The 9/11 Conspiracy At The Pentagon

every hour on the hour
year in year out

owww ooowwww oooowwwww

sorry gotta go now and get another ass kickin'
These threads always remind me of 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'?

Except there's no Sundance Kid...
Just Butch Cassidy, our friendly train-robbin' fightin' leftie!
Lets try to get back on topic...

If a plane really was involved then how come the government will not release the footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon?
Gotholic said:
Lets try to get back on topic...

If a plane really was involved then how come the government will not release the footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon?

You mean you haven't seen the footage at least eleventy-jillion times already? It was on all the major news outlets the day it happened, and stayed around for at least one year afterwards. You don't see it now because it's old news. :rolleyes:

Gato_Solo said:
You mean you haven't seen the footage at least eleventy-jillion times already? It was on all the major news outlets the day it happened, and stayed around for at least one year afterwards. You don't see it now because it's old news. :rolleyes:


I have seen plenty of pictures. I want to see video of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon. I can search and find video for the WTC being hit by the planes.

Apparently, the footage of the Pentagon has never been released.
Stop me if I'm wrong, BUT...

The video you can find of the WTC is all civilian, all of the second plane hit. News cameras, as well as people's camcorders, were focused on the one tower burning when the second plane hit. The government didn't "release" any footage of that, and in fact, if the government were filming non-government buildings 24/7, that would be cause for concern.

The chances of there being a civilian camera filming the Pentagon are closer to none than slim.

[url=]Evidence[/URL] that a plane DID hit the Pentagon.
The only film of the plane hitting the Pentagon was an FBI/Military/Federal Police? (don't know) security cameras upon all corners, nooks, and crannies all over the building.. but such cameras are on 15-30 second update frames only. The only camera that I know of that directly filmed it was one at the entrance swing arm gate. I think it was one of those cameras that was positioned to read and file rear auto tags. It was full time camera taking about 15 frames per second... which means that the plane was only in like two frames and the impact fireball in the third. The feds owned the film and refused to release it because; it was a piece of evidence in an investigation, it would be tragic and hard for the families killed on the plane and in the building to watch it over and over again, and they didn't want it to be used as propaganda by the Taliban. Such a video clip would have made it into all of their propaganda/recruitment tapes and possibly even on a few t-shirts as well.
Inkara1 said:
Stop me if I'm wrong, BUT...

The video you can find of the WTC is all civilian, all of the second plane hit. News cameras, as well as people's camcorders, were focused on the one tower burning when the second plane hit. The government didn't "release" any footage of that, and in fact, if the government were filming non-government buildings 24/7, that would be cause for concern.

The chances of there being a civilian camera filming the Pentagon are closer to none than slim.

[url=]Evidence[/URL] that a plane DID hit the Pentagon.

I'm not strictly speaking civilian footage. If you click on the "For it" link and watch the short flash clip you will know what I'm talking about. According to the flash, there is footage of the plane (or some type of object) hitting the Pentagon from a local gas station and from the Virginia Department of Transportation surveilling Route 257. This footage has never been released.

Your link was informing, but it does not address all the statements made in that flash that I provided in the beginning of this thread. Come to think of it, I have never come across anything else that did.

Just for the record, I'm not firmly on one side or the other. I just think there is something odd about what happened at the Pentagon.

unclehobart said:
The only film of the plane hitting the Pentagon was an FBI/Military/Federal Police? (don't know) security cameras upon all corners, nooks, and crannies all over the building.. but such cameras are on 15-30 second update frames only. The only camera that I know of that directly filmed it was one at the entrance swing arm gate. I think it was one of those cameras that was positioned to read and file rear auto tags. It was full time camera taking about 15 frames per second... which means that the plane was only in like two frames and the impact fireball in the third. The feds owned the film and refused to release it because; it was a piece of evidence in an investigation, it would be tragic and hard for the families killed on the plane and in the building to watch it over and over again, and they didn't want it to be used as propaganda by the Taliban. Such a video clip would have made it into all of their propaganda/recruitment tapes and possibly even on a few t-shirts as well.

That type of film was showed in the flash clip (from the beginning of this thread). It does not give a clear image of what hit the Pentagon. So I guess it was released.

However, the other footage which is supposedly out there (based off the flash) has not been released.
A quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is a phase of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) which exists at extremely high temperature and density. It is believed to have existed during the first 20 or 30 microseconds after the universe came into existence in the Big Bang.
Pentagon Releases Video of Plane Hitting Building on 9/11

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

WASHINGTON — Conspiracy theorists may or may not be disappointed Tuesday when they see footage released from the Pentagon showing two angles of American Flight 77 hitting the western wall of the building on Sept. 11, 2001.

The Department of Justice released the videotape after a Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog. The request was made to quiet claims by some that pictures from that day never showed an airplane, only the "alleged" impact of the plane. Those claims spawned theories that the U.S. government faked the crash at the Pentagon.

"We fought hard to obtain this video because we felt that it was very important to complete the public record with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77. As always, our prayers remain with all those who suffered as a result of those murderous attacks."

One of the tapes is from a security camera that was used to produce five still shots on that day. That video, which takes pictures in half-second increments, shows the nose cone of the plane clearly entering the picture, then a blur and then a fireball.

The other camera shot that hasn't been seen before shows more of the plane before the fireball.

Several other cameras throughout the years supposedly caught part of the attack on tape, but none of these leads have panned out.

Tom Bortner, a Pentagon attack survivor, said he thinks the speed of the plane is what prevented the attack from being captured on more surveillance cameras on the premises.

"I think it's conclusive that plane hit the Pentagon and I don't think the tape really adds or detracts from that," Bortner said.

American Airlines Flight 77 left Dulles Airport outside Washington, D.C., around 8:51 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. On its way to Los Angeles, the plane was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. EDT; 184 people died in that attack.

Three other planes were hijacked that day. Two hit the North and South towers of the World Trade Center and one — United Flight 93 — believed to be headed to Washington, D.C., was stopped by passengers who fought the hijackers. The plane crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pa. Nearly 3,000 people died that day as a result of the attacks.

"I think it's appropriate that the American people be reminded from time to time about the horror of that day, be reminded about the fact we need to remain vigilant, we need to take the rest of the steps the commission recommended," James Thompson, the former Illinois governor who sat on the Sept. 11 commission, told FOX News.

A dramatic film, "United 93," is currently in wide release depicting that day. The film borrows heavily from taped phone conversations that passengers and crew had with their families and air traffic controllers before the fight for control of the plane.

Judicial Watch first filed the FOIA request in February 2004. It received a letter from the Pentagon in January 2005 that it possessed a videotape responsive to the request but wouldn't release it since it was "part of an ongoing investigation involving Zacarias Moussaoui." Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit in February 2006, arguing that the Defense Department had "no legal basis" to withhold the tape.

Moussaoui, the only person formally charged with his role in the attacks, was recently sentenced to six consecutive life terms in prison.


They should of done this sooner.
Why? To satisfy the tin-foil hat crowd?

Tom Bortner, a Pentagon attack survivor, said he thinks the speed of the plane is what prevented the attack from being captured on more surveillance cameras on the premises.

"I think it's conclusive that plane hit the Pentagon and I don't think the tape really adds or detracts from that," Bortner said.
I'm still waiting for the videos of the nearby buildings (specially the hotel one).

The video is a fake. The reason it wasn't released sooner was to allow post production work to finish...making it look authentic.


Is that how it will be spun? I'm practicing.