The downfall of America has begun

We're thinking more in terms of police stop and search I think. It shouldn't be an offence not to carry it, but obviously it will have to be produced to prove your entitlement to nhs treatment or other benefits, which you usually know you're going to need to doin advance. Emergency nhs treatment including necessary ops are free to everyone including non-residents so it isn't necessary to prove entitlement for that.
Don't you pay health insurance or uneployment insurance Gonz? Well it's exactly the same just run by the government not some money grubbing for profit company out to screw the insurance holder.

Hang on a mo... that sounds familiar! :lol:

It's actually a fallacy that we don't pay for treatment... the majority of us do through our NI contributions. Those of us who don't, depending on our status are credited with full contributions on an annual basis... e.g. I get Home Responsibilities Protection because I am Katie's full time carer, which credits me with one years full NI contributions for every year I care for her. Which means when I do get back to working and am paying my own contributions I don't have to make up the missing years. So at present I have 30 years contibutions towards the 45 required for a full state pension when I retire @ 65, unlike someone who is just unemployed and has to make up the lost years to qualify. And shortly the government are planning to credit people in my position with contributions to the second stakeholder pension which will give me a second pension to top-up the first so I won't have to claim Income Support to make it up. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to contribute to my old superannuation scheme because I'm not in paid employment.
steweygrrrr said:
That was way back when though when it was easy for a 14 y/o to get a job. Kimberly (my gf) and I went round town last saturday looking for a job for her. Everywhere we went wanted either over 18's or prior experience. So although they do not have jobs it is (mostly not entirely) through no fault of their own.

whats her age range? if its under 18 or 21 it might be harder for her to get a job since at least in America( i dont know about Europe nor European countries laws) so if its different it could be a different situation. plus adults are more able to be worked when theyre needed. that doesnt mean necessarily that theyll get the job either but that it might be easier if shes over 18 or 21
Aunty Em said:
Don't you pay health insurance or uneployment insurance Gonz? Well it's exactly the same just run by the government not some money grubbing for profit company out to screw the insurance holder.

Yes ma'am I do voluntarily pay a private company for health insurance coverage for my wife & son. My company pays mine.. However, the government is not in the health care or insurance field, nor should they be.

What's wrong with money gribbibng for profit companies?

*still waiting to get a paycheck from a poor person*
Gonz said:
What's wrong with money gribbibng for profit companies?
Nothing... until they start trying to screw me out of what I've paid for. Then, unlike the majority of my countrymen/women, I get really pissed!
Aunty Em said:
Nothing... until they start trying to screw me out of what I've paid for. Then, unlike the majority of my countrymen/women, I get really pissed!

I know you poms like your booze, but shouldn't you try to get what you deserve rather than just going to the pub.. ?? :p
Aunty Em said:
Nothing... until they start trying to screw me out of what I've paid for. Then, unlike the majority of my countrymen/women, I get really pissed!
God knows they'll do. Whenever the opportunity arises...
Greedy for-profit corporations are what made the rapid advancement of this world possible. Without them, we'd still be growing 200 acre personal gardens & raising our own cattle, hoping to have enough to last until next year. We'd not have (look around your posh little hovel & pick anything). They pay the bills & they pay huge amounts in taxes. They take the little guy & make some rich. They allow us to go to the mall (oh, alright THAT sucks) & leisurely spend money & time on gadgets & trinkets we don't need. They are a necessary evil & when they screw the little guy, they go bankrupt. The system works.
Hmmm... you know, many of my friends are downsizing, changing to less stressful jobs and getting back to a less gadgetised way of life. At least half of them don't have TVs any more... personally I don't know why I still have one since I rarely watch it... I'd rather read a good book. Maybe that desert islands a good idea after all...
The Pill - Ideal failure rate: 0.5%. Typical failure rate: 2%
Condom - Ideal failure rate: 2%. Typical failure rate: 10%.

Maybe we need to stress the importance of putting the condom on correctly, stress the importance of taking the pill correctly.

With the added use of spermacides,( and for extremely safe couples, following a womans cycle(rythm method)) sex can be very safe.

Show kids how to put a condom on correctly, how to decide what type on alternate contraseptives will help. Theres no point taking one step forward and two steps back, we wont get anywhere we want to go.
Without the right guidance and people to show us the way we end up with a society of built ignorance

Basically our problem is that people are idiots, what are the odds
If i recall right, the ideal failure rate of condoms is 5% if it is one that has spermaticide.

btw, spermaticides might reduce the risk of pregnancy but increases the risks of aids contagious among other std.
HubbaHubba said:
,( and for extremely safe couples, following a womans cycle(rythm method)) sex can be very safe.

Um... I hate to break it to you Hubba, but a very recent study published in the last month has proved that this method doesn't actually work for most women because of the unpredictability of the female cycle i.e. very few women have a 28 day cycle and many ovulate twice in that cycle not once as was previously thought.

My mother has 4 kids to prove it.
Aunty Em said:
Um... I hate to break it to you Hubba, but a very recent study published in the last month has proved that this method doesn't actually work for most women because of the unpredictability of the female cycle i.e. very few women have a 28 day cycle and many ovulate twice in that cycle not once as was previously thought.

What is undeniable though is that in the three days after your period you risk getting pregnant about as much as a mountain goat would by having sex with a pineapple.... :)
Wrong, that's when my mum got pregnant 3 times... just after her period. :shrug:

Had I used this method I would have got it wrong too because I ovulate on the 10th or 11th day of a 24 - 26 day cycle.

It's better for pinpointing when you actually want to get pregnant... you check you temperature each morning before you get up... when it dips you're ovulating - my pregnancy was planned and we hit the spot first go after 6 months of plotting my cycle. It's a shame Katie's dad then turned out to be such a cad and decided he didn't want to be a dad after all... or so ha said. :(

Then again, perhaps it was a lucky escape, cos it turned out he had been playing away from home, as Katie has a half-brother who is 4 months younger than her! I only found that out when he told the magistrate that he was married when I was suing him for maintainance! I soon had my solicitor sort that one out... turned out he was getting married to the other woman - silly bitch - it didn't get him out of paying maintainance though! :)

Bastard! :mad:
Aunty Em said:
Had I used this method I would have got it wrong too because I ovulate on the 10th or 11th day of a 24 - 26 day cycle.

Which means that days 1-4 have absolutely no risk. Sperm can survive up to 2-3 days and if the egg doesn't arrive until day 10 then there's no chance. No?
a13antichrist said:
Which means that days 1-4 have absolutely no risk. Sperm can survive up to 2-3 days and if the egg doesn't arrive until day 10 then there's no chance. No?
Yes, but I only knew that because I spent 6 months working out my cycle. If I had relyed on the rythm method as per the "normal" 28 day cycle then I would have expected to ovulate on the 14th day which would have been too late and could have resulted in an unwanted pregnancy.

As it was when I became pregnant with my second child it was within 6 weeks of stopping the pill... so much for needing 6 months to get back to normal! :rolleyes: