The #1 reason

nobody wanted her to go. BCD if you have such a fucking problem with us why are you still here? I am going to miss Natalie. But she made the decision to leave. I hope she comes back.
freako104 said:
nobody wanted her to go. BCD if you have such a fucking problem with us why are you still here? I am going to miss Natalie. But she made the decision to leave. I hope she comes back.

I do not have a "fucking" problem with any of you because I do not "fucking" know any of you. My "fucking" problem is with those that stress peace and civility but lose face when it gets nitty gritty.

Why am I here? To kill time basically.
Why does this only happen in this part of OTC?

Because politics & religion & abortion & guns and and and are all touchy subjects. The only real rule is don't call each other pesonally insulting names. It's one of the few places that allow hairpulling, scratching, biting & other assorted dirty tricks, yet they don't leak out of the RW. Step in here & you will be attacked. Step next door & we can all be friends.
IDLEchild said:
My problem is creating an enviorment so hostile in the first place that stating your opinion is far more taxing then saying anything in the first place or even coming back to begin with.

Why does this only happen in this part of OTC? Every other section in this forum is well behaved and friendly but sir..everyone here is one step short of pulling out their dicks to see who's is bigger.

Okay...since this is still getting out of hand, I'll say this. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Nobody has to like your opinion. If you don't like the 'attitude' in here, then don't come. Nobody is forcing you to engage in this forum. What we say here is often heated because of the diametrically opposed political agendas, so you'd better get used to being disappointed when your feelings are stepped on for your opinion. Mine are, quite often, and you don't see me leaving. ;)
Gonz said:
The only real rule is don't call each other pesonally insulting names. .

I thought that name calling was kocher in the RW forums......didn't you finally piss off GotnoLegs by calling him GotnoBrains Gonz? :confused:

Nobody has to like your opinion. If you don't like the 'attitude' in here, then don't come. Nobody is forcing you to engage in this forum.

Yup, that's about the size of it, it seems :)
Oz said:
I thought that name calling was kocher in the RW forums......didn't you finally piss off GotnoLegs by calling him GotnoBrains Gonz? :confused:

Yes & that ws later rectified.
Gonz said:
Yes & that ws later rectified.

Ah yes. Found the thread in Town Hall........sorry about that, hadn't been keeping up with that forum for a long while.