The nature of the beast

Please select the options that most closely matches your beliefs

  • I believe that gays should not have the same rights as everyone else, and that men evolved from apes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Winky said:
and Prof is accused of being anal?
I got a bachelors degree in this stuff...might as well use it sometimes, eh? :D

Prof- three questions, 6 options and a refusal. What I'm saying is not the you're actually trying to form a link between the two...but you messed up in the options.

A -(Do you prefer Coke over Pepsi and have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour)
B- (Do you prefer Pepsi over Coke and have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour)
C - (Do you prefer Coke over Pepsi and have you NOT accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour)
D - (Do you prefer Pepsi over Coke and have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour)

as opposed to

A - I prefer Coke over Pepsi
B - I prefer Pepsi over Coke
C - I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour
D - I have not accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour
D'ya mind if I ask what human rights and evolution have in common? One's biological and the other is social.
And how do you propose to corolate any usable data from that, Bish? The customer wants to know wether it's worth putting a coke or pepsi machine in the church hall. Answer that from your data?

Co-ro-late. Look it up.
MrBishop said:
D'ya mind if I ask what human rights and evolution have in common? One's biological and the other is social.

They're both in that empty space between your ears. They're opinions, you dumbfuck.
Professur said:
And how do you propose to corolate any usable data from that, Bish? The customer wants to know wether it's worth putting a coke or pepsi machine in the church hall. Answer that from your data?

Co-ro-late. Look it up.
:rofl: sorry...

Surveys consist of hundreds of questions...many of which are descriptive (age, gender, level of educations), opinions, comparison statements, gradients etc etc. None of the questions that you will find will combine answers into single options. Correlation is what you try to make happen/use as proof/etc... AFTER all the answers from all the people have been taken.

* as for your question. Take your rough data re: religion and using your sample size, extrapolate how much of the population in question surrounding the church in question are likely to go to church. Then take your Coke vs Pepsi results (60/40) and apply it to that data. That'll give you an idea of how much soft drink you'd sell.) kinda....
MrBishop said:
I picked 'refuse to answer' because as I understand it, humans didn't evolve from apes...we evolved from a common ancestor. Semantics, but that's what I was on about.

I also think that everyone should have equal rights despite sexual orientation.

*BTW...placing your poll in the RW limits your sample-size*
Ah buggerit, you bet me to it. 'Man' (Humans) didn't evolve from Apes. The Ape family and the Hominid family certainly share a common ancestor though! I too abstain from answering the poll.
Okay, who are all the idiots who think men evolved from apes? Men are apes.

Of course, this means you're going to misconstrue my answer (gays should have rights/men didn't evolve from apes), but in fact, the whole "descended from apes" business was started by the wife of an anglican bishop who was very much anti-evolution shortly after Darwin's book on natural selection was published.

Professur said:
Co-ro-late. Look it up.
Well, even if I hadn't understood what you meant, I still wouldn't be able to look it up, would I? :lol2:
Haven't figured it out yet, Prof? You can't put limits on this issue with this group. Too many agendas, too many people itching for a fight on it.

I got my ass kicked trying to point out a lack of facts in another case this week for the same reasons.
I feel alone in that I took 'most closely' to mean 'most closely' and answered accordingly. It didn't rub my fur the wrong way.
unclehobart said:
I feel alone in that I took 'most closely' to mean 'most closely' and answered accordingly. It didn't rub my fur the wrong way.
HomeLAN said:
As did I. But I think we might be the exceptions.
I would argue that evolved from apes isn't even close, but maybe I'm just an anal jackanape. :lloyd:

Edit: Note that I did vote the choice I most agreed with though. Do I get points for that? Didn't think so... :mope:
I put down "refuse to answer". I answered before I read the responses, and, to be blunt, I kinda figured that the responses received would be along these lines. Those who don't answer had a choice of a few options, including refusing to answer, and, instead of picking that, proceeded to pick apart Prof's poll, trying to deduce what the poll is about. By acting in that manner, you answered the poll without even knowing it. :p
Gato_Solo said:
By acting in that manner, you answered the poll without even knowing it. :p
I actually got that part, Gato. ;) I'd be surprised if these aren't exactly the sort responses Prof expected. I know I wasn't surprised. :lol:
chcr said:
I actually got that part, Gato. ;) I'd be surprised if these aren't exactly the sort responses Prof expected. I know I wasn't surprised. :lol:

On another site, I made the 'mistake' of saying that choices made are black and white, regardless of influence, and got pilloried for it. I.E. You can't force someone to buy something through advertising that they don't already want, and that the bad decisions are made because they are rationalizing the consequences of their actions. Same thing here... :lloyd:
Well, I'm of the opinion that everybody rationalizes their actions, but will freely admit that it could just be everyone I've ever met or heard of. ;)
chcr said:
Well, I'm of the opinion that everybody rationalizes their actions, but will freely admit that it could just be everyone I've ever met or heard of. ;)

That depends mainly upon the outcome of that decision. If it turns out to be the correct choice, then it's "I knew I was right", and they'll reap their reward. If it was the wrong choice, its usually because "I didn't have the right information", or "Somebody made me do it".
Gato_Solo said:
That depends mainly upon the outcome of that decision. If it turns out to be the correct choice, then it's "I knew I was right", and they'll reap their reward. If it was the wrong choice, its usually because "I didn't have the right information", or "Somebody made me do it".

Was thinking about something the other day where does Hanuman the Hindu and Buddhist Monkey God stand in all of this?

Hey I'm a Monkey and a God.
