Teen girls get card for free ‘Pill’


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Teen girls get card for free ‘Pill’

Published: Today

SCHOOLGIRLS are being given special cards so they can get the morning-after pill without having to say a word.

In the pilot scheme girls of 16 will be given the contraceptive after presenting the request card at pharmacy counters without facing any awkward questions.

Even younger girls can be given the pill if doctors give permission.

The initiative has been thought up by the Dorset Primary Care Trust.

It is being tested in Weymouth which has an alarmingly high rate of teenage pregnancies – 49 in every 1,000 girls.

Keith Williams, trust adviser, said: “It’s daunting for young girls to go into a pharmacy and say out loud ‘I’ve had unprotected sex.’

“Dorset is community-based and there maybe somebody in there that you know.”

But Mike Judge of the Christian Institute blasted: “It’s highly irresponsible. We should be urging children to say no to sex until older.”


Un-fucking believable
“It’s daunting for young girls to go into a pharmacy and say out loud ‘I’ve had unprotected sex.’

It oughta be. Keep yer legs closed and/or make HardDick wear a rubber and you won't have to do that, will you?

It's even more daunting for young girls to be pregnant in 9th grade, mothers at 14, all that stuff that goes with it, having to miss the homecoming game and the prom because all your friends are going so there's no one to babysit.

These creeps always present these social programs as if there is no other alternative. There is always an alternative. You might not like what it is, but it's always there. Unless. Unless you put the government in charge. Then there is no alternative. So y'all run right out and vote Shrillary so we too can have government controlled socialized medicine and our kids can have these pills too.

Group hug.
There used to be a day when shame and embarassment kept this kinda thing in check. That was replaced by government as well...

Guess its better than some child having a baby and living off welfare for the rest of their life, right?

BTW...before this gets too off-the-wall...The best way to keep from getting pregnant is abstinence. Sexual education is okay, provided that the recipients have been raised by parents who have instilled some sense of values, but, if they are handing out abortion pills, that kinda thing hasn't happened...
It's even more daunting for young girls to be pregnant in 9th grade, mothers at 14, all that stuff that goes with it, having to miss the homecoming game and the prom because all your friends are going so there's no one to babysit.

Perhaps there in the sticks, that's still the case. Unfortunately, up here is the snow zone & out west in the tumbleweeds, parents flock around these girls & give them baby showers (cause, you know, it's just not fair since married 23yo Debbie had one) & mommy is always willing to babysit. The prom, overnight with the boyfriend (not nesessarily the sperm donor), out with her friends to Vegas. Whatever. It's no longer a bad thing to be an unwed teena mommy. In fact, it's something to be celebrated.

buncha :bs:
I have no clue how other parents around here handle it. I know how it'll be handled at the Roost if it happens. So does the walking tax deduction. Past that, they're her legs...she decides to spread 'em, she knows it's a potential lifetime committment. I control what variables I can control, but short of a chastity belt (which I cannot afford financially...I've checked) ain't a lot I can do if she gets hellbent on knockin boots.
And imagine, back then, there was no "take pill to restart game" option to life.

It's been argued again and again about how safer cars has led to more dangerous driving.
You know them damn sluts ought to have to pay by being forced to bring up their unwanted offspring. There should be zero parental or financial support not even food stamps! That would learn em! Then society can jail or execute the unwanted kids when they turn to crime later in life!

Morning after, morning shmafter! Every life is precious and it would be wrong to teach kids a pill might help them avoid disaster! These sluts ought to have "slut who didn't want her child" tattooed on her forehead so both other boy and men in the future will know what a whore she is, and her kid will know the score when he/she is old enough to read!
and by that i mean... after the fact. yes, it's all well and good to try to prevent it, but how does forcing a girl to have the baby she didn't mean to conceive help anyone, most of all the baby? again, the "well, she shouldn't have had sex" argument doesn't really help anything when she's already pregnant... even if it's within 72 hours of conception and she doesn't know it for sure yet.
The Plan B pill is basically a really early abortion. So I'm no fan of the idea of using it to replace birth control, as some people use abortions. It's not intended to be Plan A.
And imagine, back then, there was no "take pill to restart game" option to life.

It's been argued again and again about how safer cars has led to more dangerous driving.
You know, to the best of my knowledge , There were multiple birth control avenues available even in the dim reaches of antiquity when I was a kid. The main difference was that the majority of people, who understood that teen pregnancy was a correctable problem, weren't being constantly shouted down by an overbearing, self-righteous minority living in a fantasy world where they believed everyone under the age of twenty-one was going to jealously guard their virtue.

hmmm, seems that once again, i'm the only one who thinks that fewer unwanted babies is a GOOD thing...

No, you're not the only one Ash.