Swine Flu related idiocy

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Well-Known Member
The pork industry reacted with frustration. Medical authorities say that people cannot contract the swine flu from eating properly cooked pork. There is no evidence so far that the people who are becoming sick were in contact with pigs. In fact, authorities are not even sure how susceptible pigs are to infection with the new flu.

Senator Tom Harkin, Democrat of Iowa, convened a hearing on Tuesday on a subject he described as “the so-called swine flu,” even as a campaign was mounted by farm groups to rename the virus “North American influenza.”

“Swine flu is a misnomer,” said C. Larry Pope, the chief executive of Smithfield Foods, who said he feared panic among consumers. “They need to be concerned about influenza, but not eating pork.”
Bad for Business

As the swine flu outbreak continues spreading, an Israeli health official is making waves by saying the name should be changed to "Mexican" flu, because the reference to pigs is offensive to Jews and Muslims, who consider pigs unclean and forbid the eating of pork products.

Offensive to Jews and Muslims

H1N1 is racest!
They will have to choose something else.

They need to not use flu either, it might make people apprehense more about flying.

Then there's the whole virus thing.
That discriminates and offends viruses....

No no, this is a misunderstood entity that doesn't co-exist well with some other species.
"As the swine flu outbreak continues spreading, an Israeli health official is making waves by saying the name should be changed to "Mexican" flu, because the reference to pigs is offensive to Jews and Muslims, who consider pigs unclean and forbid the eating of pork products."

deal with it, pussies.
Luckily...only 56% of registered voters think that they should vote at all. With any luck, the idiots reside in the 44% range.
Anyone still think the general populace is intelligent enough to deserve to vote?

Au contraire! All kidding aside, the brain is like any organ or muscle in the body, in that the more it is exercised the sharper it will stay. That and the fact that one has to be literate enough and aware enough know or care what is going on, and I'd imagine the mean IQ in this place, (RW forum) is around 125 +/- 5 points. I think the people this kind of thing even interests are usually more intelligent than average, and I've never seen anything to actually disprove that theory.

So above average intelligence, and exercising the mind to stay sharp, by debating politics and world affairs is going to do absolutely squat towards helping the world. Further, study after study shows the correlation between intelligence and success is damn near non existent. Therefore, all this is really is mental masturbation, but at least its exercise.


I doubt any of this applies the the conservatives on the board.. Oh well....

I do see a lot of liberals take the "I don't agree with that conservative so I'll portray him or her as 'stupid'" approach.
well, many of the cartoon versions of "conservative" ARE stupid.

and, hey, they spout the "you just don't get it" type of crap just as often as anyone else.
Certainly 100 < x < 125, I would think. But if 125 is the average IQ here... that's doubtful. That would require several to have IQs well above 125 to balance out those that are below 125.
Well I guessed that because I have one significantly higher, and I think you most likely underestimate many of the folks here. It can be easy to do, especially with those here that cannot even be bothered to capitalize, properly punctuate, etc. etc. But the fact is, that flashy vernacular, doesn't necessarily correlate with intelligence. Add to that the fact that this is so unimportant, that some of you just are sloppy out of laziness, and it can be easy to be inaccurate in your estimate just by the way some folks posts look.

I also personally believe that IQ tests are not even always necessarily very accurate. Some people have a whole other type of intelligence that can be poorly represented in the results of such tests. I believe I know of a good handful of the regulars with probably over 120 and I'll stand by that number as a mean, (bump it down 5 points I suppose) but most of the folks here have shown me enough evidence of intelligence to be sure they are above average, although how would we ever know?
I do see a lot of liberals take the "I don't agree with that conservative so I'll portray him or her as 'stupid'" approach.

Sorry Inky but when someone continually declares that the most important issues facing the country are a birth certificate and the imaginary religious and philosophical preferences of the new president, stupidity is hardly a "portrayal," now is it? :shrug:

Please note that I would agree that a great many of the liberal arguments presented on this board are hardly less stupid.
Oh yes and I also used the word mean when I meant median, which makes quite a difference!

median can be used to mitigate extremes, but neither is going to be that meaningful when you are working backwards to explain a result that is at an extreme edge of der scale.

but perhaps we should let jim step in and answer this, since he understands these numbers things far better than any of our asses will ever...
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