttal.
The issue seems to be that merely pointing out the perception is tantamount to an actual acusation. The accused gets defensive and emotional. The accuser sees it as protesting too quickly and proof that the original perception was well-founded. Happens all the damn time.
Not in this case. Someone did appear to have been basically called a small-minded racist. I know, I know, he tried to put it on the idea and not the presenter, but it struck me as a bit flimsy.
HomeLAN said:
Not in this case. Someone did appear to have been basically called a small-minded racist. I know, I know, he tried to put it on the idea and not the presenter, but it struck me as a bit flimsy.
That's the problem with the internet. You can't see people's faces when they're typing.

It was percieved as a direct accusation tho'
Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. I'm not going to talk for PT.
Professur said:
Guilty until proved innocent ... unless your not white, I guess.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

If you see a guy with a slimjim heading for your car, aren't you going to figure out what he's up to?

Ask questions first, shoot later.

That's why I said to point out the perception.
How about "have some evidence before you accuse"?

fine, I'll match you edit for edit.

I own a slim jim. Do most guys who own tow trucks.
MrBishop said:
Until proven otherwise, percieved racism IS racism

At which point we may not use the tool & the ability to further our case ends. Being afraid of race (not saying PT is) is racism. Calling a spade a spade (pardon the pun) is not.
Professur said:
How about "have some evidence before you accuse"?

fine, I'll match you edit for edit.

I own a slim jim. Do most guys who own tow trucks.
I edited for detail. Before you posted.

Yes they do and you do as well...but if you or a garagist were heading towards my car...I'd be asking questions esepcially if I didn't request it. Wouldn't you?