Terrorists gas Dayton Mosque

Terrorism?? You've got to be kidding.

"The men didn't say anything to her (before she was sprayed)," Biehl said. "There was nothing left at the scene"

"......started testing for chemicals less than 20 minutes after a member of the mosque called 911, team coordinator Denny Bristow said.
"Whatever chemical was released it dissipated too quickly for us to determine what it was"

Was the girl transported to the ER? You think they would've called 911. She could've got that spray in her eyes, or inhaled it. What did the doctor's report say? :shrug:


Bristow said there were no chemicals found on the 10-year-old girl.

Here is a first person account from one of the families from the mosque -- a mother and two of the small children who were in the room that was gassed -- the day after the attack occurred.

This is an excerpt from an email: Gas was sprayed into the room where the babies and children were being kept while their mothers prayed together their Ramadan prayers. Panicked mothers ran for their babies, crying for their children so they could flee from the gas that was burning their eyes and throats and lungs. She grabbed her youngest in her arms and grabbed the hand of her other daughter, moving with the others to exit the building and the irritating substance there.

"The paramedic said the young one was in shock, and gave her oxygen to help her breathe. The child couldn't stop sobbing."
"This didn't happen in some far away place -- but right here in Dayton, and to my friends. Many of the Iraqi refugees were praying together at the Mosque Friday evening. People that I know and love."

"I am hurt and angry. I tell her this is not America. She tells me this is not Heaven or Hell -- there are good and bad people everywhere."

"She tells me that her daughters slept with her last night, the little one in her arms and sobbing throughout the night. She tells me she is afraid, and will never return to the mosque, and I wonder what kind of country is this where people have to fear attending their place of worship?"
"The children come into the room, and tell me they want to leave America and return to Syria, where they had fled to from Iraq. They say they like me and other American friends -- but they are too afraid and want to leave. Should a 6 and 7 year old even have to contemplate the safety of their living situation?

"Did the anti-Muslim video circulating in the area have something to do with this incident, or is that just a bizarre coincidence? Who attacks women and children?"

"What am I supposed to say to them? My words can't keep them safe from what is nothing less than terrorism, American style. Isn't losing loved ones, their homes, jobs, possessions and homeland enough? Is there no place where they can be safe?"
"She didn't want me to leave her tonight, but it was after midnight, and I needed to get home and write this to my friends. Tell me -- tell me -- what am I supposed to say to them?"
Hey, Dahhhling. The Huff-n-puff is a lib site, run by Arianna Stassinopoulos herself. Anything to make the US look bad. Not too biased. :rolleyes:
Hey, Dahhhling. The Huff-n-puff is a lib site, run by Arianna Stassinopoulos herself. Anything to make the US look bad. Not too biased. :rolleyes:

While I'll agree that Arianna is a moron, I'm not too sure that this didn't happen. Chemical attacks are not known for their longevity, nor do they remain long unless militarized...and then its in gel form so that it continues to 'pollute; the area for hours if not days. A decent exhaust fan would eliminate all presence within a few minutes.
Hey, Dahhhling. The Huff-n-puff is a lib site, run by Arianna Stassinopoulos herself. Anything to make the US look bad. Not too biased. :rolleyes:

Holy shit. Did you actually just complain about a biased source after all the biased crap you've linked up forever....and as recently as about yesterday?

Not too hypocritical. :rolleyes:

What about that article makes the US look bad?
Then why the issue with American Christian Terrorism.

It'd be right up there with terms like "Muslim Terrorism"

I don't think that terrorists, or ANYONE who uses a religious text/ideology as if it's a weapon should have any claim on said religion, nor be included in it's family.

Everyone from Osama bin Laden to Phelps.

Simply because Osama gets a free pass fom the Muslim world while Phelps is known as a kook with no intelligence.
Sounds like terrorism to me, and racism (with the DVD thingy) and we have stuff here at work that can cause those affects, and you would not find chemicals after the tests where done. I just hope it is investigated fully, and those responsible are apprehended, and charged to the full extent of the law (remember, it is terrorism, a trip to Cuba would seem to be in order)
Okay..to review. A DVD called "Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West"
is mailed freely (and without request) to homes around the Mosque. Advertising about it are put in over 70 papers in the state. Within days, said Mosque is attacked.

A place with a 90% Judeo-Christian population. Call it racial profiling if you will. It's still pretty good odds that the perps were Christian.

So they couldn't have been Athiests who simply hate all religions?
While I'll agree that Arianna is a moron, I'm not too sure that this didn't happen. Chemical attacks are not known for their longevity, nor do they remain long unless militarized...and then its in gel form so that it continues to 'pollute; the area for hours if not days. A decent exhaust fan would eliminate all presence within a few minutes.

But if the girl was "sprayed in the face" with a liquid chemical which caused all of this grief as detailed in the post above, why was there no residue? Even MEK, acetone, naphtha, etc leave a residue and their volitility is quite high. All of those would evaporate within a few seconds, naphtha taking the longest.

I think this is sympathy seeking bullshit.
There are reports a can of pepper spray was found in the proximity of the mosque. However, the newspaper reported the HAZMAT team said there was no trace of anything on anyone or anywhere and noone required any medical attention. And that Huffington link originates from dailykos. :rolleyes:

Obsession - the Movie makes a clear distinction between peaceful, average, everyday Muslims and Radical Jihadists.

To insinuate that the film led to an attack on innocents in a local mosque is just an attempt to deflect the unwelcome attention on the reality of jihadist or Islamic supremacist activity that the film documents (and liberals like to ignore). AKA playing the victim card. :crying5:

Here's a review of the movie, in case some have missed it. ;)
Islam is not a race. There is no Muslim race. It is not racism. Religious bigotry? Maybe. But there is no racism here.

sure there is.

you can't possibly believe that the pea-brains that came up with that DVD would not distinguish themselves as white christians from the typically a bit browner stereotype of the "muslim," whether those muslims are arab, african, indonesian, et cetera. it's absolutely an us v. them mentality that will be happy to exploit ANY visible difference.
"This culture of hatred has a counterpart in the West – the culture of self-loathing and morbid introspectionism that is endemic to Western academia, media and “progressive” politics. Questions that dominate their discourse are very familiar: “Why do they hate us” and “How are we to blame” automatically assume that the guilt for the violence and hatred of radical Islam should be placed entirely on the West, portraying the rage as a rational response to “Western occupiers.” "
So they couldn't have been Athiests who simply hate all religions?
There are few, if any, radical atheists. Most atheists are more along the lines of using ridicule as a weapon against theists.

Anybody can make a bad man do something bad
Only religion can make a good person do bad things
"This culture of hatred has a counterpart in the West – the culture of self-loathing and morbid introspectionism that is endemic to Western academia, media and “progressive” politics. Questions that dominate their discourse are very familiar: “Why do they hate us” and “How are we to blame” automatically assume that the guilt for the violence and hatred of radical Islam should be placed entirely on the West, portraying the rage as a rational response to “Western occupiers.” "

Funny stuff Cerise. :laugh:

Whoever wrote that is an idiot.
Obsession - the Movie makes a clear distinction between peaceful, average, everyday Muslims and Radical Jihadists.

To insinuate that the film led to an attack on innocents in a local mosque is just an attempt to deflect the unwelcome attention on the reality of jihadist or Islamic supremacist activity that the film documents (and liberals like to ignore). AKA playing the victim card. :crying5:

Here's a review of the movie, in case some have missed it. ;)
Here's an interesting question(s)

The Clarrion Fund suddenly finds the money to produce 25million copies of their DVD to send free of charge to swing states just prior to elections.

They are Pro-McCain who is pushing for a potential 100-years war against 'terrorism'. The film is obviously propaganda and pushes fear of Islam/Muslims and the 'hegemony of radical islam'.

The DVD is made to create fear in the viewer. "Open up their eyes to what the liberal media are trying to hide" - and then there's an attack on a Mosque?

Where did Clarrion get all this money?
What is the goal of the DVD?
Why swing states?
Why would this DVD not be to blame for an increase in attacks against Muslim Americans?