Symbian forecasts the death of the PC


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Symbian forecasts the death of the PC
By David Meyer, Special to CNET
The PC will be on its last legs within five years, if executives from the mobile platform company Symbian are to be believed.

In his keynote speech at the Symbian Smartphone Show in London, the company's chief executive, Nigel Clifford, told delegates that the dawning era of the smart phone represents a shift "as profound as the Internet and PC were in the 1990s."

Hope he doesn't expect me to try to use a phone for my computer stuff. All I expect, or want, a phone to do is call someone. LOL
Oddly enough, you're using your computer on the phone right now, and don't even realize it.

I bought a Palm a while back .... thinking it was just an agenda / organizer. Nasty shock when I found out how unlimitted it was. I set up a Treo for a customer not too long ago, and that's a PDA, with full cellular capabilities, and camera. I again thought "gadget hell" ... until I watched it in use. As the guy's talking hands free, he's uploading a file and doing his schedule. One gadget, one battery.

The one thing they're no good for is typing. But the voice recognition software is very nearly good enough.
PC style will never die as most people (me included) cannot work effectively from a dinky ass little screen. Anything below a 15 inch screen is torture.
That's ok, Unc ... we wouldn't let you have one anyways. You'd blow the reliability curve all to hell.
Oddly enough, you're using your computer on the phone right now, and don't even realize it.

In fact I did know I am using a phone line, since I have DSL. Another piece of technology that is taken for granted is satilites, majorety of long distance communication utilizes satilite links...
Really? They must be really pissed about having wasted all that money laying all that cable across the atlantic then.
I also remember predictions in the 50's that we'd also all be in flying cars for the 80's.. and predictions that in the early 80's that the synthesizer was going to make the electric guitar extinct.

Don't get me wrong; I wouldn't mind an utterly wireless society. That way we can get rid of all of these damn telephone poles and wires running all over the places... clean up the landscape a little.
I also remember predictions in the 50's that we'd also all be in flying cars for the 80's.. and predictions that in the early 80's that the synthesizer was going to make the electric guitar extinct.

Don't get me wrong; I wouldn't mind an utterly wireless society. That way we can get rid of all of these damn telephone poles and wires running all over the places... clean up the landscape a little.

As queried before, where the fuck is my flying car?

Re the PC, 90% of users could do 95% of the work they actually do on a computer on my old Handspring Visor. At least 70% of the time here at work I use this PC to emulate a dumb terminal. :shrug: Too many of us like playing with 'em for them to disappear but not many of us really need one for the stuff we use it for (porn junkies excepted, of course).
Can I play a decent game of Battlefield on a smartphone?

I thought not.
Probably. But if I buy a 360 & take over the HDTV, mama will be rather unhappy.
PC style will never die as most people (me included) cannot work effectively from a dinky ass little screen. Anything below a 15 inch screen is torture.
Give'em a chance... ever hear of virtual keyboards and monitor-glasses?

With miniaturization going like it is... we're not that far off from having the whole nin yards in a slim pair of glasses with a HUD. Combined with voice recognition and bluetooth :beardbng:

10 years or less!
We have enough trouble with cell-phone-talking drivers...I almost got creamed by one yesterday.

Really...we're talking about making it illegal and ticketable. I've come close to being hit by drivers distracted by their and out of my car. Most times, they don't even notice what they've done.