The 10,000 Post Thread!

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unclehobart said:
here.. eat this... *hands Altron a bag of glass shards*
and you'll need something to wash it down with...
*passes Altron a bottle*

Ignore the skull, cross bones and huge: "DO NOT DRINK THIS!" Sign, okay :) ;) :p
Ribbed condoms have extra bands or buttons of latex which are designed to give heightened sensation and excitement during intercourse.
If you have not used a ribbed condom before, don't expect the surface to appear knobbled and bumped - the texture of the surface is fine - but remember, it is designed to stimulate an aroused clitoris, not sandpaper a wall!
:rofl: @ ribbed condom
lol next time Ards says "ask your father" and PT says "Google it" i'll just ask you :)
*Steps back into thread long enough to grab Altron by the scruff of his neck and drag him off to juvenile detention*
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