Teh rules

Damn Gonz, you're really resistant to clarifying the rules. Isn't that part of your job?

Imagine theres no Liberals, it's easy if you try
no whiney victims, no people blaming others
Imagine all the people, taking responsibiltyeeeee
the election of jimmy carter

it can't be proven the Ford would have done any better.

Both major parties where nearly indistinguishable at that time.
Reagan changed it, but we don't know how much influence he would have had as vp then.

The dems were the conservative party supposedly before carter.
We don't know really how fair elections have been.
Just look at the trouble we've had in this tech age.

If we had a machine that could show us what might have been, then
you'd have a concrete argument.

I knew an election example would be the first response.
good try though. we'll have to leave that one to opinion.
How 'bout starting in 65
opening our southern border and letting a flood of messkins
wash over the country, ain't that a good thing?

As someone that watched the brown waves inundate their city
for several decades
in my opinion, it wasn’t the brightest idea.
I gots two wimens' from opposite sides of the planet
beatin' on me in the Kiddie Korral!!!

I must be doin' something Right!! ;) ;)
oh hell yeah Red, I actually have that same convertible 5 0h Mustang
except mine's red and I’m more like the dirty old man at the gas station
except I still have all my hair and it's not gray yet. Of course I used
to look like the hippie kid eating red vines...

Liv was always SO much hotter than Alicia.
In other news, Spike is still banished to the Kiddie Korral
cuz he's an unrepentant child!

Tell ya the truth, I can’t recall anyone being in here this long.
(they’re usually banned by now)

Now tell yer lil brotha yer sorry and promise nevah tah do it
again and you can come out and play!
You know spike, I have to say that the Gonz quote makes it perfectly clear to me.

Gonz said:
Since you , and a couple of others, have lately decided to use "cunt", only when addressing Cerise, one of a very few females, it should be apparent. Since you couldn't see it, it is has now been pointed out.

Libtard would be over the line if one the one being addressed were retarded. Similar circumstances prevail.

I mean it is logical. If there were a bunch of female conservatives on here I doubt he would take such issue, it's just that her being the only one it makes it at least have the appearance of being personal. Personally I think we all kind of go over the line when we use libtard, neocon, and such words, but it is a more generalized insult and not as easy to label it a black and white that it qualifies as a personal attack.

I think Cerise pushes the envelope probably farther than any other conservative here with her total disrespect of our duly elected president, constant use of slurs and her obvious absolute disdain for anyone who has any opinion she doesn't approve of. It makes her very annoying, shows an absolute lack of class and makes her very easy to dislike, but yet it is all very borderline, not nearly as clearly definable as using things like "republicunt" on her. I am not sure why that isn't clear to you. Perhaps you have not been able to let go of your anger about the incident and are not seeing things clearly, and so maybe a week of not coming here could do a world of good?

If you have to throw insults at her I guess you have to devise some that could fit many members and not just her specifically in order to to walk the fine line between attack and personal attack.
Because I'm not going to give you precise limitations so you can walk the edge.

You don't want to give us precise rules? Sounds like a cop out. I'd be fine if you outlawed all misspellings since it adds nothing to the conversation. I can understand that you'd prefer to make arbitrary decisions since that doesn't put you on the hook to be consistent. But that's crap.

So just spell the shit out. Are you saying I would have been fine if I said rePENISan or dickservative because Cerise is dickless?
How 'bout starting in 65
opening our southern border and letting a flood of messkins
wash over the country, ain't that a good thing?

As someone that watched the brown waves inundate their city
for several decades
in my opinion, it wasn’t the brightest idea.

the majority there said build a fence, and possibly put guard/army.... No dice.
They failed in the bush admin. The ports also.

The influx being spread out...many didn't know how bad it was before that first bill. They thought Reagan had it taken care.
There's a lot of money coming out of there lobbying the media, gov, and others.

hence, not the majority's choice.
Right over his head.

more copouts. OMG Gonz is on a higher plain than the rest of us where he can just make arbitrary decisions and not have to clarify! Holy shit, he's like talking above the mundane classes below him.

He's all like "I refuse to state the rules, the rules are at my discretion cause I am lord and conservative guy". No reason to make this clear to the unwashed masses, I'm in my basement calling the shots!
In case the system doesn't notify I PM'd you spike. For some reason the first couple PMs I got I got notified but then that stopped so, anyway....

I just think what you seem to be looking for is a legally arguable set of rules like an attorney would draw up. I for one am glad it's not like that. Kind of gives the place a unique flavor. It would be hard for anyone with strong opinions in the RW forum to be totally objective, and when you get mad I am sure it is easy to make a case that he isn't objective, but honestly I think he does a better job of it than most of us would in his place.
wow rJ yer above post [#33] is painfully accurate
spot on as it were, one question though
it is the only time I've seen you type anything
the least bit cogent.

Are you trying to fool us into believing you are a
randumb jackass or in other words "what did you do with our rJ?"

Or did yer wife or kid gain access to your login?

Inquiring minds need to know ;)

Actually I didn’t know what got him slapped in here
and couldn’t have cared less
but reading your single concise to the point post I ‘got it’
clear as a bell, ding ding ding

This is me banging on Spikes head
"hullo is there
anyone in there"????