The nature of the beast

Please select the options that most closely matches your beliefs

  • I believe that gays should not have the same rights as everyone else, and that men evolved from apes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Please note. This doesn't mention gay marriage. This is simply "rights". There's another thread to discuss wether gay marriage is a right at all, etc.
You could go further and add "and I beleive in God" and "and I don't beleive in God". I believe in God AND that man evolved from apes.
What does God have to do with the posted statements? Please answer the question as stated, without reading other arguments into it. Thank you.
rrfield said:
oh, my bad, i didnt mean to setp on the almighty's poll. get over yourself.

Up your. My point is this is an experiment. If you fuck with the parameters of any experiment, you'll fuck the results. I want scientific results. Not religious propaganda. Believe it or not, you can actually believe that evolution doesn't hold all the answers without believing in the Christian God. Similarly, you can believe in the Christian, Hindu, Buddist, or any other God, without disbelieving in evolution. Similarly, you can believe that gays are entitled to rights, without thinking that they should be able to marry. But those are all arguments for other threads. Capish?
Professur said:
Up your. My point is this is an experiment. If you fuck with the parameters of any experiment, you'll fuck the results. I want scientific results. Not religious propaganda. Believe it or not, you can actually believe that evolution doesn't hold all the answers without believing in the Christian God. Similarly, you can believe in the Christian, Hindu, Buddist, or any other God, without disbelieving in evolution. Similarly, you can believe that gays are entitled to rights, without thinking that they should be able to marry. But those are all arguments for other threads. Capish?
The problem isn't the questions...its the pairing of two questions into specific answers. It's going to throw off your stats, and thus your results. The wording is almost right but leading.
Professur said:
Up your. My point is this is an experiment. If you fuck with the parameters of any experiment, you'll fuck the results. I want scientific results. Not religious propaganda. Believe it or not, you can actually believe that evolution doesn't hold all the answers without believing in the Christian God. Similarly, you can believe in the Christian, Hindu, Buddist, or any other God, without disbelieving in evolution. Similarly, you can believe that gays are entitled to rights, without thinking that they should be able to marry. But those are all arguments for other threads. Capish?

Whatever you say, Off Topic God! :worship:

Oh, and scientific results...from a web poll?
Professur said:
Actually, no, it isn't. You want it to be. The questions are quite specific.
What I'm saying is that its a bad practice and frowned upon, to try to link two seemingly unrelated questions by grouping the answers. If there were 2 possible answers for gays and two for evolution of man, plus the writeout (RTA), that'd give you a better methodology and better results.

As for leading...survey questions are very hard to write correctly, and surveyors have to be watched for leading as well. Phone surveys are a bitch to write...I've done it. Mailed surveys are easier, but not by a long shot.
I picked 'refuse to answer' because as I understand it, humans didn't evolve from apes...we evolved from a common ancestor. Semantics, but that's what I was on about.

I also think that everyone should have equal rights despite sexual orientation.

*BTW...placing your poll in the RW limits your sample-size*
MrBishop said:
What I'm saying is that its a bad practice and frowned upon, to try to link two seemingly unrelated questions by grouping the answers. If there were 2 possible answers for gays and two for evolution of man, plus the writeout (RTA), that'd give you a better methodology and better results.

As for leading...survey questions are very hard to write correctly, and surveyors have to be watched for leading as well. Phone surveys are a bitch to write...I've done it. Mailed surveys are easier, but not by a long shot.

*yawn* D'ya think maybe the year I spend taking crash courses in business might have taught me a thing or two? The questions aren't trying to link anything, dumbass. 2 possibilities, 4 options, and a refusal. Had there been three questions, there would have been 9 possibilities, and a refusal. Give the choice, I'd have posted 2 threads each with two possibilities, and a refusal, and then corralated the two. Y'know what? I didn't feel like the extra work.