Terrorists gas Dayton Mosque

Communists despise organized religion because it erodes their power-base..not because they're atheists, per-se. Can't have another group of 'leaders' around, eh
sure there is.

you can't possibly believe that the pea-brains that came up with that DVD would not distinguish themselves as white christians from the typically a bit browner stereotype of the "muslim," whether those muslims are arab, african, indonesian, et cetera. it's absolutely an us v. them mentality that will be happy to exploit ANY visible difference.

There are three -- COUNT 'EM -- three major races, Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid. There is the hotly debated Australoid but that is still to be determined but we can assume for the purposes of this debate that Arabic peoples are not Australoid.

So what race are the Arabic peoples of the Middle East? Are they Black Africans (Negroid)? Are they Asian (Mongoloid)? Or are they just plain ol' White folks (Caucasoid)?

Well, guess what? They are Caucasoid.

A very good site on racial genetics HERE and it is not just opinion. Note the DNA graphs at the links.

See North Africans

Also note that there is no Muslin or Islamic race listed.
Communists despise organized religion because it erodes their power-base..not because they're atheists, per-se. Can't have another group of 'leaders' around, eh

Quite true. They want the proletariate to believe all things come from the State, not from God.
Obsession should be on the list of required viewing. :shrug:

So.......what's next: Sharia Law? :rolleyes:

How comfortable are you with that?
About as comfortable as I am with Beth Din (Jewish Court), or Christian Courts.

As long as they don't try and over-rule the law of the land...it's fine with me. Not FOR me.