The Fit is go!

I saw a Honda Fit today. Motherfucker didn't even have a chance. We were both doing like 30, then I punched it and left him in the dust at 75.

It's really quite amusing accelerating in my car. I punch it, you can feel the big V8 revving up, then the weight transfers to the drive wheels as the car leans back, then the speed increases.

So then I'm going 75 and he seems unable to break 60. There's a red light, so I stop. There's a big hill ahead of us, but I thought I would be able to beat him up it. But he looked at me and got scared and turned.

Sorry, your weak ass little Fit just got smacked around by my Olds 307. That's right, you paid $10,000 for some bitch little car with half as many cylinders as a real car.
Altron said:
I saw a Honda Fit today. Motherfucker didn't even have a chance. We were both doing like 30, then I punched it and left him in the dust at 75.

It's really quite amusing accelerating in my car. I punch it, you can feel the big V8 revving up, then the weight transfers to the drive wheels as the car leans back, then the speed increases.

So then I'm going 75 and he seems unable to break 60. There's a red light, so I stop. There's a big hill ahead of us, but I thought I would be able to beat him up it. But he looked at me and got scared and turned.

Sorry, your weak ass little Fit just got smacked around by my Olds 307. That's right, you paid $10,000 for some bitch little car with half as many cylinders as a real car.

I should point out that a 1985 Chevy Caprice, which is the Chevy version of your car, had a 0-60 time of 17 seconds with the 305 V8, and has a top speed of 115 miles an hour. Yours has the 307, but I doubt it makes much more than the 150 horsepower the 305 makes... and wagons are generally heavier than sedans.

Meanwhile, the May 2006 Car and Driver has the Fit listed at 8.7 seconds 0-60 and 114 mph top speed... but it's $15,000. Good luck finding anything new worth driving for $10K these days.
Inkara1 said:
I should point out that a 1985 Chevy Caprice, which is the Chevy version of your car, had a 0-60 time of 17 seconds with the 305 V8, and has a top speed of 115 miles an hour. Yours has the 307, but I doubt it makes much more than the 150 horsepower the 305 makes... and wagons are generally heavier than sedans.

Meanwhile, the May 2006 Car and Driver has the Fit listed at 8.7 seconds 0-60 and 114 mph top speed... but it's $15,000. Good luck finding anything new worth driving for $10K these days.

Yeah, note how my car is faster, and 10% of the price.

Apparantly it also takes good luck finding anything worth driving for $15k these days...
Didn't I already agree with you about growth hormones?

You remind me of my dad's dad. A lot. You don't happen to live in Seattle, do you?

He once gave me a thirty minute lecture on the harmful effects of growth hormones in fast food.
Inkara1 said:
I should point out that a 1985 Chevy Caprice, which is the Chevy version of your car, had a 0-60 time of 17 seconds with the 305 V8, and has a top speed of 115 miles an hour. Yours has the 307, but I doubt it makes much more than the 150 horsepower the 305 makes... and wagons are generally heavier than sedans.

Meanwhile, the May 2006 Car and Driver has the Fit listed at 8.7 seconds 0-60 and 114 mph top speed... but it's $15,000. Good luck finding anything new worth driving for $10K these days.
I do like the 305 I've got.
I had a truck with a 307, and it was cool and all, but then I got a 327. ;)
I blew away some nice cars with 350s, with that truck w/327.:beardbng:

As long as you keep good oil in the 307, it's been my experience that its
one of the hardest more to blow-up from tacking that I've seen though.
I,ve seen some awesome rpms come from um.
you stomped down on your v-8 and beat a you realize while maybe you out accelerated him, you realize that in those few seconds you used more gas than he uses all week.

and I fit in a CR-V fine, and I am 6'2"
I ate McD's a lot as a kid and I'm 5'10" when I stand up straight. Exact same height as all my Mom's brothers.
The guy in the fit probably didn't want to push the engine too far because is a new car.
fit is a light car, with 109 HP, while torgue is light, my guess is from a standing start he can outrun you altron, and top speed is probably higher too, where you might get him is from the 30 -60 range
The eldest of my 2 younger brothers had a mini.... he almost had to sit on the back to drive it, he's 6'10".
I blew away a Jetta the other day in my big van, and he was trying.
I was feeling cocky because I just filled up, when gas was 2.65.
I do need a tune up though. I can tell when it's time because I loose
10mpg when the wires, and rotor button start wearing.
I'm only 8 month over due for one.:D
But yeah, you gotta keep the foot out of the back two jets on a quadrajet, to
get the savings.:hippy:
Have you noticed how the world becomes a much bigger place, when you haven't got the money to pay for gas/petrol? And how you make excuses for not going out cos you have to walk or catch a bus?
And that you plan out better when you do drive. Send the kids for a walk to the store instead of driving around for bread and milk.
the world became a really bigger place for me, when I couldn't walk normally anymore.
I plan trips even walking out to the barn, and yard and stuff.:grinyes:

Me and my mom have been planning trip into town now for over 4 years.

I think many people that aren't used to living poor, are going to have to
figure it out, or they are really going to be hurting.

I can see a recession coming on, as plain as he nose on my face, and with the
other current troubles, if going to get tight.
Wow Cat

you are right aboot the recession

it tis just a cycle

and we are due

Hillary will benefit immensely
Speed isn't everything. Think of the passengers and cargo he (the guy in the Fit) isn't carrying, the boats he isn't towing, the girls he's not picking up.

"Oh baby, that's a nice ride."
"yeah, it's got a great little Jap four-banger"
"Sorry, I don't hit anything below 181 cubic inches"
Al ... if that were true, there wouldn't be thousands of Italian wannabees tooling around Montreal in Civic Sis with neon tubes dangling under them. The girls don't know any better either. All they know is which one's got the catchier commercial.

Zoom Zoom crash mangle bleed.
Altron said:
Speed isn't everything. Think of the passengers and cargo he (the guy in the Fit) isn't carrying, the boats he isn't towing, the girls he's not picking up.

"Oh baby, that's a nice ride."
"yeah, it's got a great little Jap four-banger"
"Sorry, I don't hit anything below 181 cubic inches"
First thing a girl wonders about is the size of a dude's... engine, yeah, that's it, engine...
Yeah, I see a guy in a honkin' great big car, I think one of the two following:
a) He's overcompensating
b) what a dick, he's driving his parents stationwagon