The Hannity Palin interview

Oops Palin was nixed from the Iran rally. I guess she alienated the Jews or something.

Seems like it was the "or something" part:

News has emerged that the organizers of that anti-Iran rally that famously got snarled up in Senator Hillary Clinton's ire at Governor Sarah Palin last week were threatened by New York Democrats with IRS action against their tax-exempt status if they allowed Palin to speak.
A Jewish organizational leader says the decision to disinvite Palin came after two days of conference calls by the planners, most of whom were angry that Palin had been invited and confirmed without the consultation of other organizers.

Hillary Clinton, who cancelled her scheduled appearance at the event after learning of Palin's plans to attend, had been confirmed months earlier. But Palin's participation made the non-profit groups planning the event concerned they would lose their tax-exempt status, if only one party's presidential or vice presidential candiate was invited to speak.

"The IRS is very clear, Hillary Clinton does not equal Sarah Palin," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "You have to have equal representation of candidates."

The organizers reached out to the Obama campaign for the first time Wednesday morning, asking Joe Biden to speak to balance Palin, but in the end the decision was made to not allow political candidates at the event at all, the organizer said.

Organizers of the rally announced the decision today in a press release. “In order to keep the focus on Iranian threats and to ensure that this critical message not be obscured,” noted the release, “the organizers of the rally have decided not to have any American political personalities appear.”
Hmmm...doesn't say anywhere that the Democrats poked a stick into anyone's tire. Just that some members of the committee were ticked that the process of invitation was overstepped and that THEY feared losing their non-profit status.
So all politicians were disinvited, most prominently, Palin.
".....Hillary Clinton, who cancelled her scheduled appearance at the event after learning of Palin's plans to attend, had been confirmed months earlier........"

The pro-Israel rally was not a campaign stop nor a forum to engage in presidential politics. It was supposed to represent a show of unity against Iran and I'minajihad. :shrug:

The issue of "equal representation" of political parties was a ruse. The anonymous official was correct: Clinton doesn't equal Palin. Biden doesn't equal her either. For that matter, Obama doesn't, neither.
The Speech Palin Would've Given

Ahmadinejad may choose his words carefully, but underneath all of the rhetoric is an agenda that threatens all who seek a safer and freer world. We gather here today to highlight the Iranian dictator's intentions and to call for action to thwart him.

He must be stopped.

The world must awake to the threat this man poses to all of us. Ahmadinejad denies that the Holocaust ever took place. He dreams of being an agent in a "Final Solution" — the elimination of the Jewish people. He has called Israel a "stinking corpse" that is "on its way to annihilation." Such talk cannot be dismissed as the ravings of a madman — not when Iran just this summer tested long-range Shahab-3 missiles capable of striking Tel Aviv, not when the Iranian nuclear program is nearing completion, and not when Iran sponsors terrorists that threaten and kill innocent people around the world.
so now that this is dubunked as some wacky threat thing the democrats tried to pull, we get a giant bullshit load of flag waving and save the poor children from the bombs crap rhetoric about a guy that everybody already knows is flaming wacko?
The issue of "equal representation" of political parties was a ruse. The anonymous official was correct: Clinton doesn't equal Palin. Biden doesn't equal her either. For that matter, Obama doesn't, neither.

You're right. Palin is just some dumb bimbo.
so now that this is dubunked as some wacky threat thing the democrats tried to pull,

Has it been debunked?

""It's an absolute shame that this has happened," Hikind said. "To threaten organizations … to threaten the Conference of Presidents that if you don't withdraw the invitation to Gov. Palin we're going to look into your tax exempt status … that's McCarthyism.""

""I'm absolutely appalled at the behavior of the Democrats," said Bob Kunst of "I'm a Democrat and for the first time in my life I'm going to vote Republican. I can't take it anymore.""

Does the Fairness Doctrine or the Equal-Time Rule apply to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the sponsor of the anti-Iran rally?

we get a giant bullshit load of flag waving and save the poor children from the bombs crap rhetoric about a guy that everybody already knows is flaming wacko?

Everybody? I think Obama believes he just needs a talkin' to. :shrug:
I didn't interpret
.....if only one party's presidential or vice presidential candidate was invited to speak.
as "debunking".

It wasn't a political campaign stop, and the equal-time rule only applies to U.S. broadcast licensees, where they must provide an equivalent opportunity to any opposing political candidates who might request it. It doesn't have anything to do with an anti-Iran rally.

The dems threatened some IRS action if Palin wasn't uninvited, because although it wasn't intended as a partisan event, the dems turned it into one. They knew Hillary would pale by comparison to Palin, and they didn't want that to happen.
hmmm. seems to me from Bish's post that the organizers of the event made a pretty reasonable decision for themselves. but if you wanna cry wolf again about the big bag democrats (golly, i though they were just a buncha pussies), you go right ahead.
You're right. Palin is just some dumb bimbo.

Pretty damned funny how some dumbass (according to you guts) is President & some dumb bimbo just took the excitement outta the Obama campaign. Ya'll being so smart n'all, I'd expect a better performance.
Pretty damned funny how some dumbass (according to you guts) is President & some dumb bimbo just took the excitement outta the Obama campaign. Ya'll being so smart n'all, I'd expect a better performance.

I'm glad you find it funny that a dumbass is President. Half your party has even ceased to find it amusing anymore. He couldn't even attend his own party's convention for fear of his stink rubbing off.

And that bimbo has doomed McCain.

What performance were you referring to?
The dems threatened some IRS action if Palin wasn't uninvited, because although it wasn't intended as a partisan event, the dems turned it into one. They knew Hillary would pale by comparison to Palin, and they didn't want that to happen.

These dreams of yours are pretty hilarious.