The "A" word is back

Re: The

My understanding is that five months is now the point where a child can be born and survive. Before then is so soon that even modern medicine can't keep the kid alive.
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chcr said:
Bish, I think you're expecting rational decision making from perhaps the least rationally controllable process in the human experience. You have at least one child if I remember correctly. How rational was life at your house leading up to the birth?

Surprisingly calm. Used a midwife. Had a cel-phone on me for 3 months before the actual date of delivery. Didn't even have to speed to get there.

That's not the point though. Rational or not (I understand that there are cases of blocking all possibilities in the 'uber-denial' of pregnancy)... you would figure that once your period stops for more than a few months, your weight gain is in the belly mostly, your breasts enlarge adn become sore to the touch, the morning sickness etc... that even the most naive of girls would figure out that she's pregnant. If she doesn't want to tell her folx, that shouldn't be the main reason for her to wait until the end of the 10th month before sneaking out and getting an abortion. What would make her think that her folx wouldn't find out about surgery, but find out about an earlier abortion?

Fuckin' procrastination!
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MrBishop said:
Fuckin' procrastination!

I'm going on the assumption here that you've never been pregnant, or had a pregnancy scare yourself (well, obviously not, you ain't got the plumbing.)

When a girl finds herself with an unwanted pregnancy, chances are, she's not going to react rationally. Sure, procrastination is one possible reason why the abortion was left so late, but other factors come into play as well - money, support, whether or not she's in denial. If only it were that easy to rationally decide whether or not you want an abortion - I doubt that any woman who's had to make the decision has found it an easy choice.
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Gonz said:
I am pro-choice. There is a point at which "choice" becomes child. Mypoint, 4.5 moths is the ultimate cutoff, all past 3 months require medical necessity.
Others cut off is conception & others are an hour before birth.

Morally bankrupt leaders-do we have to drag up Dolly Kyle Browning, Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones? He wasn't the first , isn't the only & won't be the last. He did, however, have the NAGs supporting him & calling all these women losers.

sorry I had thougth you took a shot at the pro-choicers in general.
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BeardofPants said:
I'm going on the assumption here that you've never been pregnant, or had a pregnancy scare yourself (well, obviously not, you ain't got the plumbing.)

When a girl finds herself with an unwanted pregnancy, chances are, she's not going to react rationally. Sure, procrastination is one possible reason why the abortion was left so late, but other factors come into play as well - money, support, whether or not she's in denial. If only it were that easy to rationally decide whether or not you want an abortion - I doubt that any woman who's had to make the decision has found it an easy choice.

none have. i know a girl who told me she had to have one. it still bothers her to this day. its a life death decision. find someone who can make it easily. then ill show you someone who has no respect for life.
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BeardofPants said:
If only it were that easy to rationally decide whether or not you want an abortion - I doubt that any woman who's had to make the decision has found it an easy choice.

The decision doesn't get any easier as time passes. I seriously doubt that making a decision on abortion once you've been thinking about it for 30+ weeks can possibly be any easier than doing so when you're only 15-20 weeks into it.

I'm familiar with abortion and it's effects on women. I see it regularly (no details). I know that the choice isn't easy and there are more variables than there are visible stars in the sky BUT...

Not one single variable is likely to change by waiting. There will be no sudden money, no knight in shining armour, no parental turn-around in ideals. The girl in question won't suddenly be granted more time to think about it...the pregnancy won't advance any slower, or last any longer.
:disgust2: This has to be the ugliest subject to toss into a forum...I see the same people who were wishing the National Guard would open fire on the war protesters, now claiming to so respect LIFE that they must speak for the supreme rights of a fetus over all else...and now its caused by Monica. Was there ever any doubt that ANYTHING that is as much as an uncomfortable fact of life HAS to be Monica & Bill's fault...Damn those blowjobs. Anyone who has ever had or given one should be summarily executed...
Re: The

Gonz said:
I am pro-choice. There is a point at which "choice" becomes child. Mypoint, 4.5 moths is the ultimate cutoff, all past 3 months require medical necessity.
Others cut off is conception & others are an hour before birth.

The Age of Viability is generally accepted to be around 24-26 weeks. In my strongly-pro-choice opinion, anything after this time is clinical homocide. Partial Abortion? WTF? Murder, pure and simple.

chcr said:
The point is (and let me stress that there was and is a point) that the right-to-lifers continually try to make the entire abortion issue into an emotional issue by misrepresenting and lying about the facts.

Well you see, that's the problem when you teach a society to be driven by mindless retardation. All you have to do is throw a bit of fear about "The Evils" and you've half the flock on your side already. It's always a case of the intellectual vs the fearful.
It's not hard to see who's come to the evolutionary battle un-armed. The complete lack of integrity of the masses is perfectly demonstrated by taking a simple (but topical) example - GE. Were we to develop, tomorrow, a gene-therapy that completely eliminated our susceptibility to HIV, the GE-free movement would be forgotten in a second and GE would be the world's new penicillin. Ostrich - head - sand. The math ain't hard.

Case in point.
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Squiggy said:
:disgust2: This has to be the ugliest subject to toss into a forum...I see the same people who were wishing the National Guard would open fire on the war protesters, now claiming to so respect LIFE that they must speak for the supreme rights of a fetus over all else...and now its caused by Monica. Was there ever any doubt that ANYTHING that is as much as an uncomfortable fact of life HAS to be Monica & Bill's fault...Damn those blowjobs. Anyone who has ever had or given one should be summarily executed...

arent we versatile?(taken from George Carlin)
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BoP said:
When a girl finds herself with an unwanted pregnancy, chances are, she's not going to react rationally.

Which is another reason to advocate abstinence. If girls aren't strong enough to face facts they need to wait until they're women & in a position to know & act accordingly.

Squiggy said:
:disgust2: This has to be the ugliest subject to toss into a forum...I see the same people who were wishing the National Guard would open fire on the war protesters, now claiming to so respect LIFE that they must speak for the supreme rights of a fetus over all else...and now its caused by Monica. Was there ever any doubt that ANYTHING that is as much as an uncomfortable fact of life HAS to be Monica & Bill's fault...Damn those blowjobs. Anyone who has ever had or given one should be summarily executed...

Those who wish the NG to execute the protesters do so knowing full well it won't happen. It was also a minute minority that had gone that far. Even so, the protesters & the NG have a choice. Isn't what this is about? Choice. Where is the choice for a a viable child in utero. The one person obligated to protect is the one creating the dilemma. Her lack of foresight led to this point. She had a choice in week 6, 9, 15. She now has the authority & audacity to kill because of poor choices, from step one. At some point, somebody needs to step in & say enough is enough.

I'm not blaming Clinton for this mess. I implied that the organizations that use double standards for our leaders are losing what little integrity they have left. If one is against abortion then be against abortion, regardless of political leanings of a candidate or office holder. If one is pro abortion, the same standards need apply. The same group of women who drove a vehement malignment attack against Clarence Thomas & so opposed Robert Bork for his rulings that he was rejected. Yet they have the gall to question a sister when not one, not 3 but 5 (or more) accused the pro-abortion president of harassment, or worse. Can you imagine what they would accuse the conservatives of if the situation were reversed? Thses groups have no integrity & they have no authority to speak for the groups in which they profess to espouse an overseers role, especially when they are willing to overlook what they are promising to stop.
Re: The

BeardofPants said:
I'm going on the assumption here that you've never been pregnant, or had a pregnancy scare yourself (well, obviously not, you ain't got the plumbing.)

Plumbing aside, I beg to differ. Bish had more than one close call, and was damn near scared white.
Re: The

Gonz said:
I'm not blaming Clinton for this mess. I implied that the organizations that use double standards for our leaders are losing what little integrity they have left. If one is against abortion then be against abortion, regardless of political leanings of a candidate or office holder. If one is pro abortion, the same standards need apply. The same group of women who drove a vehement malignment attack against Clarence Thomas & so opposed Robert Bork for his rulings that he was rejected. Yet they have the gall to question a sister when not one, not 3 but 5 (or more) accused the pro-abortion president of harassment, or worse. Can you imagine what they would accuse the conservatives of if the situation were reversed? Thses groups have no integrity & they have no authority to speak for the groups in which they profess to espouse an overseers role, especially when they are willing to overlook what they are promising to stop.

When are you going to get it through your skull that we're not "pro-abortion". Its pro-choice. I don't ever want someone to abort. I simply feel it should be their choice.
Re: The

Squiggy said:
When are you going to get it through your skull that we're not "pro-abortion". Its pro-choice. I don't ever want someone to abort. I simply feel it should be their choice.

Absolutely. Pro-choice. Of course, the leading pro-abortion advocacy group, Planned Parenthood, is exactly that. They make you seek information about non-abortive CHOICE on their website (and in their clinics I might add). There is no looking for abortion information. It is everywhere. Once you actually find the small section about adoption, they begin using scare tactics like " Talk with an adoption counselor or lawyer before deciding on any arrangement."

Let's compare opening paragraphs shall we:


One of your choices is to complete your pregnancy and let someone else raise your child. Many women who make this choice are happy knowing that their children are loved and living in good homes. But some women find that the pain of being separated from their children is deeper and longer lasting than they expected.
I suppose killig them is okay though.


One of your choices is abortion. Abortion is a legal and safe procedure. More than 90 percent of abortions occur during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

it's not until seven paragraphs later that you find this little ditty;

Most women feel relieved after an abortion. Some experience anger, regret, guilt, or sadness for a short time. These feelings may be complicated by the abrupt hormonal changes that take place after abortion. Serious, long-term emotional problems after abortion are rare. They are more likely after childbirth.

PRO-ABORTION. They don't weigh the choices evenly. These are the groups I despise. They block attempts at choosing abstinence education. They sue to get themselves in high schools, to pass out information and medication (STD's, contraception, abortion). They never speak either alternative "A" word in their clinics. Abortion on demand is their unofficial motto.

Don't be fooled by rhetoric. They wish to dispense with choice. They advocate PRO-ABORTION.
WND said:
Attendees of a national conference for abortion providers watched and listened with rapt attention as the inventor of the partial-birth abortion procedure narrated a video of the grisly procedure – and then burst into applause when the act was over and the unborn child destroyed.

The disturbing and eye-opening event, featuring abortion doctor Martin Haskell addressing members of the National Abortion Federation, was captured on audiotape.

At the end of the procedure, after the late-term, fully developed unborn child's life has been violently and painfully terminated, the audience breaks out into applause.
