The Budget

they've accomplished their goal

Freedom isn't's the only thing

no I'd rather have the Kool-Aid
and if you don't stop whining about your candy, and grow some balls, freedom is exactly what you will lose. think of today as being similar to the level of desperation here in the early part of WW2. yeah, we're that fucked.

bone up, chaco.
If we could all get behind the right course
of action like we did in the early days of WWII
We'd have this thing whipped in no time at all.

This is more akin to the civil war.
we'll have cooler hats than they did

something like the French revolution here in the U.S.
this time fought with modern heavy weapons
it couldn't be helped

I knew there would be many collateral casualties
but it couldn't be helped, there were 5 of them coming up main street
so I called in HE from the mortar crews and got three of them on the run in.

A couple guys with an at-4 got the fourth one but one of them was killed
and surprisingly the 5th surrendered!

We didn't zip tie the crew, let them tend to the survivors, just disarmed them
We took all the weapons we could pack into the 5th Stryker we ditched it as quickly
as possible. See attached after action report for kia's and wia's:

recommendation for disciplinary action

Minky wanted to take the two unwounded the female enemy
soldiers prisoner so he could interrogate them at a later time.

After what happened the last time I forbid this action.

I believe he is a danger to his unit as he keeps taking females
as prisoners then claims they escape.

As no bodies have been found there is no way to dispute his claims.
Re: recommendation for disciplinary action

Minky wanted to take the two unwounded the female enemy
soldiers prisoner so he could interrogate them at a later time.

After what happened the last time I forbid this action.

I believe he is a danger to his unit as he keeps taking females
as prisoners then claims they escape.

As no bodies have been found there is no way to dispute his claims.

it helps to have a really big trash chute in my building. the only difficulty is discreetly making my way to it with the payload.
Thank goodness the Budget crisis doesn't exist

So the landslide win of the Republicans
ended up garnering a 352 million dollar
cut from a budget of 3.73 trillion?

Yeah I told you so.

it's easy to TALK about fiscal responsibility, and leech votes from suckers who actually believe you... mostly because you look like them and prefer the same flavor of infant formula.
The whole thing about making cuts is...
It has to be pretty much a kind of across the board thing.
Not that everything has to be cut the same as in percentage,
but that it is mostly a Total Shared sacrifice.

e.g. I don't mind not getting an increase in pay, or maybe some other scenario,
as long as I see the gov. cutting it's self (for real).

This crony exemption won't fly.
what crony exemption? (is there always something to be suspicious of? better mind your garbage. they could be picking through it.)
Well, like, you know Senators have always viewed their job as to how much
they can bring into their state from the fed.
Now they ALL have to cut the crap like "the bridge to nowhere", or
the train in Ca..
Even School appropriations for this state.
The Senate has to switch modes from spending to cutting more, like
the House has largely done.

This isn't a partisan thing, it's on both sides.
My 2 Rep. senators that got re-elected last election, and in '08 are some
of the worst at it.
We almost got Chambliss out, but Isakson didn't really have any opposition.

The hypocrisy that every other state has to have cut, but not the home state has to stop.
Also when it comes to cutting back gov. it's self.
That little cut the house gave to it's self was suppose to just be the start,
but now nothing else is even being talked about much, as far as gov. rollbacks.
Not seriously.

I'm not necessarily against raising taxes possible in some way,
but just like with the 'ol immigration problem and building the fence First...
in gov. the Cuts have to be first, then we can talk taxes.