As long as the other side fails to lay absolute reasoning, you're willing to talk. Let the opposition give facts while backing it up, you stick your fingers in your ears & cry *blahblahblah*
So should I st and listen to the same litany of lies and misinformation over and over until I start to hear it so much I subconsciously start allowing for even the mere the possibility that there is truth to it when actually there isn't?
The point of reasonable folks whose opinions differ is that such people are capable of learning. Such people are capable of recognizing when wrong decisions or courses of action have been taken and change things accordingly, seeking working solutions to problems, rather than just making a more strenuous effort at a failed idea or course of action.
Passion and commitment to one's ideals are admirable, but yet when someone is so convinced of their "rightness" that they will consider no other possibilities, will not question things that actually need to be questioned, and allow for no other viewpoint, well that is just madness! That is the making of a dangerous crackpot. That is the kind of guy Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Sadaam Hussein, and many other villains of the word were. When one's politics, philosophies, beliefs are above questioning or all doubt, then one is incapable of further learning, and essentially worthless to society and potentially dangerous to it.
I'm sorry if you look at this, this way, but there is no debating, discussing or exchange of ideas with you or RM. I will give it to you that you at very least seem sane and while as closed minded as they come, reasonably stable. RM on the other hand does not seem stable or sane to me.
Regardless of what anyone here thinks, I have been clean and sober going on three years now and more stable and successful than I ever have been. I've studied a LOT of psychology and completed many college courses in and around that field and of sociology. I'm not speaking from a place of a complete layman.
The thing is though, I have really lost the interest in debating those who are "never wrong", and those who make it into a mudslinging contest consisting of personal attacks or thinly veiled personal attacks. RM only wants to put folks down and tell himself he is superior, from what I can see. This is a clear indicator of someone with very low self esteem who has to seek out others to put down thus making them feel better about themselves.
I guess spike will continue to play ideological ping pong with you with no chance of ever making a dent, but I really am bored of it. I really have better things to do with my life!