The Git-Bay slippery slope


Well-Known Member
We've all talked about the legality of the Guantanamo bay prisoners and their rights to lawyers, courts, trials etc... but precious little has been talked about this as a potentially viral prescendent.

I'll toss the ball out...let's see who comes up to bat.

The Bush administration asserts the right to hold and interrogate the men as long as necessary, without formal charges or the guarantee of a trial or access to a lawyer. The administration also asserts the men are not traditional prisoners of war, who would have guaranteed rights under the Geneva Convention

Now...the reason why these people are there is because they pose a serious threat to the United States and the world at large because of their involvement with terrorist groups or their supporting governments. Protect the nation by removing the combattants from play...permanently.

Now... in order to protect the nation from those that would overthrow the gvt, or plot terrorist acts on American soil, the president would be (by the writing on this writ) to remove anyone to Guantanamo Bay providing that s/he felt that this person posed an imminent threat to the USA.

There's no need for proof...because lawyers aren't involved, or courts for that matter. It'd be just a matter of someone dissapearing from American soil and reappearing on American soil...only this time, in Cuba.

Now....the slippery slope. What about members of political groups that go against the president? Might they not as easily be labeled political prisoners and shipped off? What about leaders of radical groups who aren't 'Christian enough', or 'American enough' ?

Isn't this one hell of a premise for black lists and dissapearances?
Yep, it is. The thought that my government is putting people away with no proof and no trial scares the hell out of me. Now, it can be argued that it is very difficult to prove that these people are truly terrorists, both from Afgan soil and US soil. I do believe the vast majority of them are from Afgan, which oddly enough makes me feel somewhat better, but you make a very good point here Bish, what is to stop Bush from claiming Kerry is a terrorist, and putting him there.
Well, it may not be. This is one of the worst election years I have faced. I don't approve of GW's holier than thou crap, but I sure don't want to see Kerry in there either. Nader is looking better by the day if only he wasn't such a fucktard.
Shame you don't have that big earred freakshow to vote for this year. Perron, or summat like that. Anyone with that much pocket cash, I'd vote for in a minute. Let someone who knows money handle recovering the economy for a while.
Ross Perot, and yeah, it is a shame. Not too late though, he may still have a showing....

Sad thing is, it's like throwing your vote away to vote anything besides Rep or Dem these days.
*ducks as that one zips overhead.*

Winter's been more or less done for weeks. I was supposed to spend last weekend pulling tires. Would have too, 'cept I spent it quivering in terror after seeing the wiring nightmare of the trailer.
Well, here in Missouri, Winter ends sometime in March most years. Doesn't start up again til November or so. Can you get it somewhere close to that?

Those islands for sale are looking better and better.
PuterTutor said:
Well, here in Missouri, Winter ends sometime in March most years. Doesn't start up again til November or so. Can you get it somewhere close to that?

Those islands for sale are looking better and better.

Nope unfortunately , winter ends in Feb. here and doesn't start until Dec., Maybe somewhere in the Central Canada may be closer to your needs
It's gotta be the fumes, Pt, but you're not making any sense to me. Think I'll go for a drive and clear my head.
Ah, I took it that he thought I should escape to the Great White North, that it was better than here. So it's even worse up there?

Luis, how are things down south, muchacho?
Well, from what I remember, Mexico is a great place to get some authentic tacos... but the politics and the police bribery stink.
doesnt this violate the Constitution? the Constitution has the 6th amendment:right to a fair and speedy trial and right to an attorney.

Am I the only one thinking McCarthyism is back?
Back to the threads premise.

It scares the living shit out of me. Government is too big. People in government have too much power over our daily lives. We've handed over our independence to the thought police so nobody has to be offended.

The Patriot Act, as well as the detainee's at Guantanamo are an unusual predicament. Theeir existance stand against everything I believe in yet due to circumstances they are appropriate. We are at war. (With terrorism & the countries that sponsor it) I looked through our past & saw that it's not unusual to give up large chunks of liberty during conflicts. They've been returned after the war was won. Usually by going about our business but ocassionally buy the courts.

If or when political opponents begin disappearing we won't need the UN (do we ever?) to assist our country. The people will end that shit in a hurry. It goes against the very grain of this country. Hating your neighbor is American. Kidnapping & killing that neighbor isn't.
since when do you fight the govt Gonz? you have been supporting virtually everything even the Patriot Act since Bush came in.