Tea Party Activists Claim Credit for Failed NYC Times Square Car Bombing


Well-Known Member
MSNBC: ".......considering the nature of the device signs point to a right wing terror attack."

A top Pakistani Taliban commander took credit for yesterday's failed car bomb attack in New York City.

Qari Hussain Mehsud, the top bomb maker for the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, said he takes "fully responsibility for the recent attack in the USA." Qari Hussain made the claim on an audiotape accompanied by images that was released on a YouTube website that calls itself the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan News Channel."

The tape has yet to be verified, but US intelligence officials contacted by The Long War Journal believe it is legitimate. The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan News Channel on YouTube was created on April 30. Officials believe it was created to announce the Times Square attack, and Qari Hussain’s statement was pre-recorded.

But instead of calling a spade a spade Barry will keep the focus on the BP oil leak and the AZ immigration law.

Napolitano: Administration 'certainly considering' possibility of terrorism in car bomb
"I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear."

-Barack Hussein 0bama
Tea Party Activists are the real terrorists!

So did a negative stereotype of Islam appear in Times Square?
Barry "will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" where ever the stereotypes should appear.
He put Napolitano in as head of Homeland Security.

He knows what he's talking 'bout.
Riot breaks out in downtown Santa Cruz; windows broken on dozens of businesses, porch of cafe set on fire

SANTA CRUZ - A large group of protesters demonstrating at a May Day rally for worker's and immigrant rights downtown broke off into a riot vandalizing about a dozen businesses around 10:30 p.m. Saturday, police said.

Many in the group were carrying makeshift torches as they marched, breaking storefront windows and writing "anarchist graffiti" on buildings, according to Capt. Steve Clark. Many businesses sustained multiple broken windows including very large storefront windows at Urban Outfitters and The Rittenhouse building. Police believe at least 15 businesses suffered damage.

Meanwhile across town: Law enforcement was reviewing video of TeaParty events looking the possibility of any crimes that may have been committed.
what did the tea baggers have to do with the NYC thing? what the fuck is this thread even about?
what did the tea baggers have to do with the NYC thing? what the fuck is this thread even about?


I'm confused too. How are they taking "credit" for the failed attack?

The title of the thread is very confusing:

Tea Party Activists Claim Credit for Failed NYC Times Square Car Bombing
Tea Party Activists are the real terrorists.

Seriously? You two don't get it? Sheesh!
When McCain sang: "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran."

Oh, if only.....

The same group that claims credit for pretty much anything whether they did it or not..in order to get cred through the news? You mean THOSE Pakistani Taliban people?

Damn! I was sure that it was a middle-aged white balding dude like they show in the video. Nah!
Since the Pock-eee-stahn Tollybon has already claimed responsibility, we will have to wait until they get caught to see exactly who the terrorist was that tried to set off a car bomb in NYC: homegrown convert or a radical with an expired VISA.
Or some sort of homegrown militant group, or some insane individual.

This isn't the Taliban style at all.
No human trigger (suicide bomber) - it used timers
No weapons grade fertilizers
No Packed shrapnel (screws, ballbearings)
Weird items included.

Lets see... propane tanks, fireworks, gasoline gerrycans parked in a truck due to go off much MUCH later. It's amateur night for the right-wing.