The lamest or most succesful passes made by/at you in a bar


Well-Known Member
The pass - that one-liner, or combo that gets you a slap in the face :bitchslap or a free ticket to paradise :bgpile: .

Men use them...sometimes women use them.

What's your worst or best pass attempt (received or given) adn the result?

Worst - You must be an alien, because that ass is out of this world

Best - Bring a crossword into a bar (one which you've already done prior, but have a blank copy of now), and ask *insert target here* if they know an 8 letter word (make it something easy...s'he should kow the answer)...if they do, thank them and offer to buy them a drink as a thanks...then return to your table with your puzzle/pen and wait for curiosity to get you the cat. :) :anibang:
My belt said PRINCESS on it at a bar one night. This guy came up to me with the worst and the best line ever.

Worst~ Your belt says princess but you are an angel.

Best~ But I see those horns holding up your halo.

I let him buy me a drink after that. Too bad he turned out to be an asshole.
i'm not one for chatup lines but one of the few times i thought on my feet and got a result was when a mates sis brought a friend and they were giving goodbye kisses to we lads in the pub [nothing flash, just a quick peck].

her mate missed me out and i played disgruntled 'hey, i didn't get anything, now i'm hurt'. we were nearly kicked out of the pub not long after :D

clearly whatever i've said to women the rest of the time counts as my worst line ;)
What sort of freak brings a crossword into a bar? :D

The thing that's always worked best for me is "Hey, how ya doing?"

Worst one is sitting in the corner of the bar starting at all the hot chicks and not bothering to say hello to anyone.
Here's a novel idea. Strike up a conversation. Talk for a while. It doesn't take long, and you don't have to be too intelligent, to figure out if she's interested. Women and gay men have it easier, guys are always interested.:D

I saw one of the worst put-downs ever once though. Joe Disco walks up to this girl at the bar (I'm not really very sensitive but I could tell she was in a bad mood) and he says "Hello good looking, are you alone?" She turned around, started at his eyes, loked him all the way down to his feet and back up to his eyes very slowly, said "heh" and then turned around and picked her drink back up.
PrincessLissa said:
no but I think that you can fuck off.

MuFu said:
I always use "nice gash luv, fancy a good fisting?".

Funny enough, I scored once with <aussie accent> "G'day, would ya like to fuck." Blew my mind when she looked me up and down and said "Buy me a drink and I'll think about it." I'd just been hoping that she'd sidle sideways away from me and let me in to get a drink.

Hey, be nice. It was a crowded bar.
a friend of mine known for his cheekiness has used 'fancy a fuck' and got away with it couple of times. i guess the direct approach does work :D
"How about we go back to my place for some pizza and some sex....

whats the matter? don't like pizza?"

never used it though....just think its amusing. :D
I don't use chat up lines very often.
I always just get to be friends with girls and then sometimes something happens ;)

My friend did go up to a girl in a club once and came back to our group saying "I've burnt my bridges".
I asked "Why? What did you say?".
He said that he asked her "I really like your glasses? Where did you get them?".
The girl had replied "An opticians".
I imagine this is the point at which his bridges spontaneously combusted :D

Embarressly I've used "This is a really really bad chatup line, do you know any good ones cause I could really use some". Had a couple of drinks and a dance with the girl but she was seeing someone at the time (or so she said) so nothing really came of it.... ;)

The most amusing one I have heard is that you establish eye contact with some girl. You then beckon her to come over with your finger, you know the "come here" finger waggle thing. Eventually if she comes over you whisper to her "I just made you come with one finger, imagine what I could do with my whole hand!" : :laugh4:
ris said:
a friend of mine known for his cheekiness has used 'fancy a fuck' and got away with it couple of times. i guess the direct approach does work :D

hell my friend aris used to use hey wanna have sex with every girl he was hitting on. he never got slapped either.