Tea Party Activists Claim Credit for Failed NYC Times Square Car Bombing

amateur night for the right-wing

McVeighs bomba didn’t fizzle

this was a lame attempt fer sure
It could very well be
for all we know......
BREAKING NEWS...heard on the radio...

A naturalized American who recently had an extended visit to Pakistan
I wonder if the same guy had anything to do with the oil rig exploding in the gulf.
They still haven't caught him either.
I wonder if they'll thay'll question him about the rig....
oh...that's right...
he got a lawyer now I guess.:devious:
I wonder if the same guy had anything to do with the oil rig exploding in the gulf.
They still haven't caught him either.

There's a him?

Rush said:
"I want to get back to the timing of the blowing up, the explosion out there in the Gulf of Mexico of this oil rig. Lest we forget ladies and gentlemen the carbon tax bill cap and trade that was scheduled to be announced on earth day. The cap and trade bill was, was strongly criticized by hardcore environmentalist wackos because it supposedly allowed more off shore drilling and nuclear plants. What better way to head off more oil drilling and nuclear plans than by blowing up a rig. I'm just, I'm just noting the timing here…"

Really, Rush? Environmentalists caused an oil spill?!? That's rich :drink2:
Or some sort of homegrown militant group, or some insane individual.
It's amateur night for the right-wing.


No frickin' way: Faisal Shahzad??

What the hell does he have to do with those Radical Right Wingers......of which I am a proud member of??

No frickin' way: Faisal Shahzad??

What the hell does he have to do with those Radical Right Wingers......of which I am a proud member of??

You mean, you don't know??! Taliban is Conservative...right-wing. Kissing cousins to your Home-grown versions.
You mean, you don't know??! Taliban is Conservative...right-wing. Kissing cousins to your Home-grown versions.
I think you're confused about this. "Oh nO! A relGion, mUST bE rioGHT winGerS".

Who did the terrorist endorse for president? Obama --its become a symbiotic relationship.
Really, Rush? Environmentalists caused an oil spill?!? That's rich :drink2:

It wouldn't be the first time someone went overbaord for their beliefs.

Is this guy a member of a T* party?

*Overseas Contingency Operation man-made disaster kinda fella