Swine Flu Vaccine Suspicions


Well-Known Member
The fiendish plan uncovered!

MEMPHIS, Oct. 19 (UPI) -- Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan told an audience in Memphis he believes the H1N1 flu vaccine was developed to kill people, a witness said.

"The Earth can't take 6.5 billion people. We just can't feed that many. So what are you going to do? Kill as many as you can. We have to develop a science that kills them and makes it look as though they died from some disease," Farrakhan said, adding that many wise people won't take the vaccine.

Well, you must admit it does fall in line with the thinking of a certain Science Czar. :brow:
I think farrikan is nuts.

I also think that the h1n1 vaccine was rushed to market, and there will problems with it.
Actually, the earth can sustain a population of about 18 billion once we get the ice off antarctic and start farming it. 24 hour sun for months on end makes for a good growing season. Particularly with the magnetic reversion coming, growing there will make even more sense. Many plants profit from higher UV rates provided by the thinner O3 layer.
I think farrikan is nuts.

I also think that the h1n1 vaccine was rushed to market, and there will problems with it.

Not rushed... manufactures by companies that have been doing this kind of thing for decades. Vaccines are hardly new, and this one is not that far a variant from others that it knew how to make. The issue is creating enough doses for everyone.

The main issue is in the preservatives that certain companies are using in their multi-dose vaccines. - solution: take the single dose. :shrug:
Not rushed... manufactures by companies that have been doing this kind of thing for decades. Vaccines are hardly new, and this one is not that far a variant from others that it knew how to make. The issue is creating enough doses for everyone.

The main issue is in the preservatives that certain companies are using in their multi-dose vaccines. - solution: take the single dose. :shrug:

well put me in a tinfoil hat if you want, but I see the flu vaccine itself as the devil.

I am not talking Captain Trips level, but something will go wrong one day.
well put me in a tinfoil hat if you want, but I see the flu vaccine itself as the devil.

I am not talking Captain Trips level, but something will go wrong one day.

I won't go that far, or like Farrakhan, but I won't get on board with the vaccine,
with the current info.
The info isn't conclusive enough for me.
A lot of "adverse reactions...." "safety and effectiveness has not been established...." and "it is not known whether....." disclaimers in the h1n1 product insert

Mass vaccinations is a recipe for disaster

Adverse reastions: The most common (≥ 10%) local (injection-site) adverse reactions were tenderness, pain, redness, and swelling. The most common (≥ 10%) systemicadverse reactions were headache, malaise, and muscle aches.

"safety and effectiveness has not been established...." in pregnant women, nursing mothersor in persons less than 18 years of age.

The contraindications are something you should look at tho' :
Hypersensitivity to eggs or chicken protein, neomycin, or polymyxin, orlife-threatening reaction to previous influenza vaccination

If you have these, there are alternative growth media vaccines for you.

If you're already on immune suppressive medication, the vaccine might not be as effective...then again, that's kinda expected.

Ya got anything else Chicken Little?
He said in another thread that not only would he, he was having his son inoculated too. Although given that he hasn't managed to swing the mother on the idea, I dunno why he thinks he might sway anyone else.
My son is asthmatic...my wife is not. She is, in fact, scared of needles and is willing to forgo seasonal flu shots in order to avoid needles. That's her choice, and I'm not trying to sway her thoughts... nor am I trying to sway yours. What I am trying to do is counter the internet-effect - micro-conspiracy theories that go around the internet like the flu.
OMG - AVs give you the flu!
OMG - AVs have nano-bots in them so that the GVT can control you!
OMG - AVs cause every childhood disease known to man
OMG - H1N1 is man-made and the AV is the trigger - everyone will die!!!
OMG - The AV will turn everyone black and Obama will become the first leader of the world!!

etc etc..

The odds of you getting the H1N1a flu this year is far greater than the odds of anything bad happening to you from taking the shot - by several orders of magnitude.
The odds of you getting badly sick from contracting H1N1 is higher than anything you can get from taking the shot.
The odds of you dying from H1N1+complications arising from secondary diseases (Pneumonia) are getting pretty close to that of you getting something moderately bad from the shot.

Place your bets!
Will you take the vaccine?

I take the yearly seasonal, and have done so for about 5 years now.
The worst reaction I've ever had was a sore arm that lasted a few hours.

This shot is no different from a season flu shot...I expect no difference in reactions.

This year, I'll take the H1N1 instead of the regular flu shot
He said in another thread that not only would he, he was having his son inoculated too. Although given that he hasn't managed to swing the mother on the idea, I dunno why he thinks he might sway anyone else.

I thought that if one member of a household got the shot, so did the rest....

I have no idea where I heard that.
I thought that if one member of a household got the shot, so did the rest....

I have no idea where I heard that.

It's recommended that if one member falls into the group of those more likely to have complications that the rest of the family get it...also why I get my shot and that for my son and daughter for free. High-risk groups.

Thing is, if the highrisk member has his shot, then it doesn't matter if the others get it or not. Not sure why they push the 'family shot' idea, but :shrug: neither do I care.
Numbers coming in from the Swedish vaccine effort. Lots of side effects reported ... but 'as expected'.

Even so, Annika Linde, director of The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control (SMI) manages to spin this into something positive by stating "The vaccine has more side effects than the normal flu vaccine. It is a sign that proves that it gives an effective protection."

By that logic, the most effective vaccine will kill you. Enjoy the Doublespeak.