Swine Flu related idiocy

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and you know this for sure how?
Perhaps it is only the regular flu?
It is the Dx by our PCPx. He is a most excellent D.O. that we trust and a have a good relationship with. The prof discussed it with him thoroughly and they agree on the Dx. -- I accept it.

He also said he has several others hospitalized at this time, its hitting here hard right now.

I guess we won't need the damn shot. :roll:
Well I had a regular flu shot. The new vaccine was supposed to be in this week, only I have just come down with flu symptoms, most likely I am now the proud owner of a case of the swine flu!
Or your vaccine infected you with a live case. Happens fairly often from what I'm reading.

A fallacy. The flu shot is made with dead viruses. You can get a sore arm, some fever and general aches from it...especially if you're allergic or intolerant to the growth materials (eggs) where the virus is made. The remainder is a side-effect of your body kicking it's immune system into effect to kill what it thinks is a live virus.

If you get actual flu symptoms (cough, runny nose, sneezing etc..) it's because you already had the flu and had been asymptomatic prior to the shot...it's coincidental.

What about people who get a seasonal flu vaccine and still get sick with flu-like symptoms?
There are several reasons why someone might get flu-like symptoms even after they have been vaccinated against seasonal flu.

*People may be exposed to one of the influenza viruses in the vaccine shortly before getting vaccinated or during the two-week period that it takes the body to gain protection after getting vaccinated. This exposure may result in a person becoming ill with flu before protection from the vaccine takes effect.

*People may become ill from non-flu viruses that circulate during the flu season, which can also cause flu-like symptoms (such as rhinovirus). Flu vaccine will not protect people from respiratory illness that is not caused by flu viruses.

*A person may be exposed to an influenza virus that is very different from the viruses included in the vaccine. For example, the seasonal flu vaccine will not protect against the new 2009 H1N1 virus because this virus is so different from seasonal H1N1 viruses that normally spread in humans and is very different from the H1N1 virus contained in the seasonal vaccine. There are many different influenza viruses. For more information, see Influenza (Flu) Viruses.

*Unfortunately, some people can remain unprotected from flu despite getting the vaccine. This is more likely to occur among people that have weakened immune systems or the elderly. However, even among these people, a flu vaccine can still help prevent influenza complications. For more information about the effectiveness of the seasonal flu vaccine, see How Well Does the Seasonal Flu Vaccine Work?
I like my facts from people who actually do their research instead of relying on the 'a friend of my cousin's roomate's neighbour's wife overheard someone on the bus last week that said' sources.

Yeah...the CDC makes a whole whack of money off of the sale of flu shots - that must be it. They're lying!

I'm guessing that all the doctors and biologists out there couldn't possibly know what they're talking about. The rumor-mill and conspiracy theorists have all knowledge about what's really going on...after all, they aren't profiting from the knowledge in any way, shape or form...and only they must know the truth!!
Bidh, I've only 2 things to say to that mouthful of tripe.

Red cross
Hep C

You just go right on trusting your 'experts'.
1992 - the year that the CDC required blood to be screened for HEP and other blood borne diseases/viruses prior to transfusion.
1991 - the year the red cross claimed that it's blood supply was totally safe.

How many people died from listeria and e-coli from meat plants that were perfectly safe ... right up until they weren't? How many people have died from C-diff .... that they acquired in hospitals?

How many times will the experts you put your trust in be wrong before you fall victim yourself?
Listeria is found all over the place...in water and soil, mostly and only becomes an issue when people refuse to cook food 'infected by it' properly. e-coli is found in your gut and the guts of most animals. The one variant of it that causes issue can also be killed by cooking it properly. The way it gets out is through unsanitary meat packing areas. Another fine place for companies to cut costs. All caught by places like the CDC who issued recalls, thus saving lives. c-diff requires cleaning of hospital surfaces when an outbreak is shown. It's usually brought in from outside, propogates in nice closed in areas like hospitals, is eventually caught and stopped.

And you're putting the blame for the lysteria, e-coli, c-diff etc... on those that blew the whistle and helped put a stop to it as opposed to those companies who profited from doing nothing, or hiding the threats? Or are you irked that it took so long to find it, perhaps? It's better to do nothing at all? Dismantle the places like the CDC who find and deal with the outbreaks?

You're blaming the issues on the experts instead of on the real source. That's like blaming the auditors for GM's woes.
This is actually kind of bizarre. I had definite body achey flu symptoms when I woke up in the middle of the night but today I'm fine, save for a bit of a sore throat.....Go figure?!?
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