THE Enlightenment Test: Are You a Sheep or Wolf?

Digital said:
MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 04 (0-4): the pinnacle. Transtopian, or pretty close to it. Progressive and hardcore with very few taboos. Looks like we have a WINNER here!
It's a bit biased.
I'm also pro-anything that has to deal with the advancement of science, even if it is in the expense of humans.

you arent the first 4 we have ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Hey. This is my section. Go back, and test again. :grumpy: Dayum kids... :grumpy:
You can make room for a cute lil' pants stealing fence-sitter... can't you? *raspberrys in gato's direction* :p
The war on Iraq was the diversionary tactic / personal vendetta of a cowboy president urged on by self-serving, manipulative (foreign and domestic) pressure groups, executed by cynical mercenaries and gullible youths, and supported by knee-jerk "patriotic" simpletons. Incidentally, this latest conflict has once more made it painfully clear that the only true (international) "right" is the right of force, and the only true (international) "law" the law of the jungle.

MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 04 (0-4): the pinnacle. Transtopian, or pretty close to it. Progressive and hardcore with very few taboos. Looks like we have a WINNER here (either that or a major CHEAT)!

**Major cheat...also, someone who realizes that the 'correct answer' is "I agree" - he's quizzing for enlightenment and free-thinking and is actually looking for people who agree with everything s/he says...sheep.

Can you say "Sex cult in the making" - I knew that you could :D
Watch it Bish. Leslie & I have exclusive rights to being sheep. It says so up there ^^^
Almost forgot. The fact that s/he links to Numerology and Scientology in the top-bar of the test kinda gives away how much of a wing-nut the head of this web-site is. :rofl:
Gonz said:
Watch it Bish. Leslie & I have exclusive rights to being sheep. It says so up there ^^^

Maybe we can both be sheep and Leslie can dress up like "Little Bo Peep" - I'll bring a camera...We'll have a grand old time.
MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 03 (0-4): borderline Enlightened. Purgatory; the countercultural realm. The more interesting Atheists, Libertarians, Transhumanists, and Modern Satanists dwell here, together with other freethinking and politically incorrect types. Congratulations, you're just a couple candles short of Enlightenment! Keep honing those clearly present rational, taboo-smashing instincts, and one day you too might become an Enlightened Transtopian Master

Hmmmmm! Interesting... it killed a few minutes switching between work and wading through that little lot... wonder who/what organisation runs that site?
ClaireBear said:
MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 03 (0-4): borderline Enlightened. Purgatory; the countercultural realm. The more interesting Atheists, Libertarians, Transhumanists, and Modern Satanists dwell here, together with other freethinking and politically incorrect types. Congratulations, you're just a couple candles short of Enlightenment! Keep honing those clearly present rational, taboo-smashing instincts, and one day you too might become an Enlightened Transtopian Master

Hmmmmm! Interesting... it killed a few minutes switching between work and wading through that little lot... wonder who/what organisation runs that site?

Some sort of quasi-cult calling themselves "Transtopians" -
Central to Transtopianism is the view that we should seek to void all limits on our freedom, including those imposed by the "laws" of nature -- a concept known as "arch-anarchy" [T.O. Morrow, 1990]. This state of absolute personal freedom is to be achieved by rational means like science and technology, not by wishful thinking or superstition. Transtopianism may include some "speculative", or even what one might call "religious" or "cultish" elements, but these are all placed within a solid framework of common sense, where they belong. Transtopianism is designed to be the ultimate rational "rebellion" against anything and everything that stands in the way of personal growth and empowerment. Unlike most supposedly similarly-oriented philosophies (LaVeyan Satanism, Objectivism, and Nihilism, for example), it recognizes that in order to realize this ideal we must leave the flesh and most of its evolved habits behind. We must evolve beyond them by literally becoming one with our technologies, guided by our rational desire to become like our finest imaginary gods: eternal, omniscient, omnipotent. That is the true significance of gods; they are the embodiment of man's deepest aspirations and desires, which, until recently, were doomed to remain just that. Fortunately, the times they are a-changing...

Basically...get as far ahead and have as much fun as possible regardless of the laws of nature, man and government. They also espouse cryonics, 'mind uploading' (uploading your brian into that of a computer to expand your life), childlessness (no kids to hold you down), nanotechnology and all such technical things to turn humans into god-like beings.

Bollocks! The lot of it.
MEMETIC SHOCK LEVEL 03 (0-4): borderline Enlightened. Purgatory; the countercultural realm. The more interesting Atheists, Libertarians, Transhumanists, and Modern Satanists dwell here, together with other freethinking and politically incorrect types. Congratulations, you're just a couple candles short of Enlightenment! Keep honing those clearly present rational, taboo-smashing instincts, and one day you too might become an Enlightened Transtopian Master.
Well, presumably not, but it's still a somewhat hefty read, especially if you suffer from ADD/ADH

That must be me, 'cause I answered the first three questions, and then decided this was too much for a Monday morning :D