The protesters are supporting this


molṑn labé
Staff member
Leading title. You bet your ass. If France & Germany & Russia have been supplying weapons since the Gulf War & they oppose action now that in turn means they support this:

WITH THE FIFTH MARINES, Iraq, April 8 (UPI) -- U.S. Marines rolled into northeastern suburbs of Baghdad Tuesday where thousands of cheering Iraqis yelled, "America, America, America," and "Bush, Bush, Bush." The Marines, led by Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, entered the area after fording a tributary of the Tigris River. Iraqis held up children, waved white flags and showed no hostile intent. The sincerity of their emotions was unquestionable. The crescendo of welcome increased as an Iraqi woman led the Marines to a children's prison where than more than 160 youngsters were freed.

Lieutenant Colonel Fred Padilla told an AFP correspondent traveling with the Marines 5th Regiment. 'Hundreds of kids were swarming us and kissing us,' Padilla said. 'There were parents running up, so happy to have their kids back. The children had been imprisoned because they had not joined the youth branch of the Baath Party.

It's gotten to the point that if you're against this war you ARE insane. Oil, Haliburton, daddy, whatever the reasons, it's a damned good thing now.


Interesting, the Yahoo link edited out the reason these kids were in prison...hmmmm
Cluster bombs are legal to use & we're using them sparingly & in appropriate places.
All the casualties in this war are the fault of Saddam Hussein. He is the one who sent his thugs to invade Kuwait, raping and looting that country. He is the one who has refused to honor the cease fire that was negotiated when we kicked him out of Kuwait. He is the one who refused to step down when we gave him 48 hours to leave the country. He has had plenty of chances to avoid this war, but he refused at every turn. He bears the full blame for it.
Gonz said:
It's gotten to the point that if you're against this war you ARE insane.

im still sane gonz.

Ardsgaine said:
All the casualties in this war are the fault of Saddam Hussein

i dont only blame him i also blame his army and bush for going to war as well.
freak, you're missing the big picture. these people have lived under a mini-holocaust. they had no resources in which to revolt. we did the right thing by going to war, no question.
Gonz, you'd be cheering on a war against Canada though. And you could find all sorts of evidence to support it too :D

Its time for a career change. You need to work for a political party or the media :D You could be the next Rush.
Nah, I like Canada, except for the cold. Mexico maybe :D

I've been overly adamant about this because of the bumper sticker opposition. I've shown reasons & rebuttals because it's the right thing to do, on several fronts. The more we get into it, the better it looks & the reasons become more clear & yet some still can't see what is right before their eyes.

Rush is yesterdays news, if you want a true nutcase, listen to Michael Savage.
Ardsgaine said:
Okay... but you're wrong.

and im wrong how?? war kills people. thats why im against it. thats why i blame all who are involved. not saying that i dont support our troops i do and i feel they are doing the right thing by getting rid of sadam im just against war in general.
Nobody likes war. Sometimes you have to make a stand. What is better, war:stopping madmen like saddam, & hitler or peace:allowing these kind of people free rein?

Sometimes you have to make the tough choice.
Never heard of him. Maybe I'll have to see what he has to say. Rush always does a pretty good job though. He can be pretty persuasive at times. I'm sure he's got a good pro-war propagana campaign of his own going.

Well, you could always present your case before congress or something.

Honorary five star general Gonz will be speaking before congress today live on CSPAN, imploring congress to consider the merits of invading Mexico :D

Better not let Luis find out about this one Gonz. He might not wanna be liberated ;)
getting rid of the madman will lead to peace but id rather not use violence to acheive said goal.
The people that die in this action died for a reason, that reason being so that no more sons would be sent to prison for not joining the youth military, so that no more daughters or wives would be taken away and raped, so that no more fathers would be brutally and publicly executed. So yes, war causes death, but it can also save lives too.
freako104 said:
getting rid of the madman will lead to peace but id rather not use violence to acheive said goal.

Unfortunately, there isn't always another option Freako, can you think of one? I can tell you right now, telling him to step down would have never worked.