The nature of the beast

Please select the options that most closely matches your beliefs

  • I believe that gays should not have the same rights as everyone else, and that men evolved from apes

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I think some men fucked apes, and that's were gays that have no rights came from. :lloyd:

edit: for spelling
I believe people should have the same rights, regardless of their sexual orientation and I believe that men ARE apes ;) Women evolved from higher beings...or should that be 'devolved'? And are striving to reach that point again.

I beg to differ my mighty little Dutchwoman,
all hoomans start out female. (eggies)
Some mutate (49%) into males?
Gato_Solo said:
By acting in that manner, you answered the poll without even knowing it. :p
The world may never know what the whole point of the poll was. I was curious as to where it might lead, but had issues with the methodology. Seemed like it would've given Prof two things:

a) erronious results
b) ammo for whatever point he was trying to make today or in the future.

I don't mind giving him ammo, but I'd rather that they not be duds or worst...false leads.
I argued with my neighbor, that doods with degrees
that were 'burger flippers' were so by choice
now I'm not so sure.

So what did the results co-ro-late into after all?
Correlate, correlate, correlate.

Okay, okay, I'm an anal, pedantic dweeb but it was driving me crazy.
As well it should.
The mis-use of one of the similar words could have been forgiven but corolate?!?
That's just someone speeling a werd with phonetics. Dang!
In the you kay, they arn't sposed to mark you off fer spelling errers in skool, or sew eyem toeld.
spcelly if they used a red pencil
it mighta wreeked dah self-esteem
of the pupa

“Little Johnny whut matters is that you trieded”

besides the teachers these daze can’t pass their own testes