The Hannity Palin interview

People actually watch Hannity? That's bizarre.

Oops Palin was nixed from the Iran rally. I guess she alienated the Jews or something.

Palin nixed from Iran rally
Posted: 08:30 PM ET

From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

Palin is no longer attending an anti-Iran rally.

(CNN) — Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin has been uninvited from attending a rally against Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad next week in New York, one day after Hillary Clinton nixed her appearance at the event because the Alaska governor was slated to be there.
wow. let's add anti-semite to her roster. considering her families ties to ultraright wacko fringe groups, it wouldn't be surprising at all. yes, she must be. just like obama must be a muslim!
In case it comes up, here's what her local Rabbi has to say about her relationship with the Jewish community.

Alaska - Chabad Rabbi: Sarah Palin a Great Friend To The Jewish Community Sponsered By:published on: 08-31-08 at 09:34 AM

Alaska- In light of recent media reports attempting to connect Republican VP nominee Gov. Sarah Palin with controversial historian and Nazi sympathizer Pat Buchanan, VIN News has learned that the Alaska governor has demonstrated strong support for Alaska’s Jewish community. In particular, Gov. Palin signed a resolution in June of 2008 recognizing Israel’s 60th anniversary and the unique relationship between Alaska and the Jewish State, especially the fact that Alaska Airlines played a critical role in the rescue of 40,000 Yemenite Jews in 1948 and 1949.

Chabad of Anchorage’s Rabbi Yosef Greenberg had this to tell VIN News:

“Gov. Palin signed this resolution in the presence of Alaska’s Jewish community leaders. This bill was orchestrated by members of the Alaska Legislation and heavily supported by Speaker of the House, Representative John Harris…

Gov. Palin has established a great relationship with the Jewish community over the years and has attended several of our Jewish cultural gala events. Gov. Palin also had plans to visit Israel with members of the Jewish community, however, for technical reason, the visit has not occurred yet.

I was personally impressed by Gov. Palin’s remarks of hope and faith when she gave birth to a child with special needs. We all feel that the Governor is a remarkable, energetic, and good person.

Having said that I like to reiterate that As a Lubavitcher rabbi, I would like to note that we do not endorse any political candidate
I'minajihad sez "V for Victory---Allah be willing."

According to the Washington Post, Palin’s “dis”-invite was due to the “controversy” of her participation in the event which was “distracting from the goals of protest”.

Senator Hillary Clinton had earlier pulled out of the event because Palin would be attending, which seemed to us to be the start of the “controversy”, instead of Palin’s attendance. Clinton’s staff cited the lame excuse that the event was “becoming too politicized” rather than telling the truth, that Clinton put partisan politics over a protest against one the world’s most dangerous leaders, Ahmadinejad of Iran.

In light of the recent announcement by the Federal government, of indictments being handed down that allegedly prove Iran has been behind the deadly roadside bombs that continue to kill or maim our American troops, you’d think Clinton could put partisan politics aside, and attend the protest.

As for the event sponsored by a coalition of American Jewish Organizations, to dis-invite Palin because Clinton pulled a pout and pulled out is rather disengenuous. The group’s action of disinviting Palin and blaming the “controversy” on her instead of Clinton seems rather “cut off your nose to spite your face”.

Ahmadinejad’s violent hatred towards Israel and his vow to destory it should be enough to put partisan politics aside and not the time to mollycoddle Hillary Clinton’s “sensibilities” at having to attend the “same” event as Sarah Palin.
I think that Hillary did the right thing in stepping aside from this protest. If both she and Pallin had gone, it would've turned into a media circus with all the focus being on the former Pres nominee vs. the current vp nominee.
The Rabbi in alaska is part of Chabab lubovitch, and does not represent all jews.

just saying.

That goes without saying; but what Rabbi knows her best and her feelings about Jews through personal dealings. will believe the guy who lives in her town over the speculative rantings of some hack 10,000 miles away.
Actually there's nothing indicating that this Rabbi knows her very well at all or that his opinions represent the views of any Jewish people other than himself.