the light in the sky

Venus seems to be the cuplrit, but you'd have to give me a location where you're at before I can make a better analysis.
OK....Mars and Venus are in the southers sky right around now...based on MInnesota, I'd say that you're looking at Venus. It's the brighter of the two and lower in the sky.

Jupiter will be in the Leo fairly high up. Probably not it...ditto for Saturn.

My bet's on Venus, which is described "as bright as an airplane" until the 25th of February....

Bish, Whats your proggy for getting this info? in... gimmie, gimmie :) ... or run me a solution for Atlanta @ 9pm tonight.
unclehobart said:
Bish, Whats your proggy for getting this info? in... gimmie, gimmie :) ... or run me a solution for Atlanta @ 9pm tonight.

My program's at home...but for the sake of this reading, I went to a web-site. I'll PM ya the link.