The Anti-Socialist Promise

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See above.

Just a little FYI...

The reason I'm so rabid is I did investigate. I investigated 30+ years worth of lies that I'd been told by the media, the pols & the intelligencia. I didn't gradually move right. I was propelled with such force that a lesser men would have cracked. The lies & distortions were so amazingly clear once the societal blinders were removed. Polite society be damned. Speak the truth...

Gonz isn't progressive-liberal-commie. He's quite an individual able to navigate the intricate real world and form an opinion that isn't from a thread at the KOS.
Yeah, he just doesn't have any rational response to the points made.

The REAL point is; we are there, right now with real bullet being shot at our troops. Do we win the fight or lose the fight.

Simple really.

Although I do see your point that we should discuss the issue as our troops are being ignored until you feel better. Just let us know when its all OK for you mkay?
No, the fact that more Americans die because they lack of health insurance to get the treatments they need than terrorism, homicide, drunk driving and HIV combined has nothing to do with the size of our country.

You REALLY need to prove this, because it simply isn't true.
Lack of regulation caused the housing collapse. The healthcare problem is because our system is based on greed instead of fixing people. Repeat customers make money. Not fixing people and not seeing them again. Full hospitals make money not empty ones with a bunch of healthy people running around outside.

Bullshit, regulations forcing loans caused the housing fiasco.

Funny that your commie attitude blinds you from seeing that fixing people is how health care people make their money. If they didn't fix people, no one would want their services. (and if you can't make money doing it, no one will want to fix people).

Really, have you ever earned anything for yourself in your life?
Either you respond to the points or you concede the points. I would especially like to see you respond to these:

Or you could just tryo to respond to all of them.

I've answered those points in many threads. Frankly, I'm tired of repeating myself. It does nothing to change your outlook.
Albert Einstein said:
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Bullshit, regulations forcing loans caused the housing fiasco.

No, deregulation caused the housing crisis.

Funny that your commie attitude blinds you from seeing that fixing people is how health care people make their money. If they didn't fix people, no one would want their services.

No, it's your fascist attitude and trolling tendencies that blind you from seeing that it is much moe profitable to have repeat customers and prescriptions than it is to fix someone and have them not come back. It's also easier. Have a pain in your's some pain killers.
I've answered those points in many threads.


Start with these two.

Declare war. Not invade countries that aren't threatening us without declaring war, not "bring them out of the 2nd century", not "spreading democracy", not having permanent bases in countries we're not fighting.

So you're just hoping without any guarantee that they'll give up this power at some future date when there are no more terrorists.
Oh, I see. You were thinking Uncle Bob was a reliable authority.

Well, yeah. Uncle Bob was the Executive President of Ginnie Mae for 8 years under Ronald Reagan. But I'm certain you know much more about it, after all you read it on the internet. :retard:
Well, get your uncle on here to give us his thoughts. Otherwise we're going to have to use facts instead of your made up crap.
Get your uncle and your cousin on here. Otherwise we're just going to have to use the facts that show you are wrong.
They would piss on you for making up all the shit that you post? Good, get them on here then.
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