Tea Party Activists Claim Credit for Failed NYC Times Square Car Bombing


You better read this.

The difference between the Hutaree Militia and the Pakastani is the Hutaree were all show and no go. The Pakastani actually went "go".

Apples and oranges.


Published: April 29, 2010 3:00 a.m.
Judge wants proof militia was serious threat
Ed White
Associated Press

DETROIT – A federal judge challenged prosecutors Wednesday to show that nine members of a Michigan militia accused of plotting war against the government had done more than just talk and should remain locked up.

U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts heard nearly 10 hours of testimony and arguments over two days. She did not make a decision about whether the nine will remain in custody, saying only that a ruling would come soon.

The members of a southern Michigan group called Hutaree have been in custody for a month. An indictment accuses them of weapons violations and a rare crime: conspiring to commit sedition, or rebellion, against the government by first killing police officers.

Prosecutors say the public would be at risk if the nine are released. But defense lawyers claim the government has overreached with a criminal case based mostly on hateful speech.

An undercover agent infiltrated the group and secretly made recordings that have been played in court. While there is talk about killing police, it’s not specific. In one conversation, there are many people talking over each other and laughing.

Roberts pressed that point more than once as Assistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Waterstreet argued in favor of keeping the nine in jail. The judge suggested she didn’t hear or read in the transcripts any indication that violence was imminent.

“Mere presence where a crime may be planned is not a crime. … How does this add up to seditious conspiracy?” Roberts said.

Waterstreet said the government is not required to show all its evidence at this early stage of the case. He referred to the words of militia leader David Stone, 44, of Clayton, Mich., who was recorded by the undercover agent while they drove to Kentucky earlier this year.

“It’s now time to strike and take our nation back so that we may be free again from tyranny. Time is up,” Waterstreet said, quoting a transcript.

Later, putting the transcript aside, the prosecutor said: “The theme is the brotherhood is the enemy – all law enforcement.”

Defense lawyers urged the judge to look at defendants individually. Although all are charged with conspiracy, they were not always together during critical meetings cited by the government.

“ ‘What if’ is not the standard. ... None of these words are an instruction to anyone to commit a crime,” said Stone’s attorney, William Swor, as held up a stack of transcripts.

Arthur Weiss, a lawyer for Thomas Piatek, 46, of Whiting, said government disgust as recorded by the undercover agent is similar to what’s said by talk-show hosts Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.
Contessa Brewer, being the Right-hating Leftist that she is, stated openly that she was disappointed that the suspect was from an Islamic country.

I'm sad that her mother stole my daughter's name and gave it to a fuckin' airhead. (My daughter is older than Brewer so she must have stolen it. :moon:)



BREWER: I mean the thing is that- and I get frustrated and there was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country because there are a lot of people who want to use this terrorist intent to justify writing off people who believe in a certain way or come from certain countries or whose skin color is a certain way. I mean they use it as justification for really outdated bigotry.

And so there was part of me was really hoping this would not be the case that here would be somebody who is not the defined. I mean he’s accused he’s arrested you know I don’t want to convict him before it’s time to do so. He’s the guy authorities say is involved. But that being said I mean we know even in recent history you have the Hutaree militia from Michigan who have plans to let’s face it create terror.

That’s what they were planning to do and they were doing so from far different backgrounds then what this guy is coming from. So, the threat is not just coming from people who decide that America is the place to be and you know come here and want to become citizens. Obviously this guy did.

In the standard Leftist "What you heard is not what I said." defense, she backpedaled furiously after she was hit by scathing criticism.

UPDATE: Brewer responded to the furor over her comments at 3pm EDT on Facebook:

I'm getting flak for expressing disappointment during a radio intvw, that the NYC bomb suspect has links to Pakistan. I wasn't hoping the suspect would be of a particular nationality, race, or religion. Instead, I worry ppl will use this to justify racism & religious bigotry. Mayor Bloomberg is concerned enough to say:... I want to make clear we will not tolerate bias or backlash against Pakistani or Muslim New Yorkers.
Oh, by the way ...

It seems that the Hutaree suspects have been released on bond under strict conditions. Ya think the incompetent Pakistani will get similar treatment?




Judge orders Hutaree 9 released on bond
Defendants will be released with strict conditions
By Ed Brayton 5/3/10 1:08 PM

After a week of hearings in which she challenged prosecutors on the strength of their evidence against nine members of the Hutaree Christian militia, U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts reversed a magistrate judge’s earlier ruling denying bond to the accused and ordered all of the accused members of the group released on bond while awaiting trial.

Making clear that the court was not determining guilt or innocence on the part of the Hutaree 9, Judge Roberts said that the only issue before the court was “whether conditions of bond can be set which will reasonably assure both the Defendants’ appearance in Court as required, as well as the safety of the community.”

“Nonetheless,” the judge said, “the weight of the evidence the Government has against Defendants is an important consideration. In fact, the seriousness of the charged offenses, the weight of the evidence, and whether the Defendants are a danger to the
community, are inextricably intertwined; the Court’s own Pretrial Services Agency, which makes bond recommendations, concluded that but for the seriousness of the offenses charged, the Defendants are all people it would normally recommend for release on bond.”

In evaluating the government’s case against the defendants, Judge Roberts noted, as she had during last week’s hearings on the bond decision, that the defendants will likely have at least a reasonable argument to make for First Amendment protection for their admittedly extreme expressions of hatred for the government unless the government can show that their words carried with them a threat of “imminent lawless action.”

“The Court need not decide now,” the ruling states, “whether Defendants will be able to raise a First Amendment defense. However, the Defendants do raise principled arguments concerning the First Amendment protection afforded, even to speech we hate.”

Thus, “For the reasons stated, the Court finds: (1) Defendants met their burden to produce evidence in favor of release; and (2) the Government failed to persuade the Court that Defendants must be held until trial.”

Judge Roberts did set a number of very strict conditions on the bond. All defendants will be confined to their homes and have monitoring bracelets that track their location at all times. They must surrender all licenses to carry weapons and submit to random checks from Pre Trial Services.

The conditions also include a ban on all alcohol and drug use and, perhaps quixotically, a requirement that they “seek or maintain employment.” Each defendant is also required to surrender their passports and is forbidden from using a police scanner.

Perhaps most interestingly, the order requires them to provide a full list of all Hutaree members and a list of any other militia member with whom any of the defendants associates or knows, and forbids them from having any contact with any of those people or with one another without legal counsel present.

There are also individual conditions for some of the defendants, including a ban on the use of computers for Hutaree leader David Brian Stone. All defendants are released to the custody of a particular person, most close relatives, and those custodians must also surrender all weapons to the police.

There is no indication at this point when an actual trial for the Hutaree 9 will begin.
Contessa Brewer, being the Right-hating Leftist that she is, stated openly that she was disappointed that the suspect was from an Islamic country.

I'm sad that her mother stole my daughter's name and gave it to a fuckin' airhead. (My daughter is older than Brewer so she must have stolen it. :moon:)



In the standard Leftist "What you heard is not what I said." defense, she backpedaled furiously after she was hit by scathing criticism.

She didn't back-peddle... looks like she had to dumb it down for the average reader and restate it.
You better read this.

The difference between the Hutaree Militia and the Pakastani is the Hutaree were all show and no go. The Pakastani actually went "go".

Apples and oranges.


Proactive vs reactive.
Apples and apple juice. If the Hutareee people had actually done something instead of being caught in the planning stages, would you be stating the same thing. Isn't the big idea of Homeland Security catching terrorists BEFORE they act?

See tag line: There has been no successful terrorist attack on our land since 9-1-1. I wonder why that could be?
so you say
Actually, I'm paraphrasing those that use that particular line to defend their stand on extraordinary rendition (GITMO), torture, the degradation of rights by the HLD peeps, the pro-invasion in Iraq, War on Terror etc.
I didn't believe it when Bush was in, and I don't now.

Until they come up with completely conclusive evidence, there's
several open tragedies I attribute...

I still think that bridge was one, the tunnel fire, possibly the coal mines,
and possibly the oil rig.
Not to mention the internet, wild fires, and unexplained airliner crashes.

seems like a LOT of unfortunate incidences.
this thread does nothing to reduce the stupidity of tea baggers. maybe they are just too much of cowards to do anything other than whine about their own oppression. pussies.
Tell that to James Madison or George Washington.

there is zero relationship between those guys and whining, bumper-stickering teabagger wimps.

james and george were leaders, today's so-called conservatives are absolute followers. if they could think for themselves, they would not be worshipping the phallus of ancient social rules and referring to scripture by kneejerk.

what's next? "jesus was a conservative just like me?" how about "god is a republican."

certainly, allah is on the side of the cousin fucker. :retard:
they would not be worshipping the phallus of ancient social rules and referring to scripture by kneejerk.

Fuckin'-A Dude. Look what enlightenment the hippes brought us....free love & drugs are for the future.:rainfrow:
hippies were and are idiots. teabaggers are just as stupid in ideological reverse. but they are exactly the same in their whining. was there another point you wanted to make?
The Tea Party, the only real Americans left.

We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.
Proactive vs reactive.
Apples and apple juice. If the Hutareee people had actually done something instead of being caught in the planning stages, would you be stating the same thing. Isn't the big idea of Homeland Security catching terrorists BEFORE they act?

See tag line: There has been no successful terrorist attack on our land since 9-1-1. I wonder why that could be?

Oh, I gotcha! You mean precrime!
hippies were and are idiots. teabaggers are just as stupid in ideological reverse. but they are exactly the same in their whining. was there another point you wanted to make?

Every tea party member I've met so far is a veteran. So they did more than whine.

Getting involved is the American system. You don't have to run for office or simply send a check to get involved. If you find involvement in the WE THE PEOPLE system, then, sucks to be you.