The #1 reason

Ms Ann Thrope said:
IGuess I'm one of those offended types, chcr... and you're right about the backlash. I'm seeing it right here. Good-bye, all! :wave:

Tara babe! :wave: Sent yer an email (posting that here, in case she is having a last read of the thread)

I'll see yer out there in the internet wilderness soon! :)
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I thought we had moved on to slamming all special interest groups who have designated months where they can raise awareness. After all, where's the benefit in allowing not-for-profits to focus their energies on one month where they can coordinate their programming and share resources. None of us need to have our consciousness raised, we're all highly informed and tolerant people, and don't need months devoted to petty issues such as Domestic Violence, or Breast Cancer, or Black History. :rolleyes:

Guess I'm one of those offended types, chcr... and you're right about the backlash. I'm seeing it right here. Good-bye, all! :wave:
Oh nice going you drove a decent member away. Why leave though? There is always a conflict of interests, no need to scurry away.
IDLEchild said:
Oh nice going you drove a decent member away. Why leave though? There is always a conflict of interests, no need to scurry away.

OK another thing...stop using smilies as an effective form of a response...all of you who do this. A .gif does not a good answer make. Using a retard smilie or "whatever" smilie does not speak well for anyone who uses it solely as a whole response to a question or a comment.

Well I suppose the backlash against her was in the form of your opinion ergo just as valid as her opinion. However, did you all have to be so damn smug about it?....

Peace Miss Ann Thrope....
IDLEchild said:
OK another thing...stop using smilies as an effective form of a response...all of you who do this. A .gif does not a good answer make. Using a retard smilie or "whatever" smilie does not speak well for anyone who uses it solely as a whole response to a question or a comment.....

It's not the first time it's happened. I've taken long vacations myself as a result of some of the shit in here.

However, this thread has been far less heated than many others in this section. If this one is enough to drive her away for good, I fail to understand it. While I might be sorry to see her go, I'll be damned if you'll call me names and try to hang the blame on me.
IDLEchild said:
OK another thing...stop using smilies as an effective form of a response...all of you who do this. A .gif does not a good answer make. Using a retard smilie or "whatever" smilie does not speak well for anyone who uses it solely as a whole response to a question or a comment.

Well I suppose the backlash against her was in the form of your opinion ergo just as valid as her opinion. However, did you all have to be so damn smug about it?....

Peace Miss Ann Thrope....
Sorry, IC, but it really expressed my feelings. I thought this thread was mild compared to some of the others, and I thought it was clear that we were referring to spurious special interests.
Domestic Violence, or Breast Cancer, or Black History
These are not special interests, these are important issues that need to have awareness raised. A spurious special interest woud be a group of people who are 5% Sioux suing for a national "We kicked Custer's Ass" holiday. I think Natalie overreacted, and I don't really understand why, thus :shrug:

I say it again, we have become the United States of the Offended, and a lot of people want to take offense at silly things. The backlash, when it comes, will unfortunately affect the legitimate causes just as much as the spurious ones. I really didn't think I had to explain it in such detail.
HomeLAN said:
It's not the first time it's happened. I've taken long vacations myself as a result of some of the shit in here.

Different then quitting all together...hopefully she didn't.

While I might be sorry to see her go, I'll be damned if you'll call me names and try to hang the blame on me.

Not you alone...however

Idlechild said:
Well I suppose the backlash against her was in the form of your opinion ergo just as valid as her opinion. However, did you all have to be so damn smug about it?

My problem is creating an enviorment so hostile in the first place that stating your opinion is far more taxing then saying anything in the first place or even coming back to begin with.

Why does this only happen in this part of OTC? Every other section in this forum is well behaved and friendly but sir..everyone here is one step short of pulling out their dicks to see who's is bigger. Funny how people laugh at politicians for being monkeys in suits when lot of times the conversations here or in any other politics based forum are just as mundane and just as absurd. "No I am right"..."No I am"..."No I am"...."you're a fucking commie"...."well then you're a homophobe"

OZ said:
Effective tho'.......

Yes, but not for what you're thinking.
IDLEchild said:
Different then quitting all together...hopefully she didn't.

Not you alone...however

My problem is creating an enviorment so hostile in the first place that stating your opinion is far more taxing then saying anything in the first place or even coming back to begin with.

Why does this only happen in this part of OTC? Every other section in this forum is well behaved and friendly but sir..everyone here is one step short of pulling out their dicks to see who's is bigger. Funny how people laugh at politicians for being monkeys in suits when lot of times the conversations here or in any other politics based forum are just as mundane and just as absurd. "No I am right"..."No I am"..."No I am"...."you're a fucking commie"...."well then you're a homophobe"

Yes, but not for what you're thinking.'s obvious that yer a bit pissed off that Miss Anne Thrope has left.......I am too, hell, she was the last "real mate" I had on here (I'm talking about pm convo's....not the bullshit I post on the forums)...but give her some credit.....she said as much as she felt she needed to on her final post. I can't see how gossiping and finger pointing behind her back has any relevance at all :shrug:
IC, for what it's worth, I argued just as hard when another member left under similar circumstances about a year ago. However, I had the sense to do it privately, with people who could've actually made a difference with the site (management).

Your inability to see that this may not be the fault of the members who posted in this particular thread, combined with your name-calling and general unpleasantness not just here but across this forum, just landed you on the iggy list.
Oz said:
I can't see how gossiping and finger pointing behind her back has any relevance at all :shrug:

Gossiping? A harsh word No?...I simply stated it was rather asnine for everyone to be so sarcastic towards her opinion when everyone else jumps out of their seat as soon their view point is challenged. Hardly gossip.

Also I am not so pissed at her leaving as I am at the fact that a respected member felt she had to leave. Ofcourse it wasn't only this thread that did must have been building up.

Finger pointing?..Yes I am.

Homelan said:
However, I had the sense to do it privately, with people who could've actually made a difference with the site (management).

Part of site management was included in this conversation. Also she management can not do anything about this other than ask her nicely to give it another chance.

Your inability to see that this may not be the fault of the members who posted in this particular thread, combined with your name-calling and general unpleasantness not just here but across this forum, just landed you on the iggy list.

Ofcourse it is always someone elses inability when you couldn't bear to listen and not fire back with strong words.

Name calling?..hardly...Unless I have a reputation for excuse me for being human.

General unpleanstness? I agree I was before the name change but your inability to read my posts, now, for what they are is not my fault.

On your iggy list?...Fuck yeah, nothing less will do because it is so easy to shut others out when you step up to be the martyr and actually get questioned back.
As much as I hate to see Ann leaving, I'd like to point out that this debate was being taken far more civilized than the average thread of this forum.

As the name says, the hot stuff will fly here, you can participate in here abiding by the rules, but getting pissed off because someone does not agree with you and leaving well, that's the problem of the one leaving; I'd have rather stayed out of the RW as I do most of the time, but every head is a different world.

Now everybody relax a bit.