the book i just bought

Q said:
Why didn't they invite you? Don't they like you?:p

Eastern Stars is a women only group. Just like the Masons is Men only. ;) Unless PT loses his dick, and grows breastesses, he'll be very unwelcome at a meeting. :D
Gato_Solo said:
Eastern Stars is a women only group. Just like the Masons is Men only. Unless PT loses his dick, and grows breastesses, he'll be very unwelcome at a meeting.

Thats what really intrigues me, it's all women, theres got to be some Jello or thongs or something I'm missing there.
I doubt it. Prolly lotsa man bashing....the most effecient clean up method after wanker removal...stuff like that.
Q said:
I was talking to you:p he just sneeked his post in faster than me.

I never had the desire to join. If you don't express interest in joining, then you aren't the right material anyway. :shrug:

Most revealing phrase from one of my Mason friends...

"If you want to be one, ask one." That's all you have to do to get started.
Well I wanna be one. I've been wondering about that walking through walls shit, or whatever the hell that guy told me, for 18 years.
Whaddaya crazy??? I'm waaaay too old to be a ninja.:D

Wanna put in a good word to your dad for me?:headbang:
I would if I could, but he's in PA, I'm in SC, and you're in FL. Basically, he can't sponsor anyone unless they happen to be in his chapter area. Once you're in, however, you can transfer from chapter to chapter as long as you have an established membership, and have advanced enough. I'm pretty sure that, if you went to a local Mason chapter and asked, you'd be pointed in the right direction.
Yeah, but they'd wanna make me an Eastern Star. I wanna be a Mason. I really need to get to the bottom of this "walking through walls" stuff.
Q said:
Yeah, but they'd wanna make me an Eastern Star. I wanna be a Mason. I really need to get to the bottom of this "walking through walls" stuff.

Sorry. Mason's is men only. If you don't want to be a Star, I suggest starting your own club. ;)

I was born in Rochester, PA, and raised in Beaver Falls, PA
PuterTutor said:
I'm not sure how religon works in it though, as I know there are both Catholics and Baptists that are members of the local club.

well, the English Freemasons may be different to your local freemasons:

the freemason rulebook said:
On more than one occasion the Grand Lodge has refused, and will continue to refuse, to participate in Conferences with so-called International Associations claiming to represent Freemasonry, which admit to membership Bodies failing to conform strictly to the principles upon which the Grand Lodge of England is founded.

so thier relationship to religion may be different to these guys...

the freemsaon rulebook said:
3. The first condition of admission into, and membership of, the Order is a belief in the Supreme Being. This is essential and admits of no compromise.

4. The Bible, referred to by Freemasons as the Volume of he Sacred Law, is always open in the Lodges. every Candidate is required to take his Obligation on that book or on the Volume which is held by his particular creed to impart sanctity to an oath or promise taken upon it.
Oh yeah, I do remember, now that you mention Beaver Falls.

Nobody's gonna want to join my club, if I can't walk through walls :mope:
Gato_Solo said:
"If you want to be one, ask one." That's all you have to do to get started.

this book is pretty thick... but i found this choice quote:

the freemason rulebook said:
You admit that no person can regularly be made a Free-Mason or admitted a Member of any Lodge without previous notice and due enquiry into his character; and that no Brother can be advanced to a higher Degree except in strict conformity with the Laws of the Grand Lodge.
Notice, I said 'Get started'. From there, you must 'pass muster'. That doesn't mean that anybody can join, willi-nilly, silly. :nuts:
Gato_Solo said:
Notice, I said 'Get started'. From there, you must 'pass muster'. That doesn't mean that anybody can join, willi-nilly, silly. :nuts:

That's why I said you pretty well have to be selected. If you have any enemies within the organization, you can pretty well count on a black ball. My Father-In-Law is still a very active member, but we don't get along too well, so I don't think I'll be joining anytime soon.