The physics of winter

Shit, Camelyn! That sounds like a helluva way to start the day. :eek: Chicago bans parking from 3am to 7am on a number of streets that are designated snow routes. Does Montreal have anything like this?
Camelyn said:
Last night I made the mistake of parking on Sherbrooke street, one of the main streets in Montreal, instead of on the side street. Then it snowed. Then they actually (!) plowed both the street and the sidewalk. This morning, with 6 or so inches of snow on top, and all the plowing, I walked right by my car twice...

I dug the back door free with my hands to get the kids in. Cleared snow in order to be able to close the door again. Dug the front door free to get window scraper/broom. Cleared off trunk to get out shovel, Spent 20 minutes shoveling snow that was window high to get my car out...all told, 30min....

I was pooped before the day even started. I almost went back upstairs to get the camera for a pic.
Which is why I live in the south now. :)
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Chicago bans parking from 3am to 7am on a number of streets that are designated snow routes. Does Montreal have anything like this?

Montreal is bass-ackwards. Parking is prohibited on certain days at certain times from March 1st to Dec 1st....for street cleaning of all things. No resctrictions in winter, but that is probably because parking is scarce enough as it is. Most of the older buldings don't have indoor or outdoor parking available, like my building.
As for snow removal, after a snowfall, they randomly stick an orange paper sign-on-a-stick in a snowbank on one side of the street or the other (again randomly) that tells you not to park on that side of the street between such and such an hour (usually 7am-7 pm or 7 pm -7 am). 'Course they sometimes do this at 2 am when you're asleep, and sometimes the little signs get buried, stolen, or just blow away...
Before the plows passes a tow-truck will drive slowly up and down the streets blaring this unmistakable horn/siren thing, to tell you to move your car. If you don't, they'll tow it somewhere, and you get to play the fun game of "where the fuck did they tow my car to?"

It's a very sophisticated system, really :p
Ms Ann Thrope said:

that "system" must make life interesting for those sleeping off a drunk and looking for their car in the morning :D

And if they can't even remember how they got home, who drove them, or if they left the car at the club and took a taxi....

Oh the humour :)
Yeah here in Minnesooocold we have those damn snow emergency routes which means if you park in them during a snow emergency (2 inches or more of snow) you get towed but no siren/horn to tell ya they just do it. Thank god I don't have a car anymore!
drkavnger99 said:
Yeah here in Minnesooocold we have those damn snow emergency routes which means if you park in them during a snow emergency (2 inches or more of snow) you get towed but no siren/horn to tell ya they just do it. Thank god I don't have a car anymore!

how is it possible for Minnesota to consider 2 inches of snow an emergency? you guys get feet of it every year up in the BWCA....
Gah! The irony! Just as I click on this thread, the tow-truck siren/horn thingie goes off outside my bedroom window.

BRB, car-check....

K, my car is fine, but the there is a truck parked in the tow-zone, covered in snow, looking like it hasn't been moved in a while.

The tow-truck is about yay big:


And the truck is about yay big with a lone driver:


This should provide some amusement. I think I'll pop my head outside my bedroom window and watch :D
Sharky said:
I have the antidote for cabin fever. . .
My dad used to have a condo down there. It has the nicest Wal-Mart I've ever seen. Its just that even Destin is a wee bit chilly this time of year. I would rather be down below Ft Meyers.
Ah, those pics brought back happy memories.. As a kid one of my favorite winter activities was jumping off the neighbours roof into the snow. Until the time I got stuck, and my friends dad had to pull me out.

I love snow. I might change my mind if I ever get a car. ;)
unclehobart said:
My dad used to have a condo down there. It has the nicest Wal-Mart I've ever seen. Its just that even Destin is a wee bit chilly this time of year. I would rather be down below Ft Meyers.

The Destin Wal-Mart is unique. They have that whole section devoted to beach toys, airbrushed t-shirts and auto tags, and the aisles and aisles of cheesy tourist souvenirs that are fun to wander through. It's kinda half Alvin's Island and half Wal-Mart. :cool:

Absolutely Ft. Myers/Sanibel Island to thaw out. The temps along this part of the Gulf Coast only run about 10 degrees higher than the Atlanta area in the winter. It doesn't get comfortably warm until you are south of Sarasota/St. Petersburg.

Haha - that map - I nicked it from a Destin tourism website. You would think they'd show a way to get to Destin from Atlanta. :lloyd: