oh come on winks...
they progressives have been plotting, and clawing away at this setup for a loooong time.
In just one election, we got things started turning back in the right direction.
A 1/3rd swing.
Many people are waking up, although there are still many who aren't, and some that never will.
Just wait til next summer, and watch things really start ramping up.
The tea party made a showing, but you ain't seen nothing yet.
You gonna see what may be the largest Partay in history.
“As I read the Constitution, the Congress writes the laws and you get to decide what you want to sign,”
Too bad we live in an era of class warfare.
Minks why would the middle class continue to operate against their
own best self interest, only because the government has a gun to
to their heads.
fuck the middle class. it's their own job to figure out how to make it in this world. what, you want gubbymint to help the middle class? no? then quit whining.
Guess I'm a fuckin' idiot who is wholly unenlightened™
I suppose I'll have to go away cuz you've deemed me not worthy
have fun dispensing your lofty wisdom to the great unwashed