HomeLAN said:But if you aren;t actively supporting their cause, you're obviously [insert negative, anti/phobic/biased name here].
Although I got very nice apologies for it, I've been accused of as much here.
paul_valaru said:stand up tall and shout
paul_valaru said:start making your own demands known!
Dial-up discrimination, everyone should have broadband, or they are not sharing in the full wealth of the internet, therefore they are handicapped while on the information superhighway, so the goverment should pay for everyone to have highspeed access, so there is a level playing field.
Look little Tommy is crying cause his grade 4 powerpoint presention didn't have streaming video, cause it took to long to download on 56k.
he feels bad, we can't have that, cable modem the boy.
stand up tall and shout
Oz said:Too fucking right!
Sodding internet nazi bastards!
I'm being repressed!!![]()
Gato_Solo said:And I'm ofended by your avatar. That poor penguin is being bullied, and some of you think that's funny. I'm calling PETA on the lot of you.![]()
Gato_Solo said:And I'm ofended by your avatar. That poor penguin is being bullied, and some of you think that's funny. I'm calling PETA on the lot of you.![]()
Oz said:Erm, wrong side of the puddle Gato...need to call the RSPCA
Dunno if PETA have a branch on these shores........if they do they certainly keep quiet here.....
Gato_Solo said:I can remember them releasing some farm-raised minks/ermine in the UK a few years back. Pity they didn't know those animals were cannibals, and took to eating each other to stay alive.![]()
Oz said:I remember that!Are ya sure it was PETA and not the ALF? (ALF=Animal Liberation Front, at one time the second biggest recognised terrorist organisation in the UK
The mink didn't just eat each other........they also decimated quite a bit of the local wildlife (the mink is a bastard, it'll kill for fun)..
Anyhoo......PETA or ALF........both buggers seem to be as nuts as each other
Better let Gonz get back on the subject of shooting homosexuals in a barrel![]()
Oz said:Better let Gonz get back on the subject of shooting homosexuals in a barrel![]()
Oz said:Better let Gonz get back on the subject of shooting homosexuals in a barrel![]()
Ms Ann Thrope said:I thought we had moved on to slamming all special interest groups who have designated months where they can raise awareness. After all, where's the benefit in allowing not-for-profits to focus their energies on one month where they can coordinate their programming and share resources. None of us need to have our consciousness raised, we're all highly informed and tolerant people, and don't need months devoted to petty issues such as Domestic Violence, or Breast Cancer, or Black History.
Guess I'm one of those offended types, chcr... and you're right about the backlash. I'm seeing it right here. Good-bye, all!![]()
Ms Ann Thrope said:I thought we had moved on to slamming all special interest groups who have designated months where they can raise awareness. After all, where's the benefit in allowing not-for-profits to focus their energies on one month where they can coordinate their programming and share resources. None of us need to have our consciousness raised, we're all highly informed and tolerant people, and don't need months devoted to petty issues such as Domestic Violence, or Breast Cancer, or Black History.
Guess I'm one of those offended types, chcr... and you're right about the backlash. I'm seeing it right here. Good-bye, all!![]()